“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Here is a list of misc bugs, and suggestions,
1. The menu that pops up when you right click the icon does not auto-detect new folders added to the Documents Directory (the same is true for the list on the right hand side of the menu).
2. For the next release, can you make the installer have a tree-view of all the apps, and allow you to de-select them for install
3. The four arrows courser at the top of the menu(where you can drag the menu from)is a bit annoying, can you add an option to keep the normal courser there instead of that one
4. The options menu should include the things you can change in the ini file such as the starting location, and fading
5. It would also be nice if the documents, videos, music, etc folders would open on the left hand menu where the apps are now instead of in a new window (perhaps you could use tabs to switch back and forth)
6. Making the window re-sizable would be VERY nice
I'm sorry if I seem hypercritical, you really do have a good thing going here
have you a final version for apps menu after beta 4 ?
i would like use the beta 4 for my 500 students and french package (openoffice, clamwin, firefox, 7zip, vlc, thunderbird, keypass, sumatra, audacity, gimp)
it's possible ?
no problem to use ?
thanks for big work elephant work
Professeur d'éducation Technologique développant une expérience de dématérialisation de classeur élève sur clé usb visite sur
The 1.1 release (final) will be posted in the next week or two. There will be one more beta (Beta 5) that adds a few more must-have features and bug fixes. Then the 1.1 Final release will be posted and this will be officially supported and have a planned-out, supported upgrade path to later versions of the Platform.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That's why you should always backup everything before updating.
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Well, we thank you for it.
Hopefully, John'll set it up with themes stored in Data, instead of DefaultData.
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
The stuff within the App directory is always fair game for any app. The mentioning of themes in the 1.0.2 Beta releases ALWAYS said it was just a preview and not the final way themes were going to be done. While you can, at the moment, change the theme by editing or replacing the included one, it will be overwritten in later releases. The official way themes will work will involve them being in the data directory.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Okay... first post in quite a while, but I've searched and searched and searched and am hoping that I'm not entirely clueless as to where to post this.
I just formated my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4g and installed the 1.1 Beta4 and love what I see. Now while it's cute, the smiley face pic isn't really my cup of tea, so I was going to change it to the same pic I have on most of my forums. I opened the 68²px .gif and resized the image from to 48² and saved it as a .jpg to 'import' into the menu.... however I get a generic 'Portable Apps Menu' error reading "JPEG error #53".
Have I lost my mind? If this thread needs to be moved, feel free.... I'm just throughly confused. I doubt very seriously that I'm the ONLY one with this problem...
Original pic -
Edited pic -
If a moderator that sees this post could delete it, it be great. For whatever reason, it posted it slap-dab in the middle of the thread, so I reposted at the end.
The usable height on my screen is 454px, so I would need a way to adjust the height of the menu to fit. I tried various settings, but it seems there is a hard-coded minimum (too large for me).
The first line from above I can see on the right (standard settings) is "Music", and I'm missing the first two entries from the left part.
As with most modern software, the Menu requires a minimum screen resolution of 800x600. There will be a workaround you can do in a later official release, though (not the current 1.1 Betas, but the next big release after that).
Incidentally, what screen could you possibly be using that has lower than VGA resolution? My Windows XP installs won't even let me pick a resolution as low as VGA (640x480) let alone one lower... which makes sense since Windows 2000 was the last version of Windows to support VGA resolutions (XP and Vista require 800x600 minimum, which is why that's what most software works with as a minimum).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
You are right, this is a peculiarity. When I set the resolution to a higher value windows will accept it - and silently return to 640x480 with no error message. So a workaround will be sufficient, thanks.
The 454px height is the result of 480 minus taskbar.
Manfred Staudinger
geek.Menu is a PAM compatible clone that will allow you to define how many buttons you want to display on the menu, which will let you shrink it down a bit. See this thread.
I'm not sure, but quite possibly the SmithTech or xrxca menu offer similar adjustments.
Apps are completely unrelated to the menu. However, your theme will be replaced.
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Icons and Programs with the New Portable Apps Suite Beta 1.0.4
As a developer, I do spend a considerable bit of time developing pertinent icons for the programs that I use / create. The menu uses the 16x16 pixel icons only, and does not give an option to use either 32x32 or 48x48 pixel icons. Could this be added? Also, if multiple executables exist in a folder, can the ini file store which exe file is to be displayed and which should be hidden?
Scott Thomson, a.k.a. RPG Man
The only things in life we regret are the risks we didn't take.
The ability to hide apps is coming soon. Now that I think of it, it probably uses the Start entries in the AppInfo.ini
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
the english locale file (they are in /L:/PortableApps/PortableAppsMenu/App/Locale/), then you'll see that they have a "&" before some letters.
Those are the letters that are shortcuts.
So just open the spanish lang file and put a "&" before the letter you want to be a "Keyboard Accelerator" and restart the menu.
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Are you sure that works? The ampersand (&) is what makes the letter following it have an underline under it. Does the program scan for this character and programmically make that character the hotkey as in the hotkey to do FunctionX is Shift + w because I put an ampersand in front of the "w" on one of the menu options? What happens if you accidentally put an ampersand in front of two "w"s on two different menu options?
Point being is, I believe the hotkeys/shortcut keys are hard coded.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
the & because I just tested a couple other joke/test locales with the & before a letter and they work.
Computer Jokes! If There Were Computers in 1776...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
It works for me. I did it with the Italian locale.
Also, if 2 are the same, the first one will be opened. Also, I think it's Alt-Accel
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Hi John, I just thought I'd say that I really love your PortableApps Menu. I live in Australia and I've been using your Standard Edition suite since Australian PC User put the program on their August edition cover DVD and since I've read the article about PortableApps in that same magazine. Since then, I've tried Beta 4 and definitely think it is much better than the 1.0 release! I am looking forward to an official release soon!!
I only have one problem; my mum uses WebShots to change the picture on the desktop. I haven't tried the Wallpaper swapper yet as I am afraid of using it and the original picture not be put back up. Is it OK to use the wallpaper swapper when WebShots is running?
Thanks again for a wonderful program. Unfortunately, since we're not on broadband (we still use the old 56K modem), I can't download large files, nor downloade updates. We are going to get broadband eventually, but not sure when and when we do, I will be checking for updates more regularly!! I am truely a PortableApps fan!
My most-used folders on my flash drive are custom-named ones containing my website files and several other folders. It would be great if there was a way to easily modify the menu so that the user could choose their own links (i.e., instead of "documents," "music," etc.- which are things that I NEVER use.)
Perhaps there could be an option under the "options" menu called "configure folders" or something.
It would also rock if you could stick links to your favorite websites onto the menu-
Perhaps not as needful since most people use FireFox Portable (I LOVE IT,) but it still might be convenient. I'm not sure if it's worth sacrificing the space for a "Links" menu or not, though...
I love the idea of a user picture. I hope that idea makes it.
If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord." and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:
It will be done when it's done. We don't give specific dates, cause otherwise we can't meet them. For example, John said either a week or 2 weeks ago that a whole bucket load of apps would be coming the next week, but we haven't seen them yet
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Concerning the wallpaper switcher. Would it be possible to have PAM reconize the screen resolution of the host computer and then load a .bmp of the correct size. Like if you named the wallpaper portableapps_wallpaper_1440x900.bmp or portableapps_wallpaper_800x600.bmp.
I think the website address for WebShots is The program that you download is Webshots Desktop. I really hope someone can see about the Wallpaper Swapper and WebShots situation, I'm just not going to try and do anything with it until I know it is safe to use with WebShots.
Bye the way, just so you all know, I am probably on the Internet at least once a week, so I'm really sorry if I don't respond straight away. I'll check whenever I'm on though!!
I realize this version is beta and doesn't include the theme implementations, which is why I am currently sticking with the MOD version.
However, upon working on my theme, an idea came to me. Why not eliminate the "Explorer" button altogether and have the "Drive Label" provide the link instead? In other words, clicking the drive label would take the place of the Explorer button's action.
In regards to themes, would it be possible for you to separate the "Drive Label" into "Drive Name" and "Drive Letter"? This will allow (themers) the option of placing the labels separately within the menu.
I noticed that the swappable wallpaper image is stretched if not the full size of the desktop. Thought maybe a feature in the INI file maybe to pick how you want it displayed wouldn't be to hard - Centered, Stretched, Tiled. No big issues we can just make the images matted or however you want it.
EDIT: Also, I would like to see a feature where you can set the name for the program that displays in the menu. Example: AudioGrabber has a blank name feild so the description shows up.
Hi John
The Hebrew translation to the menu I have made is long ready and I would like it to be included if it's possible, Please let me know if there are any changes I have to make In order for it to be included
Just want to extend my thanks to all the devs that are working hard to give us a free and very powerful yet still stable PortableApps...
Thanks for a Great Job!
But Sirs, can I request somethings???
1. I use an external HD and have 2 partitions in it. Can we redirect the Docs, Music, Videos and other folders to the next partition or wherever we would like?
2. Is there a possibility that an app will be included that could place a password prior to mounting the drive but does not need to have admin rights? I know this is still a weak security feature but is usefule already for me...
Good day, I am trying to "install a new app" on my HD and it does not show up in the menu selection after the install. I used: Firefox_Portable_2.0.0.8_en-us.paf.exe
Seems to me I should be able to set the files up on a USB or HD to make it work - Is my assumption incorrect? Is there a way I could use my HD if I am incorrect?
One more - I have been using "no install" apps for years. Is there a way I can add these to the menu either by converting the .exe's to a paf.exe or by some other means? (I have no idea how to convert to a paf.exe - is this info available as a tutorial or a program?)
Thanks all - I really look forward to use the menu system !!
My guess is you installed Firefox Portable somewhere other than the location it chooses. You'll be able to install to alternate locations in a later release (though it won't work with the App Data backup).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks for your very quick reply sir! I was trying ot edit as I just found the solution on your site and it is exactly like you said. I did include a suggestion being able to organize the apps into folders - here is my edit anyways
"You just need to place their executables (exe files) in a directory "next to" the PortableAppsMenu directory."
I had them in another directory outside the one I should have.
Another problem I had is you can only have one level of folders. I wanted to have all my media apps in one folder, utilities in another etc. I understand menus are being collaborated on... Maybe an option to use the named folders under one custom folder and have apps in another folder that does not need folder organization could be a solution.
Maybe we could start a new thread of portable "no-install" apps people use with their respective links to download. If anyone is interested - here are some of mine with my menu folder structure under \PortableApps:
Folders are coming in the next big release. I just wanted to ensure they were done the right way with the new PAF support being built in without writing to app directories or anything like that.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Okay... first post in quite a while, but I've searched and searched and searched and am hoping that I'm not entirely clueless as to where to post this.
I just formated my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4g and installed the 1.1 Beta4 and love what I see. Now while it's cute, the smiley face pic isn't really my cup of tea, so I was going to change it to the same pic I have on most of my forums. I opened the 68²px .gif and resized the image from to 48² and saved it as a .jpg to 'import' into the menu.... however I get a generic 'Portable Apps Menu' error reading "JPEG error #53".
Have I lost my mind? If this thread needs to be moved, feel free.... I'm just throughly confused. I doubt very seriously that I'm the ONLY one with this problem...
Origional pic -
Edited pic -
I don't know if it was reported before, but if somebody did it, please excuse me.
I just downloaded Platform 1.1 Beta 4. The problem is that it's not displaying well the text that should appear when placing the mouse over the tray icons. The menu is displayed on top of text.
Seriously, just take a screenshot of the PAM, and cut it down with GIMP so you have a piece that looks like the upper part of the frame.
Unfortunately, in this beta, it still has a square border around it.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
StartPosition=auto, follow Taskbar/SysTray and Auto-hide aware..
Hello John, hello all!
First I'd like to let You all know how much I appreciate all the work and effort You put into this extremely useful project: Thank You!
I have now used the Platform 1.1 Beta 4 for more than a month, without any major problems, more or less. Nevertheless I quickly seemed to have spotted a minor "glitch" in the workings of the PortableApps Menu, and which I don't remember having seen anyone to have mentioned yet.
Launching the Menu, using the default configuration (i.e. StartPosition being unset/empty) will bring up the Menu at the lower right of the screen (above the SysTray in the Taskbar). This can be changed with one of the StartPosition configuration options 'UpperRight', 'UpperLeft', 'LowerLeft' and 'Center' (in addition to 'LowerRight' - the default).
I'm using in an environment were I access/support different remote Windows machines via VNC. Most of these, by default, have the Taskbar at the bottom of their screens and thus I try to place the Taskbar on my own machines at one of the three other sides (i.e. at the top, left or right). Once in a while I need to access one of my own machines too, remotely via VNC, and therefore place the Taskbar along different sides on different machines, to make it more intuitive which Taskbar belongs to what machine.
Now, this is were the "glitch" manifested itself. Since the portable device moves between these my machines, with the Taskbar along different sides depending on the machine, the existing configuration options, IMHO, seem to lack one useful option.
Would it be possible to add e.g. an 'auto' option that automagically detects along which side the Taskbar resides and bring up the Menu next to the SysTray of it? I.e. at the UpperRight, LowerLeft or LowerRigth, depending of the location of the Taskbar (I'm not aware of if it also is possible to relocate the SysTray in the Taskbar too, or not).
Another thing I have noticed is that the Menu doesn't seem to adhere/adjust to whether Taskbar auto-hiding is set to on/off.
On any computer I use the menu on its slow! As soon as the menu opens, my mouse seems to not react like it should. I have had other forks like perform better than this in the way of speed. Otherwise no complaints.
I've just installed the 1.1 beta 4 and saw that there ain't a hungarian translation, so I made one.
Create a file:
And then copy&paste the code below:
ICON_BACKUP=Biztonsági m&entés
MENU_BACKUP=Fájlok biztonsági mentése
MENU_RESTORE=Viszaállítás biztonsági mentésből
MENU_OPTIONS_ADD_APP=Új program telepítése
MENU_OPTIONS_REMOVE_APP=Program eltávolítása
MENU_OPTIONS_REFRESH_ICONS=Programikonok frissítése
MENU_OPTIONS_GET_APPS=További programok keresése...
MENU_SEARCH_DRIVE=Keresés ezen a meghajtón
MENU_SEARCH_COMPUTER=Keresés ezen a számítógépen
MENU_SEARCH_WEB=Keresés az Interneten
Without admin rights I get the message : Could Not write to F:\PortableApps\PAM\Data\PAM.inf
The settings file opens an error message in an infanate loop when saving on a library computer.
This might be my drive but please verify
1. Backup drive. (if not you will lose all data)
2. open a command prompt
3. format /FS:FAT32
4. convert /FS:NTFS /NoSecurity
5. Restore content of drive.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Actually your 80GB pocket HD can be in FAT32. My internal HD is a 120GB HD using FAT32. It was NTFS, but I had to change it back to FAT32 so I could remove Windows Server 2008 without losing any files.
Good job, John. I've just tried this beta in my device and I liked it more than the former version.
This is my wishlist for next versions:
1.- The available space in the device (p.e: 2.45GB free of 4GB) isn't localizated (p.e-Spanish-: 2.45GB libres de 4GB). I know it's the smallest detail
2.- Customize the apps (files .exe) you DON'T want to be displayed in the menu. Useful for apps with several program files in the main folder.
3.- Customize the displayed name of the apps in the menu. Useful for portable apps from others groups, like Framekey (the displayed name of these apps is "version français") or winPenPack (the displayed name of these apps is "winPenPack").
4.- Customize the REAL name of the "Documents" folder and subfolders in the device and make them suitable for the menu.
Suggestion for 2, 3 and 4: New lines in PortableAppsMenu.ini file, p.e:
PortableApps\CDCheck\X-CDCheck.exe=CDCheck Portable
Love the portable Apps stuff, but the installer has an annoying habit of replacing me heavily modded autorun.inf. ISn't there a way when installing you can just do something like regex and not over write the entire thing, things like
other options, context menu items, and label. Thanks...
i am much awaiting the new beta to come out but im also wondering if there will be new applications that will also come out, along with the beta. any news about that?
La versión 1.1 Beta 4 funciona sin ningún problema, además de contar con atajos en el menú principal presionando las teclas con subrayado.
Se puede cambiar de idiomas fácilmente en el submenú de Opciones, soporta nuevos Temas e Iconos, e inclusive te da la posibilidad de incluir tu imagen en la parte superior derecha del menú PA.
Falta esperar a que salga el nuevo Instalador PA en otros idiomas.
The wallpaper swapper fails to swap the wallpaper when a JPEG is the current one. I have to hit "refresh" sevral times before I get the change detected.
hmmmmmm. its pretty cool, i like the personal picture thing and the dragability, however i miss the little thing where when it opened it would fade in and when it minimized it would fade out. oh where oh where has it gone?
I installed the 1.1 beta 4 and the next time I plugged in my drive, eTrust freaked out on the autorun.inf. I reverted to 1.0 and the problem went away.
thanks simeon
english isn´t my mother tongue, i always had a problem with it (but with german too *lol*)
||Hell was full, so I came back!!! ||
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
have you a IM number (icq, msn)whatever? can send it to me (webmaster(at)blog.kain-planet(dot)de)
||Hell was full, so I came back!!! ||
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Here is a list of misc bugs, and suggestions,
1. The menu that pops up when you right click the icon does not auto-detect new folders added to the Documents Directory (the same is true for the list on the right hand side of the menu).
2. For the next release, can you make the installer have a tree-view of all the apps, and allow you to de-select them for install
3. The four arrows courser at the top of the menu(where you can drag the menu from)is a bit annoying, can you add an option to keep the normal courser there instead of that one
4. The options menu should include the things you can change in the ini file such as the starting location, and fading
5. It would also be nice if the documents, videos, music, etc folders would open on the left hand menu where the apps are now instead of in a new window (perhaps you could use tabs to switch back and forth)
6. Making the window re-sizable would be VERY nice
I'm sorry if I seem hypercritical, you really do have a good thing going here
have you a final version for apps menu after beta 4 ?
i would like use the beta 4 for my 500 students and french package (openoffice, clamwin, firefox, 7zip, vlc, thunderbird, keypass, sumatra, audacity, gimp)
it's possible ?
no problem to use ?
thanks for big work elephant work
Professeur d'éducation Technologique développant une expérience de dématérialisation de classeur élève sur clé usb visite sur
Collège Emmanuel de Martonne France
The 1.1 release (final) will be posted in the next week or two. There will be one more beta (Beta 5) that adds a few more must-have features and bug fixes. Then the 1.1 Final release will be posted and this will be officially supported and have a planned-out, supported upgrade path to later versions of the Platform.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I will have patience a little
thank you very much
Collège Emmanuel de Martonne France
One problem. I had a custom theme in my theme directory and the install overwrote it.
That's why you should always backup everything before updating.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I agree. I just thought that the point of beta testing was to report problems so they could be fixed, so I reported the problem.
Well, we thank you for it.
Hopefully, John'll set it up with themes stored in Data, instead of DefaultData.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
The stuff within the App directory is always fair game for any app. The mentioning of themes in the 1.0.2 Beta releases ALWAYS said it was just a preview and not the final way themes were going to be done. While you can, at the moment, change the theme by editing or replacing the included one, it will be overwritten in later releases. The official way themes will work will involve them being in the data directory.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Okay... first post in quite a while, but I've searched and searched and searched and am hoping that I'm not entirely clueless as to where to post this.
I just formated my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4g and installed the 1.1 Beta4 and love what I see. Now while it's cute, the smiley face pic isn't really my cup of tea, so I was going to change it to the same pic I have on most of my forums. I opened the 68²px .gif and resized the image from to 48² and saved it as a .jpg to 'import' into the menu.... however I get a generic 'Portable Apps Menu' error reading "JPEG error #53".
Have I lost my mind? If this thread needs to be moved, feel free.... I'm just throughly confused. I doubt very seriously that I'm the ONLY one with this problem...
Original pic -
Edited pic -
If a moderator that sees this post could delete it, it be great. For whatever reason, it posted it slap-dab in the middle of the thread, so I reposted at the end.
American by birth.
Christian by choice.
The usable height on my screen is 454px, so I would need a way to adjust the height of the menu to fit. I tried various settings, but it seems there is a hard-coded minimum (too large for me).
The first line from above I can see on the right (standard settings) is "Music", and I'm missing the first two entries from the left part.
Regards, Manfred Staudinger
As with most modern software, the Menu requires a minimum screen resolution of 800x600. There will be a workaround you can do in a later official release, though (not the current 1.1 Betas, but the next big release after that).
Incidentally, what screen could you possibly be using that has lower than VGA resolution? My Windows XP installs won't even let me pick a resolution as low as VGA (640x480) let alone one lower... which makes sense since Windows 2000 was the last version of Windows to support VGA resolutions (XP and Vista require 800x600 minimum, which is why that's what most software works with as a minimum).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
MSt may just have a 'high' taskbar, I have seen people use half of their screen like this, though 454 pixels does seem a very strange height.
You are right, this is a peculiarity. When I set the resolution to a higher value windows will accept it - and silently return to 640x480 with no error message. So a workaround will be sufficient, thanks.
The 454px height is the result of 480 minus taskbar.
Manfred Staudinger
geek.Menu is a PAM compatible clone that will allow you to define how many buttons you want to display on the menu, which will let you shrink it down a bit. See this thread.
I'm not sure, but quite possibly the SmithTech or xrxca menu offer similar adjustments.
when installing this beta, will it leave your current theme in place? how bout apps?
No and yes.
Apps are completely unrelated to the menu. However, your theme will be replaced.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
ill just do the usual delete and swap.
my homepage
As a developer, I do spend a considerable bit of time developing pertinent icons for the programs that I use / create. The menu uses the 16x16 pixel icons only, and does not give an option to use either 32x32 or 48x48 pixel icons. Could this be added? Also, if multiple executables exist in a folder, can the ini file store which exe file is to be displayed and which should be hidden?
Scott Thomson, a.k.a. RPG Man
The only things in life we regret are the risks we didn't take.
The ability to hide apps is coming soon. Now that I think of it, it probably uses the Start entries in the AppInfo.ini
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I've changed the language to "Español" and now none of the "Keyboard Accelerators" will work (except Videos).
the english locale file (they are in /L:/PortableApps/PortableAppsMenu/App/Locale/), then you'll see that they have a "&" before some letters.
Those are the letters that are shortcuts.
So just open the spanish lang file and put a "&" before the letter you want to be a "Keyboard Accelerator" and restart the menu.
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Are you sure that works? The ampersand (&) is what makes the letter following it have an underline under it. Does the program scan for this character and programmically make that character the hotkey as in the hotkey to do FunctionX is Shift + w because I put an ampersand in front of the "w" on one of the menu options? What happens if you accidentally put an ampersand in front of two "w"s on two different menu options?
Point being is, I believe the hotkeys/shortcut keys are hard coded.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
the & because I just tested a couple other joke/test locales with the & before a letter and they work.
Computer Jokes!
If There Were Computers in 1776...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
It works for me. I did it with the Italian locale.
Also, if 2 are the same, the first one will be opened. Also, I think it's Alt-Accel
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
It works for me, too. I did it with the Norwegian locale.
Vennlig hilsen
Sigurd Hasle
Well, with regards to the auto-updater, this might be a good resource.
I'd be willing to write the backend code in Delphi and the INI stuff if you:
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Hi John, I just thought I'd say that I really love your PortableApps Menu. I live in Australia and I've been using your Standard Edition suite since Australian PC User put the program on their August edition cover DVD and since I've read the article about PortableApps in that same magazine. Since then, I've tried Beta 4 and definitely think it is much better than the 1.0 release! I am looking forward to an official release soon!!
I only have one problem; my mum uses WebShots to change the picture on the desktop. I haven't tried the Wallpaper swapper yet as I am afraid of using it and the original picture not be put back up. Is it OK to use the wallpaper swapper when WebShots is running?
Thanks again for a wonderful program. Unfortunately, since we're not on broadband (we still use the old 56K modem), I can't download large files, nor downloade updates. We are going to get broadband eventually, but not sure when and when we do, I will be checking for updates more regularly!! I am truely a PortableApps fan!
Bradley Eaton
Bradley Eaton
I should really start buying APC again.
Can we please have a link to WebShots? We can't help you if we don't know what it is
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
My most-used folders on my flash drive are custom-named ones containing my website files and several other folders. It would be great if there was a way to easily modify the menu so that the user could choose their own links (i.e., instead of "documents," "music," etc.- which are things that I NEVER use.)
Perhaps there could be an option under the "options" menu called "configure folders" or something.
It would also rock if you could stick links to your favorite websites onto the menu-
Perhaps not as needful since most people use FireFox Portable (I LOVE IT,) but it still might be convenient. I'm not sure if it's worth sacrificing the space for a "Links" menu or not, though...
I love the idea of a user picture. I hope that idea makes it.
If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord." and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:
That's set up for the next release. User folders will be configurable... but only on the next release.
And the idea for a links menu (or whatever you want too call it) is nice. I don't know if it will get to be on the menu, but it would be nice.
The Blogger of Portimão or O Blogger de Portimão. Free your mind...
Blue is everything.
I am just wondering if the next beta version is coming out soon. I read somewhere here that it would be coming out really soon. Any news?
It will be done when it's done. We don't give specific dates, cause otherwise we can't meet them. For example, John said either a week or 2 weeks ago that a whole bucket load of apps would be coming the next week, but we haven't seen them yet
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
You can always grab
Concerning the wallpaper switcher. Would it be possible to have PAM reconize the screen resolution of the host computer and then load a .bmp of the correct size. Like if you named the wallpaper portableapps_wallpaper_1440x900.bmp or portableapps_wallpaper_800x600.bmp.
Please remove the links from your signature. You may set a homepage in your profile instead.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I think the website address for WebShots is The program that you download is Webshots Desktop. I really hope someone can see about the Wallpaper Swapper and WebShots situation, I'm just not going to try and do anything with it until I know it is safe to use with WebShots.
Bye the way, just so you all know, I am probably on the Internet at least once a week, so I'm really sorry if I don't respond straight away. I'll check whenever I'm on though!!
Bradley Eaton
Hit the reply button underneath a comment rather than clicking the add comment button. Also, make sure you log in before doing that.
I'll take a look now for you.Just looks like an ordinary web service for storing photos, so you should be fine."If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I realize this version is beta and doesn't include the theme implementations, which is why I am currently sticking with the MOD version.
However, upon working on my theme, an idea came to me. Why not eliminate the "Explorer" button altogether and have the "Drive Label" provide the link instead? In other words, clicking the drive label would take the place of the Explorer button's action.
In regards to themes, would it be possible for you to separate the "Drive Label" into "Drive Name" and "Drive Letter"? This will allow (themers) the option of placing the labels separately within the menu.
i have a dream the beta 5 is ok
what's news, please
Collège Emmanuel de Martonne France
do please in following version: in main window thematic sections >thank you
I noticed that the swappable wallpaper image is stretched if not the full size of the desktop. Thought maybe a feature in the INI file maybe to pick how you want it displayed wouldn't be to hard - Centered, Stretched, Tiled. No big issues we can just make the images matted or however you want it.
EDIT: Also, I would like to see a feature where you can set the name for the program that displays in the menu. Example: AudioGrabber has a blank name feild so the description shows up.
Hi John
The Hebrew translation to the menu I have made is long ready and I would like it to be included if it's possible, Please let me know if there are any changes I have to make In order for it to be included
Kind Regards
Just want to extend my thanks to all the devs that are working hard to give us a free and very powerful yet still stable PortableApps...
Thanks for a Great Job!
But Sirs, can I request somethings???
1. I use an external HD and have 2 partitions in it. Can we redirect the Docs, Music, Videos and other folders to the next partition or wherever we would like?
2. Is there a possibility that an app will be included that could place a password prior to mounting the drive but does not need to have admin rights? I know this is still a weak security feature but is usefule already for me...
Again thanks a million!
Good day, I am trying to "install a new app" on my HD and it does not show up in the menu selection after the install. I used: Firefox_Portable_2.0.0.8_en-us.paf.exe
Seems to me I should be able to set the files up on a USB or HD to make it work - Is my assumption incorrect? Is there a way I could use my HD if I am incorrect?
One more - I have been using "no install" apps for years. Is there a way I can add these to the menu either by converting the .exe's to a paf.exe or by some other means? (I have no idea how to convert to a paf.exe - is this info available as a tutorial or a program?)
Thanks all - I really look forward to use the menu system !!
You know how they say location is everything? Well, any app you install within the PortableApps folder will automatically show up in the menu. See here:
My guess is you installed Firefox Portable somewhere other than the location it chooses. You'll be able to install to alternate locations in a later release (though it won't work with the App Data backup).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Good day John,
Thanks for your very quick reply sir! I was trying ot edit as I just found the solution on your site and it is exactly like you said. I did include a suggestion being able to organize the apps into folders - here is my edit anyways
thanks again!
Above in the thread is my question I had. I missed the link last night to the solution on the main page and I just found the solution @
"You just need to place their executables (exe files) in a directory "next to" the PortableAppsMenu directory."
I had them in another directory outside the one I should have.
Another problem I had is you can only have one level of folders. I wanted to have all my media apps in one folder, utilities in another etc. I understand menus are being collaborated on... Maybe an option to use the named folders under one custom folder and have apps in another folder that does not need folder organization could be a solution.
Maybe we could start a new thread of portable "no-install" apps people use with their respective links to download. If anyone is interested - here are some of mine with my menu folder structure under \PortableApps:
CamStudio 2.5 beta
Clipboard Recorder Portable
Firefox - 2.008 Portable
Font Navigator
My Apps
WinSnap - ws110_private
MyApps folder has single exe files such as:
Media Player Classic - mplayerc.exe
No install Conversion program.exe
Foxit Reader.exe
hope this helps somebody
Folders are coming in the next big release. I just wanted to ensure they were done the right way with the new PAF support being built in without writing to app directories or anything like that.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I look forward to continue to test out the new releases
Thanks also for your great work John!
Okay... first post in quite a while, but I've searched and searched and searched and am hoping that I'm not entirely clueless as to where to post this.
I just formated my Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4g and installed the 1.1 Beta4 and love what I see. Now while it's cute, the smiley face pic isn't really my cup of tea, so I was going to change it to the same pic I have on most of my forums. I opened the 68²px .gif and resized the image from to 48² and saved it as a .jpg to 'import' into the menu.... however I get a generic 'Portable Apps Menu' error reading "JPEG error #53".
Have I lost my mind? If this thread needs to be moved, feel free.... I'm just throughly confused. I doubt very seriously that I'm the ONLY one with this problem...
Origional pic -
Edited pic -
American by birth.
Christian by choice.
Your "edited pic" loads fine for me.
I don't know if it was reported before, but if somebody did it, please excuse me.
I just downloaded Platform 1.1 Beta 4. The problem is that it's not displaying well the text that should appear when placing the mouse over the tray icons. The menu is displayed on top of text.
See here:
The text is displayed well if the window is moved. See here:
One more thing... What can I do to have no picture on upper right corner?
Seriously, just take a screenshot of the PAM, and cut it down with GIMP so you have a piece that looks like the upper part of the frame.
Unfortunately, in this beta, it still has a square border around it.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Hello John, hello all!
First I'd like to let You all know how much I appreciate all the work and effort You put into this extremely useful project: Thank You!
I have now used the Platform 1.1 Beta 4 for more than a month, without any major problems, more or less. Nevertheless I quickly seemed to have spotted a minor "glitch" in the workings of the PortableApps Menu, and which I don't remember having seen anyone to have mentioned yet.
Launching the Menu, using the default configuration (i.e. StartPosition being unset/empty) will bring up the Menu at the lower right of the screen (above the SysTray in the Taskbar). This can be changed with one of the StartPosition configuration options 'UpperRight', 'UpperLeft', 'LowerLeft' and 'Center' (in addition to 'LowerRight' - the default).
I'm using in an environment were I access/support different remote Windows machines via VNC. Most of these, by default, have the Taskbar at the bottom of their screens and thus I try to place the Taskbar on my own machines at one of the three other sides (i.e. at the top, left or right). Once in a while I need to access one of my own machines too, remotely via VNC, and therefore place the Taskbar along different sides on different machines, to make it more intuitive which Taskbar belongs to what machine.
Now, this is were the "glitch" manifested itself. Since the portable device moves between these my machines, with the Taskbar along different sides depending on the machine, the existing configuration options, IMHO, seem to lack one useful option.
Would it be possible to add e.g. an 'auto' option that automagically detects along which side the Taskbar resides and bring up the Menu next to the SysTray of it? I.e. at the UpperRight, LowerLeft or LowerRigth, depending of the location of the Taskbar (I'm not aware of if it also is possible to relocate the SysTray in the Taskbar too, or not).
Another thing I have noticed is that the Menu doesn't seem to adhere/adjust to whether Taskbar auto-hiding is set to on/off.
Thank You for Your time.
On any computer I use the menu on its slow! As soon as the menu opens, my mouse seems to not react like it should. I have had other forks like perform better than this in the way of speed. Otherwise no complaints.
Portable apps pwnage
I've just installed the 1.1 beta 4 and saw that there ain't a hungarian translation, so I made one.
Create a file:
And then copy&paste the code below:
Without admin rights I get the message : Could Not write to F:\PortableApps\PAM\Data\PAM.inf
The settings file opens an error message in an infanate loop when saving on a library computer.
This might be my drive but please verify
Portable apps pwnage
Is your drive formated with NTFS? I'm running without admin privs and it works.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
I'll check when I get home :). Im on a library computer XD.
Portable apps pwnage
I'd try this:
1. Backup drive. (if not you will lose all data)
2. open a command prompt
3. format /FS:FAT32
4. convert /FS:NTFS /NoSecurity
5. Restore content of drive.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
I haven't been on in a LONG while... The drive is NTFS as it is a 80GB pocket HD so it can't be in FAT32 of FAT or FAT16
Portable apps pwnage
Actually your 80GB pocket HD can be in FAT32. My internal HD is a 120GB HD using FAT32. It was NTFS, but I had to change it back to FAT32 so I could remove Windows Server 2008 without losing any files.
Good job, John. I've just tried this beta in my device and I liked it more than the former version.
This is my wishlist for next versions:
1.- The available space in the device (p.e: 2.45GB free of 4GB) isn't localizated (p.e-Spanish-: 2.45GB libres de 4GB). I know it's the smallest detail
2.- Customize the apps (files .exe) you DON'T want to be displayed in the menu. Useful for apps with several program files in the main folder.
3.- Customize the displayed name of the apps in the menu. Useful for portable apps from others groups, like Framekey (the displayed name of these apps is "version français") or winPenPack (the displayed name of these apps is "winPenPack").
4.- Customize the REAL name of the "Documents" folder and subfolders in the device and make them suitable for the menu.
Suggestion for 2, 3 and 4: New lines in PortableAppsMenu.ini file, p.e:
PortableApps\CDCheck\X-CDCheck.exe=CDCheck Portable
I love U2
I hate U3
~Fran G.~
I'm guessing for 2 and 3, he's going to be writing to the AppInfo.ini
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Hungarian locale file:
MENU_BACKUP=Filek archiválása
MENU_RESTORE=Visszaállítás archivumból
MENU_OPTIONS_ADD_APP=Alkalmazás hozzzáadása
MENU_OPTIONS_REMOVE_APP=Alkalmazás viszavonása
MENU_OPTIONS_GET_APPS=További Programok...
MENU_SEARCH_DRIVE=Keresés ezen a meghajtón
MENU_SEARCH_COMPUTER=Keresés a számítógépen
MENU_SEARCH_WEB=Keresés a Weben
I don't see the previous Hungarian languige file
I used this terminology because on some place can not e see all the lettesr in the starmenu, see the picture:
But nothing is perfect!
Can I have the code for PortableAppsMenu.ini? I deleted it because I thought it was from the old version.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
and it should be back.
But do a backup of the menu folder in case you screw something
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
This is the content of the ini file:
The wallpaper on the thumb drive becomes default if the pc is turned off before the menu is.
thats right.
John (or another mod) should add that to the known issues!
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Love the portable Apps stuff, but the installer has an annoying habit of replacing me heavily modded autorun.inf. ISn't there a way when installing you can just do something like regex and not over write the entire thing, things like
other options, context menu items, and label. Thanks...
...Or at the very least keeping a copy of it.
Of course, if you have backups ... but nah, who'd have backups?
Read the to-do's in the post.
You'll see that's listed under known issues at the top of this topic and will be fixed in the next release.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
i am much awaiting the new beta to come out but im also wondering if there will be new applications that will also come out, along with the beta. any news about that?
yea i think i read something bout it yesterday well updates of the older apps will come out the same time (if my memory servers me right)
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
I'd like two corrections and some changes to the Norwegian locale:
«Gjen-» in «Gjenopprett» needs only one n, but «Inn-» in «Innstillinger» needs two!
MENU_OPTIONS_GET_APPS=Få flere programmer
Vennlig hilsen
Sigurd Hasle
Hi, I changed a czech translation, some mistakes were there.
Here is it:
La versión 1.1 Beta 4 funciona sin ningún problema, además de contar con atajos en el menú principal presionando las teclas con subrayado.
Se puede cambiar de idiomas fácilmente en el submenú de Opciones, soporta nuevos Temas e Iconos, e inclusive te da la posibilidad de incluir tu imagen en la parte superior derecha del menú PA.
Falta esperar a que salga el nuevo Instalador PA en otros idiomas.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face
The wallpaper swapper fails to swap the wallpaper when a JPEG is the current one. I have to hit "refresh" sevral times before I get the change detected.
Portable apps pwnage
hmmmmmm. its pretty cool, i like the personal picture thing and the dragability, however i miss the little thing where when it opened it would fade in and when it minimized it would fade out. oh where oh where has it gone?
what's news to beta 5 and more ?
thanks for work
Collège Emmanuel de Martonne France
just wait with the rest of us
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
a very good idea
i'm a insuportable teacher
Collège Emmanuel de Martonne France
No, Patience is the other Patrick. (see "Have Some Patience")
I installed the 1.1 beta 4 and the next time I plugged in my drive, eTrust freaked out on the autorun.inf. I reverted to 1.0 and the problem went away.