Here is Filezilla fully portable with only one self extracting exe file. The app was made with thinstall and will work on any computer.
[Link to illegal software removed by moderator JTH. Thinstall is a proprietary, closed source application and it can not legally be used to package GPLed software like FileZilla. Nearly all 'thinstalled' portable software floating around the net is illegal. I also removed your double post of this item. Double-posting links to illegal software is not a good way to start in a new community.]
John was all over it as I posted...
And not only that, WTH's the point of making a FileZilla Portable???
ask John...;)
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I understand Johns reasoning completely. But the fact that this guy decided to make YET ANOTHER portable version when we have a completely PAFified portable version here.