How do I make Portable Apps automatically start on a FLASH drive where I have a secure True Crypt volume? When True Crypt mounts the volume Portable Apps does not start.
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If you familiar with batch files, try the following commands:
I'm using PStart in a similar way. It works.
Where do I place this batch file? Where and how do I reference it so it starts automatically upon insertion?
Examine the TrueCrypt Traveller setup, and the autorun.inf file belongs to it. You can specify other commands as well, like a batch (or a simple NSIS script) to do the job.
Here's a part of a script I wrote that can be compiled using AutoIt that should do it slightly more reliably than the previously mentioned bat file. Here's what it does...
Upon being launched, it brings up a window for you to enter your truecrypt password in. Once you hit enter it unlocks your volume, launches pstart or portableapps, then waits until you close pstart/portable apps. Then it closes all program that you brought up from the time you put in your portable drive, and dismounts your truecrypt drive. Hope someone finds this helpful!
What do I do with this script? Do I place the text into my autorun.inf file? If so why did it not work? My work computer did nothing when the flash drive was inserted.
"a script I wrote that can be compiled using AutoIt"
You will need AutoIt (use Google) to compile the script. The output will be an executable file.
Thanks for going through the trouble to do this for me.
I have looked for something like this and never found something i liked, this has real potential.
I tried to compile the script in AutoIt and i am getting some compile errors when i try.
The first one it has a problem with is line 1. It doesn't like the
when i comment that line out, it throws an error here:
Z:\My Documents\Scripts\PortableApps.au3 (12) : ==> Unknown function name.:
$drives = _ArrayToString($drives,"",1)
$drives = ^ ERROR
I would love to get this working. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Lococobra, Thanks very much for posting this script for AutoIT3. I've been looking to learn AutoIT for sometime and this has given me the start I needed. I now have ASuite, the apps and my data within a TrueCrypt volume just about working.
I would be very grateful if you would give some indication why you chose those sleep times.
Thanks, RogerL
Oops! apperantly portableapps forums doesn't parse out "<>" when it's in context... it thought that I was trying to make an html tag. What it should have been was:
It's up to you to escape HTML entities, like < and > with < and >
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Now i am getting another error.
when i try and run the program, i get an AutoIt error right after i am prompted for the password.
Line 27
$TCPID = Run($drive&$TrueCryptExe&" /v "&$volumefile&" /l "&$FDL&' /p "'&$password&'" /q')
Error: Unable to execute the external program.
Am i missing something. I changed the name of the file to match my TrueCrypt file to match what i am using, but that is all that i have changed.
Did you use the fully qualified path for your truecrypt exe?
If that doesn't work. Stick this in before that line...
You should be able to diagnose your problem based on that..
thanks for the script, but i can't compile this script because an error
ERROR: AutoItSetOption() called with illegal argument 1: "OnExitFunc"
: : gasketto : :