I was thinking about TypeFaster, because it's one thing I need to learn to do properly, so I contacted the author last week.
Hi Patrick,
The settings are all self contained - except for stuff like uninstalling, which just says where the program is installed (which I think goes into the registry). The code is GPL'ed, so you are free to use it in any way that is in accordance with that, so it sounds like making it a PortableApp is fine. If you have a website, it might be nice of you to link to http://www.typefastertypingtutor.com
I do plan on making some improvements to the program in due course.
I don't think I have any icons apart from the ones that come with the program, but feel free to make a bigger one, and then maybe send it to me.
So I'll probally make it in the PortableApps.com Format whenever I get a chance.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
be so cool as that is one thing I need to learn too.
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
The basic icon is a "T", piece of cake to enlarge, but the on I like is under "TypeFaster\pictures\typefaster_icon.png", I just thought it would be nice to have that one larger for a splash screen, as it's a clever logo. I've asked John is TypeFaster could be hosted here, he hasn't gotten back to me, but If not I'll host it , and I've still got my awesome splash too.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I'll check it out when i get home and test it out on the XP VM i have set up thru VirtualBox. i'll make the icon too.
I don't believe in signatures
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
You could have done one too. I just do the graphic design stuff for fun. If people find it useful, thats great, if not, thats ok too.
I don't believe in signatures
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
Looks great. Need a bigger one though, and maybe reduce the thickness of the stroke around the T. Patrick will probably need it at least 128x128 px for it to turn out decent in the splash screen.
I don't believe in signatures
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
cool beans. it's better than what i could have done. i really liked your sun in the background. can you post the .psd somewhere? i try to make all of my stuff 256x256. it's easier for others to make it smaller than it is for them to make it bigger w/o losing quality.
I don't believe in signatures
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
thanks. the sun got kind of clipped when you enlarged it, part of the top and bottom are cut off.
I don't believe in signatures
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
256px is a good basis for any icon (Vista supports a new 256px icon... though there are hardly any vista users yet so it's a waste of space). It's best to do it in SVG if you can, though, as that can always be expanded if needed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks for the tip John.
_______________________________________________ pkeffect.com
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
I didn't realize how awkward a 91 would look. I was just going with the sixe of the FileZilla icon, it looks great though. The original author's going to like you as well.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
I'm slow on email at the moment. But yeah, it'll be hosted here. When you find a high-res icon, shoot it to me and I'll make a splash for you.
It looks like this will require swapping the settings in and out of the app directory. Though you could try it with setting it up for multiple users and see if it uses APPDATA and the redirect it by setting an environment variable.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I actually used this program for a couple of older salespeople at my dealership. They were forced to use a computer to start their deals. They used the program off and on for a week and were astounded how much it helped them.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
That's what happens when I decide to skim a section instead of actually reading...
Shame on me! I know better than that. Just out of practice, please forgive.
Cant wait to get it
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
kinda funny thing, Mini vMac (Mac on Stick) has a program pre installed called TeachType, it is like windows notepad but has nothing to do with teaching how to type.
in response, a good typing teacher is mario typing teacher,. it is old but it works. i dont know if you can find a download for it or if it is open source.
first one i learned to type on!! actualy i had Mario Teaches Typing 2. and it is no suprise that it is abandoned ware it came out at the time of the Nintendo Entertainment System! i loved it thogh.
I fell asleep last night, and I was working tonight, but I'll find and update and hopefully release a beta tonight. Edit: So I'm a liar. I fell asleep last night, and I'm practicing for the talent show tonight, and talent show Tomorrow tonight. Hopefully on the weekend.
I have everything done, but I'm still deciding on the settings, I wanna copy all the contents of the 'defaultuser' folder to the settings directory, but if I copy it I will have to delete the old copies, and renaming it much to ridiculous.
I e-mailed the author about adding in a switch to move the settings instead, so he should reply fairly quickly, and we'll see what he says.
Well, if you don't rename it, settings will be overwritten anyway, so if he won't write a switch, that's how it'll have to be ;). You could use the "addons preserve" function if there are settings that the program automatically creates.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
If it's for kids, there is "Tux Typing". It's not yet portable, but is open source.
There's "TypeFaster Typing Tutor", and several others as well, just google for "open source typing tutor win".
AFAIK none of the are truly portable yet though.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I was thinking about TypeFaster, because it's one thing I need to learn to do properly, so I contacted the author last week.
Hi Patrick,
The settings are all self contained - except for stuff like uninstalling, which just says where the program is installed (which I think goes into the registry). The code is GPL'ed, so you are free to use it in any way that is in accordance with that, so it sounds like making it a PortableApp is fine. If you have a website, it might be nice of you to link to http://www.typefastertypingtutor.com
I do plan on making some improvements to the program in due course.
I don't think I have any icons apart from the ones that come with the program, but feel free to make a bigger one, and then maybe send it to me.
So I'll probally make it in the PortableApps.com Format whenever I get a chance.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
be so cool as that is one thing I need to learn too.
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I will work on it then.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I can work on the high res icon some time this week.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I can do any graphic work needed as long as I have a rule set/specification outline to follow.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
The basic icon is a "T", piece of cake to enlarge, but the on I like is under "TypeFaster\pictures\typefaster_icon.png", I just thought it would be nice to have that one larger for a splash screen, as it's a clever logo. I've asked John is TypeFaster could be hosted here, he hasn't gotten back to me, but If not I'll host it , and I've still got my awesome splash too.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I'll check it out when i get home and test it out on the XP VM i have set up thru VirtualBox. i'll make the icon too.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Crawls back to his corner...
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
And stay there!
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
You could have done one too. I just do the graphic design stuff for fun. If people find it useful, thats great, if not, thats ok too.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
For what it's worth.
High Res PNG
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
Looks great. Need a bigger one though, and maybe reduce the thickness of the stroke around the T. Patrick will probably need it at least 128x128 px for it to turn out decent in the splash screen.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
He told me 91x91 ..... lol
Luckily i still have it open with all the layers intact. i'll take your advice and spruce it up.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
cool beans. it's better than what i could have done. i really liked your sun in the background. can you post the .psd somewhere? i try to make all of my stuff 256x256. it's easier for others to make it smaller than it is for them to make it bigger w/o losing quality.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
cool i guess i'll start doing everything around 256x256 also then.
I fixed it up some, just refresh the link above.
PSD File
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
thanks. the sun got kind of clipped when you enlarged it, part of the top and bottom are cut off.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Well in the original icon there where no flames above the T and it was slightly slanted.
Need to break out into the main reply. Getting short on space here.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
256px is a good basis for any icon (Vista supports a new 256px icon... though there are hardly any vista users yet so it's a waste of space). It's best to do it in SVG if you can, though, as that can always be expanded if needed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
So I made 2 Versions
Think I like the second one better...
Thanks for the tip John.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
I didn't realize how awkward a 91 would look. I was just going with the sixe of the FileZilla icon, it looks great though. The original author's going to like you as well.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I could have already been done
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I'm slow on email at the moment. But yeah, it'll be hosted here. When you find a high-res icon, shoot it to me and I'll make a splash for you.
It looks like this will require swapping the settings in and out of the app directory. Though you could try it with setting it up for multiple users and see if it uses APPDATA and the redirect it by setting an environment variable.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Didn't think about it using AppData for multiple users, if it does and the enviroment variable works that would be easier.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
I actually used this program for a couple of older salespeople at my dealership. They were forced to use a computer to start their deals. They used the program off and on for a week and were astounded how much it helped them.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
My site * My Blog
The Kazoo Spartan
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
Grabbed the Inkscape Portable. Something new to learn to use for graphics
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
TypeFaster Typing Tutor
Makes it an even easier project.
We already knew that,and I got confimation from the author.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
That's what happens when I decide to skim a section instead of actually reading...
Shame on me! I know better than that. Just out of practice, please forgive.
It took some extreme thought, but you're forgiven.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
Thanks for the recomendation. I have it running off my USB drive and it works great! This would make an excellent addition to the PortableApps suite.
I've just e-mailed John for a splash screen, it should be in Beta testing withing the next couple days if we're lucky.
Cool Kids Don't Have Signatures. Umm... *shifty eyes*
Cant wait to get it
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Any update on making this an official Portable Apps program?
Waiting for a splash screen from John.
Signature...What Signature?
Polite request...has this been forgotten?
I was just waiting for a splash, but I'll attempt to post a beta this weekend. Sorry about the delay.
(This is a reply to RogerL)
Wow, I just noticed I still had a signature, that's enough of that.
Just as an FYI, John's got some new ones.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
But will we ever get them?
What's the position now?
Still no splash. I was gonna release a beta last weekend, but I forgot again. I'll seriously try to release a beta tomorrow.
Been 2 days. I'd like to mess around with this program, IF it ever gets released.
Until that day:
*poke, poke, poke, poke, poke...*
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
It's only because I'll forget. Keep poking, I'll try to remeber tonight.
...as well. Please release it when you get the chance. Thanks.
kinda funny thing, Mini vMac (Mac on Stick) has a program pre installed called TeachType, it is like windows notepad but has nothing to do with teaching how to type.
in response, a good typing teacher is mario typing teacher,. it is old but it works. i dont know if you can find a download for it or if it is open source.
I learned to type on that! Not opensorce, though it may be freeware or whatever by now.
Ebay shows it for about $20USD. Guess its not freeware by now.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Mario Teaches Typing 1 is apparently "abandonware".
My favorite was always Typing of the Dead.
Here are some others. Enjoy!
first one i learned to type on!! actualy i had Mario Teaches Typing 2. and it is no suprise that it is abandoned ware it came out at the time of the Nintendo Entertainment System! i loved it thogh.
I fell asleep last night, and I was working tonight, but I'll find and update and hopefully release a beta tonight. Edit: So I'm a liar. I fell asleep last night, and I'm practicing for the talent show tonight, and talent show Tomorrow tonight. Hopefully on the weekend.
Update on the Status of TypeFaster Portable
I have everything done, but I'm still deciding on the settings, I wanna copy all the contents of the 'defaultuser' folder to the settings directory, but if I copy it I will have to delete the old copies, and renaming it much to ridiculous.
I e-mailed the author about adding in a switch to move the settings instead, so he should reply fairly quickly, and we'll see what he says.
Well, if you don't rename it, settings will be overwritten anyway, so if he won't write a switch, that's how it'll have to be ;). You could use the "addons preserve" function if there are settings that the program automatically creates.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
on this one, Patrick?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Digitxp took it over. I'm not sure what status it's in. It probably needs a slight update now that the PAF Specs Draft was released.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I did it w/ some others.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.