Is this a human error or does 7-Zip Portable leave registry entries behind? By searching in my registry, 7-Zip shows up under HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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Registry entry will show up while you are using 7-Zip. If it shows up while you are not using 7-Zip, did 7-Zip crash on your system once? If yes, this could be the reason.
Try this. Exit 7-Zip. Delete the registry entry/branch. Start 7-Zip. Watch the registry keys get created. Exit 7-Zip. Go back to Regedit. Hit F5 and the 7-Zip entries should be gone.
Did what you suggested and it worked. No more 7-Zip entries left over after closing out.
Most of John's launch work like this. They start, back up the host computer registry keys if they exist, copy your portable registry entries from the Data directory to the registry and launch the application. And when the application closes, the launchers copies the registry keys back to the portable Data folder, deletes the registry keys and restores the original host computer registry keys if they existed before (to be polite to the host computer).
From time to time, if there is a crash of the application, the registry keys are left. Or if there are local installations of the non-portable version, you will find the registry keys (which is perfectly normal). But in my experience, the launchers work flawlessly 99.99% of the time.
Hope it helps.
Even if the application (in this case, 7-Zip) crashes, the registry entries are still properly cleaned up and restored. It works this way with all the portable apps here. The only situation where something is left behind is if the whole OS crashes.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have an issue at work with 7zip. I get a message mentioning that i cannot edit the registry. The program works but it still poses a possible security issue.
What is the possible security issue?
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
7zip itself tries to write the registry while running to save settings (which the launcher cleans up when you exit). It's normally denied the ability to do this silently if permissions don't let it. But on Windows 2000 with custom locked down accounts, it will throw up that odd error. It can safely be ignored (since it's obviously not able to do anything).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I usualy ignore it and the program runs fine. The computers i use it on are locked down versions of NT 5.1 (XP pro).
The security issue here is that anything that attempts to write to the registry alerts our IT. It is no different than going to a site of illicit material, using IRC or installing "unauthorized programs".
I would suggest that given your work environment that you stop using the app.
Sounds like your IT dept has been told to not let you use ANY unauthorized programs.
It's not worth your job
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
7Zip is far better than what we have avalible. I had to compress a 518MB dvd ISO. Winzip 8 Pro that we have would compress it only about 2-3MB. Meanwhile when i used 7Zip i compressed it to a total of 420MB.
Pretty much is the program is not shown to be useful or a need that every one can use things never change.
For example. We only had available earlier this year Windoez Media Player 9 as our means of playing video files. This did not include a DVD codec or a MP3 codec. Also a number of AVI files we got where unplayable (due to DivX). Some one showd the usefulness of VLC and with the next update EVERY employee has VLC installed on their computer.
Also there is a Push to get firefox distributed. this is because we are currently allowed to use IE 6 only.
In that case I would suggest that you go to your supervisor or IT department and show them what you told us.
Demonstrate for them the better compression you have found with this program.
You might be the one who gets it for Everyone this time
But if you do this behind their back they might fire you
Good Luck
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
One could also ask the IT department if it is okay to use 7zip. It may be that they will look at it and say "sure, not a problem" or maybe even install it as a standard app. Or maybe they'll tell you to use some other app that they do support.
Or maybe they'll say "no" (with or without what they think is a valid reason), in which case you'll know unambiguously whether you run a risk using it.
And this is different from My suggestion How?
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Sorry. Must have been a refresh malfunction. I thought I refreshed to see if there were any new messages after I came back from dinner, and didn't see yours.
If I had seen yours (which I should have) I wouldn't have replied.
No apology needed in the serious sense of the word.
I was just being silly, I assumed your reply would have been something like "Opps
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?