Some time ago I tried the "normal" VLC. I like the "Skins 2" interface, bur everytime I started VLC the Standard-Skin (wxWidgets) was set.
Now I tried the new portable VLC, but there is the same problem (I know you are not the developer of VLC )
Is it possible to change the default skin in VLC ?
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VLC does not save SKIN
April 18, 2006 - 9:49am
VLC does not save SKIN
I've encountered the same issue with regular VLC and didn't know how to fix it. I don't use skins myself, so I wasn't too concerned. Try with a local install of VLC and getting it working. If you do, let me know and I'll see if there's something I can do in the launcher to make it portable as well.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have downloaded the official .zip and .exe Version of VLC. None of them could save the Skins.
Seems to be a problem of VLC. So you cant do anything, I think
VLC's behavior is really weird. It doesn't save settings automatically like most applications do. If you change anything in the interface, and then close and reopen VLC, it won't remember the change. To make the change permanent, it has to be modified in the preferences. I've found this to be true with everything, including the equalizer. I must admit, it really had me flustered for a while.
To make the "Skins 2" interface the default, open the Preferences, go to the section Interface::General, and select "Skinnable Interface" as the interface module. Then click Save, close and reopen VLC, and it should then start up with the "Skins 2" skin.
I have tried this with the portable and non-portable VLC version. But there seems to be an error in VLC. I can see the new default interface (Skins 2) for a mili-second and then VLC closes immediately.
Where could be the problem?
I had the same trouble getting a skin to load on start up. I finally managed it and will try to remember how I got there.
First open up the Miscellaneous\preferences in VLC, go to the General tab and check the box for advanced settings. Then you will find a check box for skinnable interface, I think I just checked this box and got sorted out.
Sorry if this is a bit vague but I hope it points you in the right direction.
I am not sure, is there a difference in the guide of Bruce?
It is the same error as described above from me.
VLC closes immediately.
I found out what the problem is:
It is me
I always checked "skinnable Interface" under "extra interface module" (hope its right, I use the german version). But you have to check "skinnable interface" in the drop-down menu.
Sorry, it was my fault, now everything is fine