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Syncronize between PC & USB

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Syncronize between PC & USB


may be a silly approach. But I've tried to copy a working version of Thunderbird Portable form an USB Stick onto a local folder. Just to use alle my settings (it's only IMAP so I mean using addressboook, signature, Zertificates,...) also on my PC.

After coppiing the files over, I noticed that the German dictinary is considered as incompatibel version. Reinstalling helps, but every resynch (only the changes files and also the complete folder structure) fails with the same messaqe.
So I wounder if:
a) The German Dict. IS not Portable aware
b) My approach is wroung and a Portable application could not be moved.
Any comments?


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
Mine works

All Applications from this site are designed to work with changing drive letters.

I don't know the exact Apps but I think that some only adjust the drive letter. That means if you change other parts of the path it might not work. Maybe thats the reason for your error with the german dictionary.

I don't know if there is a "safe" way to change the whole path. But maybe someone else does...

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Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
I'm not clear what the

I'm not clear what the problem is. Perhaps you could let us know the exact error message or symptom that you see? At what point does the incompatibility become apparent, and how does it make itself known to you? (Some around here understand German as well as Geek, so most any message can be deciphered.)

As Simeon mentioned, it might be the path changes that are the problem, rather than drive letter. Are you copying it to approximately the same position in the directory, e.g. x:\PortableApps\ThunderbirdPortable, or at some other depth? If you copy to the exact same directory structure (as a test), does the problem go away?

If the message is referring to version, is it possible that it is finding a different copy of the German dictionary (e.g. is there a version of Thunderbird installed, perhaps in the default non-portable location, that might have the incompatible version of the dictionary)?

It may be that you have encountered a bug that can be easily fixed, but I'm guessing we would need more information to be able to replicate the problem.

Edit: I notice that if one installs the dictionary as an add-on, it gets put into ThunderbirdPortable\Data\profile\extensions, instead of ThunderbirdPortable\App\thunderbird\dictionaries as one might expect. I found that if it is in the Data\profile\extensions location, it is ignored when the application directory structure is moved to another location, whereas if it is in the App\thunderbird\dictionaries folder, its usage is maintained. Could this be the problem you are describing?


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
that could be it

but If i recall it correctly, mine worked anyhow.
But I'm not working with Tb on a daily basis so I cant do the testing.
Maybe John has to adjust the Launcher Smile

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

wk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
seems to be a problem similar

to the one with portable firefox, when copying over to another location results in all addons telling that they will be installed after restart and
I had that problem Yesterday when I restarted firefox immediately after closing it.
The next start FFP came up slowly and with bookmarks lost default settings. So I deleted the FFP folder on my USB drive and replaced it by a backed up firefox runnig without any problem from the backup location.Starting it from the USB drive showed all addons as described above.At least the next replacing folder made it, so I think there are some corrupted files in Your TB . Try to replace it. It might work then.
The other thing is that problems occured first after I used the portable R31 mod, perhaps there´s an issue with some apps?

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