Hello - need some help and found no answer by searching this forum.
I use portable Firefox on a extern HDD together with two notebooks (home and office), one with XP and one with Vista. On both notebooks latest Java is installed and works fine with IE7.
And here my problem: On the XP-notebook firefox portable runs with Java without problems - but when I try my Vista-notebook it fails. Any idea?
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January 19, 2008 - 9:17am
I don't understand your question.
On the XP-notebook firefox portable runs with Java without problems - but when I try my Vista-notebook it fails. Any idea?
What makes you think it is Java and what do you mean fails?
Please give more detail.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
He means that when he use PFF on his external drive when connected to the XP machine he is able to use/access java apps/applets but when this same external drive is connected to the Vista machine the java apps/applets do not run.
He wants to know why the PPF is able to access and use Java on the XP machine but not the Vista.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Well, the "why can it access on XP but not Vista" part is obvious. But since he's the first I've seen with this problem, but not the first with Vista, either no one else on Vista has tried Java, or they have all had this problem but not mentioned it, or he has something unique. If his situation is quite common, and FFP always fails this way, then maybe your comment is useful, but if his situation is unique, your "clarification" is quite unhelpful.
Since you are a new mod, and you merely restate the obvious without helping to actually do troubleshooting, you must know already the answer to his question. So it is frustrating to see you (not) clarify the question without actually doing anything to answer it.
Thanks for your comments. Sorry for my inexact descibtion - when I wrote it fails I ment nothing happend and there was no error message. First I got this effect when I visited the site http://www.nordea.com/Investor%2bRelations/Investor%2btools/Share%2bgrap...,
with firefox normally there is a graph shown using java, but there is nothing when I use my Vista notebook.
When I visit a pulgin testsite like http://www.at2907.net/embed/index.php with my Vista notebook it looks like java is not installed, but it is and the same graph is shown in IE7 on my Vista notebook.
I was able to replicate the problem. Not much info, but I found something that worked in my context:
Apparently Firefox and Java have a bug. One solution is (one time only) right-click on Firefox Portable (from Explorer, not the PA Menu) and use run as administrator. Then browse to one of the links in your message (I did the nordea one). After a pause, java started up. It seems that Java needs to rewrite some registry entries in order to work properly with FFP. The next time I launched it (from the PA Menu) java worked.
Does that sort of thing resolve the problem in your situation?
I sense a touch of defensiveness here.
Both you and the poster before seemed uncertain about what the poster was trying to say. I thought I understood what he meant to I restated it [I don't really think of my post as a "comment" in the typical sense [though it is in the Drupal technical sense].
I have posted things like this in the past and it has nothing to do with my being a new mod. The response has usually been good. I did not think I was stating the obvious as it appeared to be that it was not being understood.
I cannot do any trouble shooting as I do not have access to a Vista machine and certainly don't know the answer, if I did I would have posted it.
As we do not know how long it will be before the OP comes back to check for answers [and perhaps give more information I thought to make the question clearer, as I saw it at least, for anyone else that might be able to help.
I'm sorry if my reply caused you frustration. I guess we will need to wait for the OP to comment on whither or not I clarified his post.
All the best,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Welcome to Portable Apps.
It might help to clarify things if you tell us what version of Java you are using.
You mention in your OP that you are using the "latest Java" but there is [or could be considered to be] more than one "latest", e.g., the latest in the 1.5 series and the latest in the 1.6 series.
I am thinking you mean the 1.6 series which would be 1.6 update 4, but it might be good to make that clear. I myself am using jre 1.5.0_13 [I recall reading a while back that FF was having some problems of some kind with the 6 series, but that may have just been the original release].
I tried the link you provided in your second post [the Nordia one] and had nothing but trouble. This is most likely due my use of the "NoScript" extension [set to block Java], and the use of a modem. After adding the site to my trusted list, And enabling javascript, And enabling java, And doing a refresh, [way too much security on my end
] it attempted to load a "java" something of some kind [I saw the Java "Logo" on the screen and the Java icon appeared in my task bar] but it was taking a long time and I did not want to wait as I had no idea how big it might be, but it did recognize and try to load it.
FWIW I'm on XPSP2, I have no access to a Vista.
We will have to wait for someone with Vista to try the next obvious step.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
You know what I love about your posts/comments? They're always so meaty with heaps of information. Yet, they're still easy to read.
*gives Tim a star*
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yeah, Thanks
But that's why it takes me 20 minutes to write a reply :-(, during which time someone else usually has already replied
And most of the time I have to go back in and clean up my grammar anyway 
So, where do I stick that Star?
[Whoops!, never mind, question withdrawn!
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Java version is 1.6.0_03-b05, all my notebooks (HP nx7400 with XP and 6720s with Vista) run with automatic update of OS, software and driver (so java). To check for updates I additionally use http://secunia.com/. Normally I use these notebooks as a restricted user, but the described problem also appears when I boot Vista as admin. As Tim described I allowed all to see the graph and with DSL2000 it takes about 3 seconds to load the graph on my XP notebook.
By the way, I use more and more portable apps, but I am only a user and not a computer expert and certaily you noticed that english is not my native language. What I really miss is a portable version of truecrypt, because I use some encrypted partitions (only for data, not for programs) on my portable hdd. In the last month I tried to get practise with some linux distributions, cause I want to quit windows in the future. Is it also possible to use "my" portable apps on the external hdd as configured today with a linux notebook?
Most Apps work under Linux via Wine.
Check the Compatibility Page for more infos.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I notice that you say you were not able to solve the problem when you logged in as an admin in Vista.
Did you try what I found to work (via a Google search): open Windows Explorer (sometimes known as My Computer in English); find the Firefox program (probably in x:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable, replacing x with the drive letter for it on your machine); and right-click on it and choose run as Administrator.
Please note that under default Vista (and this particular Firefox/Vista bug) just logging in as an administrator is not the same as using Run As Administrator by right-clicking on the program.
With this particular bug, once you have used the "Run As Administrator" trick, the registry entries that Firefox seems to require (for some unknown reason) are created, and you can subsequently use it the normal way.
Thanks for your hint rab040ma, can't test it before tuesday next week, because my Vista notebook is in the office now, but then I will do as recommended and report the result later. Maybe it works.
Great rab040ma! Thanks a bomb! Excellent forum here!
You accurately described how it works. Run as administrator is the solution - it works, but why does it not work when I boot as administrator?
This bug may be important for other users and should be eliminated!
The bug is in Firefox or Java not setting up a system variable the way the other wants it. The Mozilla bug database where I found the solution suggests that they know about it.
As for requiring "Run as Administrator" once to fix it, it's a feature of Vista. In fact it is a security feature. In this case what needs to be done is change a value in a sensitive part of the operating system. Before Vista, most people ran as an administrator, so a nasty program that got into the web browser could (and frequently did) make changes to sensitive parts of the operating system in order to steal data or Internet services from the owner or jeopardized the owner's use of the machine. So Microsoft fixed it so even if you are an administrator (or The Administrator, which is exactly the same thing on most machines), access to certain administrative functions are blocked unless you specifically request them. Most day to day web browsing is not affected; it is only the malware, and an infrequent maintainance function such as you discovered, that is stopped. Once you do the "Run as administrator" trick, you can go back to normal browsing with at least a bit of confidence that a nasty web site that could have compromised your computer in previous versions of Windows will have a much harder time under Vista.