Anyone know of a faster alternative to Impress? You see, I have this boat project, gotta make a powerpoint about it, but often, the class is over before I get a chance to do a thing! (About 20 minutes)I couldn't even find anything near this in sourceforge(I don't know if I should use a period of an exclaimation point here)
P.S. Can it be portable?
You are here Alternative
January 19, 2008 - 6:43pm
#1 Alternative
I don't like Impress myself out of all them, like it's alright, but finitely hard to use compared to PowerPoint, (in certain areas). What don't you like about it?
I'll look around, but I don't think there will be any good alternatives.
Simplicity, Size, Fontwork, the Colors, and the list goes on. But I still like it.
Oh, that reminds me, I gotta update it!
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found this, I don't know, just trying to help... I like OOo..
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
but it's all either commercial or not dedicated, except OOo.
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If you need presentation software and Impress is too slow 4 you then do the following:
1. Go to this lovely website:
2. Get out a blank CD
3. Pop said CD in
4. Download the Gutsy image for your processor
5. Burn .iso to CD
6. Reboot your comp and make it boot from CD
7. Resize your NTFS partion so theres enough free space to make another partion
8. Create an ext3 partion and install Ubuntu to the ext3 partion
9. Restart into Ubuntu
10. Install KOffice
11. Enjoy...
a quick note about this post, it will install linux on the pc which might not be ideal on your class pc's. However if KOffice seems to be what you want you could try the Kubuntu live cd or wait until it is ported Windows.
With the security levels of the school pc's (and the rancid speed of 2bps), I can practically purge the hard drive, they won't even notice! But they have this program that system restores the whole pc every night.
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I thought you wanted something for your comp...
I was looking to make one, but a)I never found the forms, and b)I'm old enough for a company.
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Quick note: you can order Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu free of charge and they send you a real pressed CD-ROM to your home free of charge. They also put in some Ubuntu stickers as well when I received it. I use it as live CD every now and then.