As the channel #portableapps on gets more popular from my recent release of X-Chat Portable, I thought it would be handy to post a tutorial on connecting to the channel using some popular open source IRC capable clients.
This is mainly a place for developers to get and provide help on creating portable applications, but can also serve as a nice chat place, and hopefully support for people as well. For those that don't know, IRC is basicially a 'chat room', mainly for development and support.
Currently, this channel is Unofficial but I hope that John does support it and eventually we can get this going as a alternate support route.
These instructions are still kind of rough, but I hope to update them and add some more clients (with your suggestions) soon.
Configuring Pidgin (Recommended)
- Download Pidgin or Pidgin Portable.
- Install and run Pidgin
- In the 'Accounts' window that pops up, (can also be accessed by going to Accounts -> Manage in the Pidgin menu) select 'Add'.
- Under the 'Protocol:' list, select 'IRC'.
Under 'Screen name' add which name you would like to be seen in the
channel as and leave the Server as - Select 'Save' and close any other account windows that may be open.
- When Pidgin show it has connected to the server, go to Buddies -> Add Chat and select (IRC) from the account list.
- Under 'Channel' input #portableapps, optionally select a group, the Autojoin checkbox, and click 'Add'.
- Now double click on the channel in the group you added it too, (probably labelled '#portableapps' and the window should open, or it will be open in an existing set of conversation tabs.
Configuring X-Chat
- Download X-Chat or X-Chat Portable Development Test.
- Install and run X-Chat.
- In the 'XChat: Network' List window that appears, (this can also be accessed from X-Chat -> Network List in the X-Chat menu)enter your User Information if needed and then scroll down and select FreeNode, and then click 'Edit...'.
- Under 'Connecting' optionally select 'Auto connect to this network at startup' and then under 'Channels to join:' enter #portableapps.
- Click close in the 'XChat: Edit FreeNode' window, and optionally select 'Skip network list on startup', then click 'Connect'.
Configuring Miranda IM
- Download Miranda IM or Miranda IM Portable.
- Install and run Miranda IM.
- Create a new profile in the 'Miranda IM Profile Manager' window that appears, call if what you want, example 'Home'
- Cancel through the next to protocol windows that appear, and the in 'Miranda IRC' enter what you want for the 'Nick' and then of course your full name in 'Full Name'. Push OK.
- At the 'Import Information Wizard', just select 'Cancel'
- Now, open the Miranda IM window by clicking on the little 'stone man' in the system tray, if not the window is hiding behind some others.
- Select the Miranda IM logo -> IRC -> Quick connect.
Under 'Server name', select 'FreeNode: Random
server' from the dropdown list. Click connect - Now go to the Miranda IM logo -> IRC -> Join a channel and enter #portableapps. Click OK.
Configuring ChatZilla
- Download the ChatZilla extension for Firefox or Firefox Portable
- Install the extension from within Firefox and restart Firefox.
- Go to Tools -> ChatZilla to run.
- In the window that pops up, you will see '[INFO] Available networks are...', click 'freenode'
- When the it connect to freenode in a new tab, type '/join #portableapps' into the input box, and you can change your nick by clicking on it beside the text box -> Change nickname....
Configuring PJIRC
FreeNode hosts a public version of the web-based IRC client, PJIRC.
- Go to
- For 'Nickname:', type in an uncommon nickname.
- For 'Channel:', enter 'portableapps'
- Click 'Connect'.
Or alternatively, click here, enter a nickname, and click connect.
I may stop by occasionally like I used to.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Yea, it's a good idea. Good chat.
This post has now been updated to include instruction on configuring X-Chat, Pidgin, and Miranda. Requests for other open source clients are welcome.
Hey, if you recommend Pidgin, I'd put it at the top of the list. (I don't know anything about these things, but it does seem inconsistent.
Do you even make an account?!!!!!!!!!!!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I don't have to
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Well, IRC doesn't usually do accounts, and you don't need one to log into Freenode. However, some IRC systems do use accounts, so there is a field for it. Just put your SN in there. Freenode probably won't ask for it, and your IRC program probably won't send it.
But you should "register" your screen name. That is, when you log in you are welcome to use any old screen name you want (that isn't in use). But to make sure that the person using "sn1" today is the same one who was using it yesterday, there is a way to register it. It involves sending a message to something called NICKSERV.
You type in
/msg NickServ REGISTER password
and NickServ (a robot) will take care of it. (Put in a real password instead of "password".)
Then when you log in, Nickserv will tell you that your SN is taken. Then you say
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
and it will say "oh, right, it's taken by you".
For more information, send the following message to NickServ:
/msg NickServ help
Ironic, eh? As it's #portableapps, it should be the official one and an unofficial oe should be at ##portableapps.
Therefore, it must be official! Bwahahaha... What, I liked it!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
What John will do to be if I drop the 'unofficial' :P.
I cant seem to connect to the IRC today... is anyone else having trouble (i've tried multiple clients pidgin,
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
Same here on Chatzilla.
Are you getting a MUST BE REGESTERED error, too?
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
I saw that when I logged in today, I don't know how it got there, but I thought I removed it.
Edit: Ok, should be fixed now.
Something like that, but I always was able to use the chat before and I received a waring about that too.
But now I can chat
There's an IMHO easier way to use chatzilla:
Configuring ChatZilla
1. Download the ChatZilla extension for Firefox or Firefox Portable
2. Install the extension from within Firefox and restart Firefox.
3. Open the URL irc:// in your Firefox browser.
4. You can change your nick by clicking on it beside the text box -> Change nickname....
I made a skin for the Mibbit client, which uses JavaScript and AJAX instead of Java or Flash or a full client. See for details; any comments about that are probably better placed in that thread rather than in this.
r.andom: Patrick Patience has already put instructions for using ChatZilla, do his instructions not work?
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Chris wrote: Patrick Patience has already put instructions for using ChatZilla, do his instructions not work?
Patricks instructions work, but mine are IMHO easier to follow. So I took his instructions and proposed a modification. If he wants, he can integrate my proposal into his instructions. It's up to him
Thanks : ) Advocate
You get 3 internets and some cookies!

??? Advocate
AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always talkin about the irc portableapps channel & couldnt find this anywhere THAAAAAAAAAAAAANKS!!!!!
:·*something similar to a D but covering all the face*
[Please don't post really long words, they make viewers have to horizontal scroll - mod SL]
I have recently been trying to use Opera, & it works
HowTo(assuming you already have opera installed)
1-Click on the menu Tools->Mail and Chat Accounts
2-Click Yes(if it's the first time you click this on that install) or add(if you have clicked it before)
3-Obviously, select Chat(IRC)
4-write the data you have on your nickserv account
5-Choose freenode & the continent you are(don't know what really this does)
6-On the rooms list that'll appear, there is a search box. Type "portableapps"(without quotes).
The official ones are "portableapps", "portableapps-dev" & "portableapps-ot".
Dang I should have searched here I just downloaded and installed Chatzilla... and had no idea how to use it. So I stumbled about. Then figured I needed the server info and logged onto portableapps with Pidgin and found the info I needed then finally configured Chatzilla...Could have saved myself a heap of time if I had just searched here first.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss