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Deleting PortableApps left extra drive letter

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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-22 20:43
Deleting PortableApps left extra drive letter

I needed my I-stick for another purpose and decided to delete the portableapps program. I deleted everything including hidden items, formated both drive letters shown and still the extra drive letter continues to show. Main drive letter "E" is showing 900+MB memory and drive "F" 10MB.

How do I wipe out the "F" drive? I can't find any information about doing so and hope someone here can help.



Last seen: 3 months 6 days ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35

It sounds like the drive is something like U3. U3 (and things like it) create a second partition of the drive for a specific purpose. In the case of u3, that partition pretends to be a CD drive, and most computers will treat it as such.

A standard USB drive can only have one partition on it. You can make partitions inside that one partition with something like TrueCrypt, but it is clearly a file in the main partition. If you USB flash drive has more than one partition when it is empty, it is U3 or one of the other "special" types.

To do something with the extra (small) partition, you will need to go to the web site of the manufacturer of that USB drive and see if they have instructions; for example, instructions for how to remove u3, if it is a u3 drive.

Or you could decide that it is not worth the extra hassle and just let it sit there.

SmithTech (of and these forums) has more info on the subject.


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