Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible.
The fully supported topic is
rh mod
Frets on Fire Portable RF mod test
md5: e8af848818993510a591ccbec24de9e6
I won't be supporting this version it was just quickly made
lots of thanks to rab040ma and Patrick
For any one who wants to use a different version here are some versions that you can use thanks to TStodden for these upx packed versions
Version 1.1.324
Version 1.1.324_rf3.55
Version 1.2.451_rf4.15
Version 1.2.512
post comments and bugs
NeoRame's not the only one that's been waiting for this! Thanks. I'll most certainly try it out.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
so if u see a terminal window dont get worried
sorry i just remembered...
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
for me it works fine, i have replace your version with the "Frets On Fire 1.2.451" + gh mod and it works too. but i dont unterstand why must the programm start with a batch file (am not a programmer) can you set a splashscreen?? but now i will test the portability of the progs settings (i use three PC´s
i will post you my results soon.
thanks and greetz
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
allowed to use the installer with the trademarked logos and stuff?
Or only official devs like John, Ryan & I dont know who else?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
mhhhh, this is a good question...
but Installer or Zip (or whatever), Makes no difference to me, use this one time and thats it
but it would be good to know.
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
i think...
as long as we make sure that the copyrights go to
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I would still like a note from John.
Cause the question I have is:
How does an inexperienced end user distinguish between an official App released by John and an App released by someone just using the installer?
Or is that irrelevant?
Its nothing against you or anyone doing his own Apps (I try my own, too) but with Johns Apps you know that they are clean and leave nothing behind but that might not be the case when other people use his installer.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I'm sure it the apps to good, and makes look bad, he'll ask them to change the bitmap.
I'd assume.
when i saw that you had commented i was really worried that it was a really harsh criticism of my program(or my english :-P)
so i am glad it is neither...
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I'm the English correcter.
Your English is just so bad that I don't even bother. 
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
that really hurts...
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There was a post from John recently (naturally I can't re-find it
) that said as long as you comply with the directory structure, save files in the right place, etc, etc, you could use the PA Development Test Release splash along with the installer wizard graphic.
File naming an other info on the Dev Test splash is in this thread (I dunno how to link to specific posts so scroll down). He also explains when an app would get their own splash and quit using the Dev splash. Read all his comments in this thread:
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
i was under the impression that anyone could use the installer...
however i do see what you are saying. He will probably make a different banner that use should use with installers for beta programs
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Open source means you can do what you like with the installer code (within the terms of the license). The solution to confusing people as to whether it is "official" or not is to use dummy graphics and copyright info that don't say much at all while you are testing or until you hear from John. It may be that you end up just releasing it yourself.
In other words, Open source wants you to use the code, just don't claim it as your own. John's graphics and trade names are the same: don't use them until John gives you permission.
It is possible to create a PAF.exe installer that doesn't use any of John's graphics or say it is something John released. Just say it is "compatible" with the PA platform.
If John wants to include it in the suite, all you have to do is change to the official graphics and put his copyright on and you're done.
I was planning on taking a stab at this myself with a few more-recent versions that I've UPXed the heck out of them (took a few hours for ultra-brute compression to work).
You can download these UPX-packed versions at:
Version 1.1.324 (Windows 98 & up)
Version 1.2.512 (Windows XP & up)
Both packages are 7-zipped to further reduce their size & no personal data or settings have been applied to them. They're not in the PortableApps file structure (on my "To Do" list), but it's portable-ready.
Game Monkey Likes You!
but did you create the nsis launcher as well?
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basically upxed stuff
also i added to code to copy the old folder from appdata to the flash than back again (this one works)
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I'm sorry to state that your loader doesn't work for me, even when using the old version you included. The best I've every gotten was a DOS window caught in an infinite loop with "directory not found".
You would probably do better if the directory for Frets On Fire is
instead of ~\Apps\Frets On Fire\
Spaces can easily wreck havoc in finding something, even when using the DOS / Command-line Window as you have throw in quotation marks for the system to understand...
I haven't gotten as far as getting the the loader or even an installer made (hence the files are only in 7z format), but it's at least a start that somebody else could build on.
Supplemental: I haven't picked up your new loader / app... if you've posted one since I last posted (excluding this one). Please post a new link when it's available.
Game Monkey Likes You!
can you tell me a couple of things...
what is the file structure for the to the batch file?
how long did you wait for the batch file to end.
can you reproduce the error and what did you do.
i have to use that particular batch file because py exe's dont like to be called except from the current dir so the batch file is necessary (unless there is another way that someone knows about)
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Why do you need a batch file? Just add SetOutPath to the launcher right before the launch code.
Like this:
Or whatever your code is.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
i will implement that now...thanks
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1) I tried to replace the old Frets On Fire directory that your installer made in order to minimize such issues. I'm planning on reinstalling Frets On Fire Portable, just in case I messed up on the names (again, spaces are a pain to work with).
2) I checked to see if anything was running in the task manager about 30 seconds after clicking on it from PAM. Surprisingly, nothing related to Frets On Fire Portable appeared.
3) I'll try to reproduce the error, but it's been quietly eluding me as the loader quits without any warning, error or a log explaining it. I'll try to get a screenshot when something visible pops up.
I'm using the loader you made with two different versions that I posted download links to due to the different OS's I'm dealing with (Windows ME & XP). Neither of them are working right now. Right now, I have ZERO experience with the NSIS stuff, so I have to rely on somebody else on that part.
SUPPLEMENTAL: The unmodified (non-upgraded) version of Frets On Fire Portable fails so quickly that it doesn't even phase PAM. Usually when I click on something, PAM hides in the systems tray shortly afterwards. I clicked on Frets On Fire Portable twice (thinking I missed the first time) to confirm this. The computer used is running XP with administrative restrictions.
SUPPLEMENTAL #2: A modified (upgraded) version of Frets On Fire Portable failed just the same... I'll post more issues tomorrow as I try this on another computer tonight.
Game Monkey Likes You!
Too bad I only got laptops.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Here's pretty much what I've done so far testing (or "Breaking") this thing...
v0.5.0.0 - Windows ME
FAILURE! Falls into an infinite loop. See picture at
(Image size: 1024 x 768, unedited)
v1.1.324 - Windows ME
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors or acknowledgment from the task
manager. Attempted to run multiple times without success.
v1.2.512 - Windows ME
NOT TESTED -- Frets On Fire 1.2.512 fails to run on Windows ME (Known Issue)
v0.5.0.0 - Windows XP Home (No Restrictions)
PASSED! Ran without problems.
v1.1.324 - Windows XP Home (No Restrictions)
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors. Task manager barely catches that it
even ran. Attempted to run multiple times without success.
v1.2.512 - Windows XP Home (No Restrictions)
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors. Task manager barely catches that it
even ran. Attempted to run multiple times without success.
v0.5.0.0 - Windows XP Pro (Admin. Restrictions)
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors.
Attempted to run multiple times without success.
v1.1.324 - Windows XP Pro (Admin. Restrictions)
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors.
Attempted to run multiple times without success.
v1.2.512 - Windows XP Pro (Admin. Restrictions)
FAILURE! Fails quietly without any errors.
Attempted to run multiple times without success.
Possible reasons for failure(s) on Windows ME:
* Loader likely to have problems with the locating "Frets On Fire" directory.
* Spaces can cause problems in locating without the usage of quotation
marks. Unquoted spaces are handle as breaks in command elements.
* Loader not properly designed to handle ME.
Possible reasons for failure(s) on Windows XP:
* Loader likely to have problems with the locating "Frets On Fire" directory.
* Spaces can cause problems in locating without the usage of quotation
marks. Unquoted spaces are handle as breaks in command elements
* Frets on Fire changed the program's file structure, which is enough to cause
the loader to fail if it loads up a specific file.
* Usage of a batch file may not be permitted to run on an Restricted-Access
computer that has very high restrictions.
Possible solution to prevent loader failure:
* Have the loader just run
"x:\PortableApps\FretsOnFirePortable\apps\Frets On Fire\FretsOnFire.exe"
or x:\PortableApps\FretsOnFirePortable\apps\FretsOnFire\FretsOnFire.exe
directly, depending on directory name used with the loader.
Frets On Fire can be downloaded as a zip & therefore can run without touching
the registry. All settings for Frets On Fire is stored in fretsonfire.ini
within the program's directory (~/apps/"Frets On Fire"/).
In theory, the Frets On Fire Portable loader should just do the bare minimum to
load the game & possibly toss up a splash screen in the mean time. By doing
this, Frets On Fire Portable SHOULD load up on any Windows computer without
problems, even with administrative restrictions.
I know this probably a low-brow "brute force" solution, but it should do the job
properly without any problems following the KISS ideal. Additionally, this should
permit users to manually upgrade Frets On Fire in the future if the user desires.
Possible modifications for future releases:
* Move the songs & modifier directories used with Frets On Fire to
* Modification of actual application to support this change may be
required to do so.
Here's my 4 KB on this...
Game Monkey Likes You!
is up
TStodden check this one out...
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
the latest update gives me an NSIS Error. The md5 is the same.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
sorry...i knew that this was happen
i uploaded the wrong version
as soon as i get home i can upload the new version...
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check it out...
hope it works...
Edit:changed version number
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since there have been a bunch of downloads and no bugs reported, i am assuming that there are no real problems so i wanted to add a splash screen but every time i add it nothing happens. How do i add the code for a splash screen
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Just use the base of John's launcher. Although it is a nice app, if you at all want John to consider it, you need to use his launcher. Try using his PNotes launcher or something simple like that.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
first added the new version then i saw your comment...
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added new version
now has splash screen
test it out...
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new version is out
it uses the version uses the launcher that PNotes used and i guess is the "allowed" launcher
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Not the "allowed" launcher, but the official launcher. You can use whatever the heck programming language you want and program it however you want, as long as it works and is OpenSource. I was just trying to help you there.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
it was the launcher base that he used...
not the "only" one we could use
sorry for not being clear and thanks for the advice
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I got an error "C++ runtime, the application requested the runtime to close it in an unusual way" (something like that) when I played a couple of songs then went to the main menu and selected Tutorial.
that is part of the program...not the launcher...
try not pressing anything while it is loading...
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That happens with ryan's supertux portable,too
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Sure I fixed that.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
for auto-updating apps. (Bring you to SF, not download auto.)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
does the program copy your fretsonfire folder from the appdata to the data folder?
i tested on xp prof limited.
any help appreciated
use the new version please
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I'm please to report that Version passes all tests, including when upgraded versions were used as well.
I'll get the latest UPX-packed versions (not designed to fix the current infrastructure) uploaded as soon as possible... assuming MediaFire will let me upload (their servers are busy at the moment).
Game Monkey Likes You!
is that your version or mine?
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new version added
lots of little things added
has the ini file to disable splash screen
now will take the data folder from the Frets On Fire dir into data dir
added the readme for the ini
used the "official" installer
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
All my settings are still left in my AppData folder on Vista, and you shouldn't backup local settings to the drive, that takes too long and there's no point to it, just rename the local settings folder to like FretsOnFireBackup and then rename it to the original name on exit. Once you change those, I can help you with a couple other things.
yea i like that idea.
why does it not work on vista?
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Here's the latest versions of the UPX-updates.
v 1.1.324 --
v 1.1.324_rf3.55 --
v 1.2.451_rf4.15 --
v 1.2.512 --
Just upzip into x:\PortableApps\FretsOnFirePortable\app to upgrade.
I suggest 1.2.451_rf4.15 myself due to the extra options & features it has.
Game Monkey Likes You!
this one should work in vista
added new icons
made the backup just a name change
tell me how it works...
hey patrick i what were the other things that you need to tell me about to make this program better
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I'm kinda busy until the weekend. But I'll let you know then if I don't before then.
it keeps a folder, ini and log files in %appdata%.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
was there a fretsonfire folder already in appdata because if so the launcher will replace it.
if that is not the case could you tell me:
2)steps to take the replicate the error
thanks for your help
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It was installed then uninstalled last week. I downloaded FOF-P today and I noticed the folder it left. I deleted the folder, ran FOF-P, closed it, and the folder was there again. Also, I change the settings to not use full screen, but it does not seem to remember. I use XP, Admin acct. As for replicating the problem, like I said, I just ran it, removed the "full screen" option, closed it and the folder was not deleted.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
when you hit apply new settings it closes the game and starts it the launcher copies the data then. However when it starts again it does not start the launcher so the settings are not copied the second time
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It's best to not replace things in APPDATA if at all possible. Usually you can do one of the following (in degree of preference):
1. Pass a command line switch to the app to have it look elsewhere for the app data
2. Set a config option in an INI file next to the app to do the same
3. Set an environment variable to do the same
4. Set a config option to store in the same directory as the app and move the files on launch / close
5. Set the APPDATA environment variable and have the app respect it (provided it doesn't launch other possibly local apps that also respect it)
6. Set the USERPROFILE environment variable and have the app respect it (provided it doesn't launch other possibly local apps)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
as usual please download then "break" it
) for his help as well
this version i took john advice and have it write to the data folder immediately.
a bid thank you goes out to rab040ma for his help on that
I also want to thank TStodden in his attempts (and sucess) at finding flaws in my program and helping me improve it.
Thanks to porterkm for the advice as well as the "setoutpath" command help
and also to Patrick (Have Some Patience
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
it does not keep the folder in appdata, and it does remember my options (not fullscreen).
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
well that part is good
could you try something for me though.
After hitting changing the settings do you press "apply new settings"?
also if you do...can you try relaunching the program using the launcher?
and thank you for time spent testing this program
to other testers...
can anyone else replicate the error arqbrulo is getting?
thanks again
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I think you misunderstood my comment. Everything is working good, including the changes to the settings. Before, it was not keeping the changes, but now it is. There is no problem for me as of this moment.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
and it does remember my options (not fullscreen
i thought by the not full screen you meant full screen did not work
so now
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well i have had about 30 downloads on this and no comments on bugs so is this the last version?
before i can go "official"
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A brief tutorial on building your own songs for frets on fire.
I didn't know Hak5 was doing episodes again. Thanks for the pointout.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I'll run FoF Portable (1.2.451_RF4.15) DT4 through testing (No offense with I just like running the most recent version), but everything working out great on my end!
Any issues I've ran across so far are with FoF itself or just limits of the computer/OS.
Again, if anybody wants to upgrade their copy of FoF Portable to a more recent version (even an RF-Modded version), feel free to grab one of the UPX-packed copies.
Game Monkey Likes You!
i am downloading them now and will add it to the next release
patrick said he would test it over the weekend so we will see
Edit:I saw you recommendation but which one is the most stable.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Use 1.2.451, as it is most stable and has compatibility for the Guitar Hero Mod pack.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
i will stick to the same program
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No problems with DT4!
As for version recommendation, I would suggest version 1.2.451_RF4.15 as it's the most popular & consider most stable by the FoF community (& the developers, I believe).
1.2.451_RF4.15 already includes the RF-Mod (hence the RF4.15 addition) which gives users a LOT of options, including performance tweaks (you can disable some of the eye-candy), multiplayer support, 2-fret cord mode (which is a highly suggested option, considering the key limits on keyboards for this game), Song folders (great for organizing large collections) as well as the Guitar Hero looks.
The developers DO NOT SUGGEST 1.2.512 due to bugs. Version 1.2.451 (Available at -- NOT UPX-packed) is the version they suggest using. However, the pre-modded UPX-packed version I made just takes care of everything without all the work of doing it manually (including the multiple hours with UPX running ultra-brute compression).
Based on the forums, future versions of Frets On Fire will start to include some of the RF-Mod stuff as the author of the mod is part of the development team (so don't expect future versions of the RF-Mod).
Game Monkey Likes You!
well i am not sure
if anyone wants any particular version they can download it themselves
if will add the links to the main post so any one can download (as long as you dont mind leaving them up)
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i just tested out Version 1.2.451_rf4.15
it has a guitar hero theme as well a lot more options
i will decide on monday
but i would like some input on which version you want
and please test this version (with it on the GH theme) and compare it to the other version (if you have the GH mod) for that version.
Edit: Since no one replied i can assume no one really cares about it or y'all agree with me.
But either way i will post a "beta" dev test with the 1.2.451_rf4.15 and you guys can see if you like it or not
Also patrick i sent you an email regarding the status of this program and if it is ready to go official
thanks all
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it is using another version of Frets On Fire
read the OP
@Patrick that email would be cool anytime
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Frets on Fire Portable Dev Test 5
i will send you the changed exe + Icon.
works perfect for me, GH mod (with GH 1,2,3 songs) works too. i have found on deviantart a free iconset of the FoF icon, in a GH style.
greetz and great work
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I just wrote out EVERYTHING for you to do to make this latest PAF compliant, and I change windows, come back and it's gone.
Will redo tomorrow....sigh.
it is the same code i just used a different version of the program
so you can still send me the stuff
and I change windows, come back and it's gone.
unless that meant it is literally all gone
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I was on someone elses PC using IE, (Firefox Portable was too slow ;)) and I typed everything out in the comment box, and I switched Windows, come back, and all the text I typed out was gone. I couldn`t undo it either. I`ll try spending the next twenty minutes re-writing it.
Don't you just hate IE?
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Check your e-mail for the small, but many changes that will help.
Also, it's best to use the regular Frets On Fire package without any themes or anything else, users can change it how they want.
put a new version up...but it is not an official dev test
i will put the new version up later tonight after getting the rest of the stuff i need to do from patrick
thanks for all you stuff
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hey all
dev test 6 is up...basically got it pafed
this also has the data folder in defaultdata
test it out
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I'd personally suggest starting a new post for Development Test 6 as it's basicially ready to go and this one is getting rather long.
Edit: The download for development test 6 has an error.
Invalid Quickkey. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team.
i just tested that download there was no error
also a new topic was created
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Can you make the WorldRave's GH3 Mod (;f=11;t=15948;st=0 )
portable plz. It's a complete mod with a moded fretsonfire.exe, moded files, rf + hering mode, all include in the mode. It's based on Frets on Fire Version 1.1.324
if you tell me all the changes it can make
i may (if i hav time) make it
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I don't know what file exactly but I found this:
These are the things all currently done
* New main menu
* Replacement of the menu background song (from gh3. I know there's multiple songs, BUT the main one you most hear mostly is the one i ended up choosing.)
* Changed jurgen note color to lighter blue to match, and also changed the note to default to match properly also. The meters are both aspect correct exactly like GH3 game.
* Re-made the neck * Re-made the sounds (strum, in, out.)
* Left meter is complete. Score, Multiplier, ALL 5 streak lights (Dim lights shown, then light up as it goes up, in 1/2 light/Full light increments.)
* Right meter done.(eventually will finish Jurgen bar when function is added.)
* Matching green score in scoreboard.
* Similar matching score font replaced.
* Jurgen Bar lights (close as can until picture placement is done, then i will redo the lights.)
* GH3 Scoresheet (You know- the HELP graphic toward the bottom of screen that says what keys/buttons do what)
* Background replacement.
* Replacement submenu backgrounds. (I will be making from scratch, because it has to match the text layout, but yet keeping as close to possible to GH3's.
cant you just rename the file fretsonfire and add it to the app dir?
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
It use the same registry key than the original Fof. It's is just some modified files like frets on fire.exe + 3 modes include in.
Necesito un sitio free para bajar canciones,
y luego agregarlas ok, por favor
respondan el español si es posible.
[Translation below provided by Mod Tim via Yahoo]
Where can I download songs for Frets on fire?
I need a free site to download songs,
and soon to add them ok [?],
please respond in Spanish if that is possible. thanks