Problem solved
I have a big problem, can't use my Firefox Portable anymore, so I have to browse with the ugly IE:
After I read much about it, I wanted to give the FF-Addon PicLense a try. But with my old onboard-graphics, firefox isn't running anymore. I get an bluescreen of death with my 3D-Driver mentioned... Thats nothing interesting, it sometimes happens with my 3D-programs.
But how can I get my Firefox run again?
Is there a way to start it in savemode, so I can uninstall Piclense?
Or can i uninstall it manually?
I found the solution for uninstalling manually here:
Now I just want to suggest an Save-Mode for Portable Firefox. That would help easier in similar situations
I have never tried it but normally you run Firefox in safe-mode by launching it with the " -safe-mode" switch.
In Firefox Portable, you can do that by using the ini file in /Others/Source, copying it to the /FirefoxPortable folder (the one where the launcher is in) adding " -safe-mode" to the "AdditionalParameters="-line. So it should look like this:
Theoretically that should start Firefox in safe mode so you can uninstall the Addon.
Good Luck!
Looks like you were faster
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
yes, but thanks! good to know, that safe-mode is theoretically
possible. But it would be cool, if it would be accessible for users, without using the .ini.
Thanks for your answer!
to make a separate launcher with the "safe mode" switch just like the one in a normal install. Maybe that would be a good idea.
My guess is that John wont do it because its too confusing for newbies.
What do you guys think?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I have a short cut that I think I got the idea from John and I always have it next to the FFP launcher, it's:
"C:\...\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe" -safe-mode
It would of course have to be adapted for flash drive use but it works without the .ini.
{edit: I just tried it and it still works well. Just create it now so you have it ready if you ever need it
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Shortcuts are not so good as the only have absolute paths. That's why I think you'd have to make a 2nd launcher that calls the normal FFP launcher with the safe mode switch(just the way OOO does).
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Make a .bat and convert it to a ghost exe using Bat to Exe Converter.
I think this will work, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
(don't reply to me though, otherwise I won't be able to fix it!!
I think you might need to substitute "start" in place of "run".
thanks! thats what i was looking for!