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portable app's editing?

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portable app's editing?

hello all, i was just woundering i have seen my uncle with this on his usb drive and i was woundering how you change document's music photo's and so on to what ever you wont them to be?

wk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
So, welcome here...

as far as i understand You´d like to change the names for the main folders in PAM?
There are some ways doing so depending on Your experience with PAM so far:

  • download PAM 1.1 ß 4 ,
    then look for the .locale in PortableAppsMenue/App/locale ,
    pick one and open it with an editor,
    edit the folders and save it as "MyLocale".locale,
    start PAM, go to "options/language and select Your locale, that should work.
    The part concerning the folders is below, the strong words can be changed,adding & at any position within the word gives You the hotkeys (here Biggrin for documents..)

  • use a mod (not supported officially!)to adjust the settings to Your needs, adding code (custum buttons in the R31 template)
  • .. or wait for the next beta or official release of the PAM platform ..

to be continued...

[<ul> and </ul> added by moderator SL]
EDIT: oops.. Pardon Pardon Pardon

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Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
If you want to change the

If you want to change the icons displayed in Windows Explorer for those folders, the first step is to find or make the icon you want to use. There are web sites where you can download icon files. (They are files that end in .ICO . Some icon files you find on the web end in PNG or another extension; they have to be converted to ICO.) You can make your own with a program like IcoFX.

Place the icon file in the folder, then right click on the folder (you may have to go "up" to be able to highlight the folder). Choose Properties, Customize, Change icon .


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