This is just an upkeep of Espreon's to the latest release, with a fix for drive letter change and your shots directory. John's KeePass launcher made this a since to update.
For those who don't know, Regshot is a registry utility to take before and after shots of a registry to monitor changes. This release should change the drive letter of your shots directory with each new drive you are on. As Regshot is developed by a new author, this is his version, but I will upload the old version as well for those who have preference in it.
Let me know if anything doesn't work right.
Download Regshot Portable 1.8.2 Development Test 1
I completely for got to thank ZGitRDun8705 for his 'unfinished' Regshot icon which looks fantastic - Thanks.
Update: Went back to 1.8.2 as there's no source for 2.X and it's missing some features from the older version.
very good
like it a lot
i will test it out in full tomorrow
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
When I click on File->Options, nothing happens.
Does anyone else have this problem?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I had the same issue. I'm sticking with the 1.8.2 release of RegShot, the interface seems easier to use, and it looks like the newest release dropped support for scanning directories.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Alright Patrick, good job. I think I will just stick with portabilization
the old one since some want the old one.
Could I use your NSIS Script since for some reason with my NSIS Script the regshot.ini isnt being moved to the Data folder whenever Regshot Portable isnt on the hdd...
No problem. And you may have to mod it, because if I remember correctly, there's two ini strings that need an updated drive letter in that one.
There's only 'OutDir' in RegShot 1.82. As I metioned in the other post (may have been lost in the confusion), RegShot will take relative paths for that setting. So no INI modification via launcher should be necessary.
It's easier, as most users won't know how to use relative paths or what they're for. So it works best if the drive letter is just updated.
RegShot has moved to SourceForge, and all links to the "new and improved" version 2.x have been removed from the original RegShot Page.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
That was a good call on his part, over a thousand downloads already, too. :|
Good work
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Well I believe John deserves double the copyright.
he sure does. But you do too
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I think we should up this to a pre-release since we'll be asking people to use it for testing. We have a better icon anywhere? There's a couple in Tuliana and NuoveXT that might work (blocks though not a full cube of blocks)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Did you try it out yet? Cause Zach H did an icon that's a lot better than the original and I really like it. Full size is here:
Ah, I missed that. Here ya go:
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
here is an improved german translation. It`s not perfect, but better than the old one. Maybe you can replace the old one in language.ini
Thanks very much! I'll throw that in when I do the pre-release.
I'm not sure about the "Translator" line. Is it necessary to change that in something like "Gnatix & AVE7, altered by Bart.S" or "Gnatix & AVE7, Bart.S"?
When will you do the pre-release?
I dunno, I think the latter is fine. And I think I'll set aside a night this week for the pre-release. There's a fair bit of code I have to add to it first.
Offtopic: What's the meaning of "Ikes"?
I'm not quite sure.
Perhaps 'yikes' without a y?
it's canadian polar bear slang
Are you going to do the pre-realease of this?
Oops- I'll shut mouth.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Just wondering
I tried looking it up, and from what I found Regshot 2.X isn't from the same developer as Regshot 1.8.2. Is this correct?
I hope to append korean translation in language.ini file
Thank You!!
6=더해진 키:
7=삭제된 키:
8=더해진 값:
9=삭제된 값:
10=수정된 값:
11=더해진 파일:
12=삭제된 파일:
13=수정된 파일 [속성?]:
14=더해진 폴더:
15=삭제된 폴더:
16=변경된 폴더 속성:
17=전체 변경:
24=오류 호출 외부 뷰어!
25=오류 파일 생성 중!
26=오류 열기 파일!
27=오류 이동 파일 지점!
28=첫째 읽기(&1)
29=둘째 읽기(&2)
35=비교 로그 저장:
36=저장 경로:
37=부연설명을 로그에 더하기:
40=폴더1 탐색(&S)[;폴더2;..;폴더 nn]:
42=읽기 및 저장...(&V)
44=전체 지우기(&C)
45=첫째 읽음 지우기(&1)
46=둘째 읽음 지우기(&2)
Thank you, good sir!
A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
I wanted to download just Regshot Portable. However, the file was not found. Please, around the link.
Roland Brem
Zwickau, Germany
Patrick Patience is in the middle of fixing broken links atm so download link maybe offline for a bit until he finds away to fix them
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
links still dead:(
I'm working on rewriting the launcher to support custom variables and such. May still be another couple weeks, I have exams coming up.
When will the link be up again?
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
Once I find RegShot Portable or rewrite and update the launcher (likely a couple of weeks). Sorry about that.
I have Regshot Portable. Well, not the package, only the installed version, but I could recompile it.
Oh, and I don't have all languages anymore, only german and english. Patrick, should I send you a copy?
I've got the installer for Dev Test 1, I think that's the latest.
It's at if you want it
Thanks so much, I've uploaded that and the link is working now!
I've been looking around on the Internet, and I saw there is a new version of Regshot... although the latest SourceForge version is 1.8.2.
This site has an updated version, v2.0 Unicode. It has advanced features and is portable from itself! (Beware, Russian site... translated via Google Translate here)
Maybe this version could be made part of the list of portable applications?
Hopefully someone takes this on. Thanks for pointing it out Rocky Advocate
read the thread and the first comments. There was version 2.0 portable, but noone liked it. So Patrick went back to version 1.8.2.
You've found me out. I didn't read the whole thread. But I see your right. I noticed John ok'd this for Pre-Release a while back and the splash image is still up so hopefully Patrick passes by this way some time soon. Thanks for the heads up without taking the micky Advocate
I tested the version... it doesn't look like there are missing functions (like said in the post at the top of this page). My impression was that there are far more options and functions in the 2.0 version.
"Fileshot" was only added in version (February 2008), maybe that's why nobody liked it since then.
Anyway... I think Regshot 1.8.2 is for common users, and 2.0 for advanced users.
One drawback is that there is no source code available (is it even open source, or just freeware?), and it seems like there is no valid contact address.
there is no real problem with it. All that needs to be changed is paf specs. it is ready to go to pre-release. i will update the status page accordingly.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Hi Patrick,
I've heard rumors that you're working hard on a new Pre-Release and that it's almost finished. (And I love Pre-Release 0 already)
So when could your fans expect another great Patrick Patience release?
When he loses his spankin'-new iMac and gets tired of Macs' lack of choice and comes back :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
LOL... no comment, no comment at all.
Anywho. I actually *did* have some work done on this. However, whatever work I have is now gone though I am interested in looking into it again as I remember there was some neat ideas I had going that worked well in terms of portability.
I'll try to look into it again seeing as it really should be released officially as a must-have resource tool for creating portable applications.
Have you lost Pre-Release 0? I still have it and could send it to you
I feel like I have amnesia but for got it!
Edit: Wooooow. But *go for it*.
What does that mean?
I think he means to email it.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Maybe Patrick has amnesia, but his harddisk or server should be fine
Has this project been abandoned or is it still being worked on?
it's still on "never published" Pre-Release 0.
Or is it a false positive?
from avira:
En el fichero 'C:\Documents and Settings\U_U\Escritorio\Regshot_Portable_1.8.2_Development_Test_1_en-us.paf\$_OUTDIR\regshot\regshot.exe'
se detectó el virus o programa no deseado 'TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen2' [trojan].
Acción ejecutada: Permitir acceso
seems it has a troyan.
false positive.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
DosBox Portable is affected here too: TR/Crypt.ULPM.Gen in DOSBoxPortable\App\DOSBox\dosbox.exe
do to the compression then?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Regshot Portable Pre-Release 0 is clean here, but Avira has something against DOSBox at the moment. Beep beep beep, at least it doesn't automatically delete the file.
This has started crashing for me all the time for some odd reason (Regshot itself, not the portable version here, although if the base app crashes I imagine the portable one would too), and Chris has mentioned there should be an "Ignore clutter" option, so I think we should fork this to suit our needs most and add our own unicode, etc.
can we modify or change regshot according to our requirement or attach this application with my application to make an automated system. i need its functionality of taking snapshot of directory and registry. Thanks in advance
RegShot2 Unicode
[Link to illegal package removed]
I have tried all the Regshot versions and this one is the best. It works perfectly. And it also does File comparison via either filesize, CRC32, and/or MD5.
That's a different app. It's closed source by a different publisher (real Regshot is open source under the GPL) and discontinued/abandoned. And the portable package you linked to appears to have been done illegally. It looks like WinPenPack repackaged this freeware Regshot thinking it was the real open source Regshot, which would be illegal without permission. This freeware Regshot may also be illegally including open source Regshot code, but I'm not sure.
Either way, the official open source Regshot works quite well. We use it for analysis of apps.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!