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Freemind Portable Development Test 6

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Freemind Portable Development Test 6

Application: Freemind
Category: Graphics and Pictures
Description: FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software.

Download Freemind Portable 0.8.1 Development Test 6 [7.5MB download / 7.5MB installed] (MD5: ef09325eabd608f99d001d572944f85a)

Some notes:

This is the latest "stable" or release version. It apparently has fixed the problem in 0.8.0 where you couldn't use the latest (1.6) Java.

For those who want the latest beta of Freemind, here is Freemind Portable 0.9.0 RC1 Development Test 3 (RC = release candidate) Date: 2009-01-04 MD5: 514c0b99ea113a39d9256a7206a50d46.

Freemind Portable gives the instance of Java in PortableApps\CommonFiles, if found, priority over the system Java. I figure if it is working with the one that is loaded on the USB drive, it might be risky to try it with whatever version is loaded on the host system. Of course the java files don't get to CommonFiles by magic. If you want to try it, set up Java according to John's instructions for OpenOfficePortable.

I've not done anything to check if the app is already running. The techniques I'm familiar with don't seem to be working. I guess I could check on whether the launcher is already running and let it go at that.

The Freemind.exe (in the Windows distribution of Freemind) is a launcher, only written in c++. I didn't see a way to tell it to put its settings in .\Data easily, so I basically replaced it with an NSIS launcher. I suppose it wouldn't take much to reprogram the freemind.exe launcher to use .\Data, but that may be a project for another time.

The .freemind directory is created in .\data. The author makes a point about the program by default writing out all open files to that directory once a minute. This is probably not a good thing for Flash drives, which are only good for a finite number of writes. He gives instructions for having open files written instead to the user temp directory (usually on the hard drive), to save all that disk activity on Flash drives. That would probably be a very good idea. I've included a default file with that setting, but you'll need to change the setting if you are installing over a pre-existing version. If you are concerned about privacy or confidentiality, over premature aging of your USB Drive or speed, you may want to go to Tools | Properties | Environment and change the "Path To Automatic Saves" back to "freemind_home" (in ./Data) or something else on your removable drive instead of "default" (which is the user temp directory).

The launcher re-writes some of the paths in the configuration file, to allow for the app to be launched from a different drive. I don't use the program (yet) so I don't really know what they all are for. If someone finds a path that isn't re-written properly, or some other inconvenience when drive letters change, let me know.

The program seems to want to default to opening files from or saving files to the "My Documents" folder. I haven't experimented with trying to trick it into using a folder on the USB drive. Do we have a standard for that?

16 Feb 2008: changed icon on 0.8.1 to match freemind.exe
19 Feb 2008: tweaked default install dir and icon usage
04 Mar 2008: updated to beta 16
13 Jun 2008: updated to beta 18 (see freemind site for notes)
04 Jan 2009: updated beta to 0.9.0 RC 1

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 01:43
Works Well

Thanks - it works well. I really like Freemind a lot. It is right up there with Gnucash, OpenOffice & Firefox. I have tried your version with beta 15, and it seems to be fine with that. So I recommend that you consider updating the paf file to the latest beta. Keep up the good work. BTW users should definitely download & use JT's Java_Portabilizer_1.1.paf as it makes the whole USB stick Java thing easy! Thanks again.


Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
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Works great, why not release?

I downloaded both the 0.8 and 0.9 versions and have had absolutely no problems with either. They run great. Why not send this out for release? As for the Java portabilizer, it appears to have been removed from the portableapps site, but the machines I've been using already have a JVM installed.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I just checked the link and

I just checked the link and the portablizer seems to be available. It may have been missing for a while, but it seems to be there now.

John has said something about postponing any Java apps until he can release a new menu (platform) that supports Java better. I think that essentially means that we're on hold indefinitely. You could go to the Beta Testers meeting and ask there if you like.

Otherwise, you're welcome to use it as much as you like. The "Portable" launcher just sets it up so it keeps settings on the USB drive; the actual Freemind software is just the way it was released from their web site.

Thanks again for reporting on your testing (lots of people only report if something is wrong) and for your encouragement.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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FreeMind Portable v0.9.0 beta 9

-- I downloaded the 0.9.0 beta 9 Development Test on 2008.01.23 for eval. It appears to function O.K.
-- It successfully loaded from P-Apps launcher and loaded a couple of .mm files created with Freemind v 0.8.0 as well as v 0.9.0 apps. I also successfully edited .mm files alternatingly back & forth between Portable v0.9.0-b9 and normally installed v 0.8.0 with no apparent problems (inserting nodes, changing node & background colors, collapsing & unfolding nodes). No problems opening file previously edited by other version.
-- There was appreciable delay using "open" and "save as" functions using Portable v0.9.0-b9; however, I believe that is a general issue with the v 0.9.0 in any case.
-- Portable v0.9.0-b9 output to v 1 format (.sxw) vice v 2 (.odt), but OOo v 2 had no problem opening it and saving in .odt format. The outline format in OOo file form was reasonable, although it could use some improvement. NOTE: v 0.8.0 also outputs an OOo .sxw file that OOo v2 will not read. (Although a general v 0.9.0 comment not specific to portable apps version, it does indicate apparent proper Portable v0.9.0-b9 functionality.)
-- The Portable v0.9.0-b9 also output an acceptable web document version (with clickable hyperlinks from diagram at top to expanded outline below (once again confirming apparent Portable v0.9.0-b9 functionality).
-- NOTE: interoperabilty between Mindmap versions not tested using newer features of v 0.9.0, such as node attributes.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Thank you very much for the

Thank you very much for the detailed report.

I could mention that the goal is to make the portable version work the same as the installed version. So if they both have the same problem, we're in good shape. Wink (They'd probably appreciate your reporting any problems with the 0.9.0 version on their web site, if no one else has reported them already.)

If you don't see any problems with it, I think I'll prepare a 0.8.0 and a more up-to-date 0.9.0beta and see how those look.

Thanks again.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: FreeMind Portable v0.9.0 beta 9

-- Thanx for the effort to get FreeMind up & running on Portable Apps. Much appreciated. I've been waiting for this a loooooong time.

-- Once versions 0.8.0 and latest 0.9.0 are available, I can try to wring them out a little more thoroughly. Having functioning versions available at the main P-Apps site could evoke more feedback for the FreeMind developers by the P-Apps users who try it out.

-- Per the FreeMind website ( ), the latest Test Version FreeMind 0.9.0 beta15 was made available 2007.11.30. I haven't tried that version yet but have to assume it should be more stable that earlier versions (seeing that it's been out for a couple months already).

-- Looking forward to having this app available in P-Apps suite!

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Since you mentioned it:

Since you mentioned it:

The latest release version turns out to be 0.8.1 Smile

I might have the latest beta available tomorrow.

I am pretty sure this one needs a 1.5 jre, instead of 1.6 -- or at least the 0.8.0 release did. So put 1.5 in CommonFiles\Java The main thing 0.8.1 does is fix the dependence on 1.5 jre, so you don't need to worry about it.


wk's picture
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works fine

with jre 1604 but I had to renew the common files\java folder with the portablizer, though open office had no problems with java before. After renewal the splash " java class not found" disappeared. Smile

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"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

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test 4 now available

I made some changes. Zach was having the same problem, and the changes fixed them.

So now we need some more testers!


ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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This one works fine now.

This one works fine now.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

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Anything new to report?

Anybody else found any problems? Anyone else tried it? Seems pretty quiet.

If no one else can find a bug, I'd say this is about ready for final cleanup and release.


Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Works Well

I am using the beta 15 version. Works great with no obvious problems. Well done. Looks like it might be ready to release.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: Freemind Portable 0.8.1/0.9.0b15 Update

-- Just coming back after hiatus to find update ready to test. Will seek to provide feedback after chance to use Portable Apps version of FreeMind. Will try to do quick eval to ensure basic functionality, but normal real testing for me is actually trying to use applications to accomplish other work. As many are well aware, some glitches remain hidden for a while.
-- Thanx once again for the quick turn around in getting this app up & running on Portable Apps. This is a real boon for easing the workload to support being mobile.
-- Looking forward to having FreeMind in the regular PortableApps stable.

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Post Eval Follow Up

-- Recommend making the P-Apps FreeMind modules generally available based on the following evaluation results (see TEST NOTZ below). I feel satisfied that the P-Apps 0.9.0b15 module is functional enough to begin using for my purposes to do regular work. Obviously, good back-up should be strongly recommended.
-- Results seem good enough for me to transition to P-Apps v 0.9.x FreeMind from primary dependence on v 0.8.x FreeMind. (Although I'll proceed with caution until I gain trust in the newer version.)
-- Recommend users DO NOT use the node attribute feature of v 0.9.x FreeMind if there is any possibility of needing or desire for backward compatibility with v 0.8.x FreeMind.
-- I have a small MindMap (.mm) file available (ca. 2 Kb) that I can provide that may help as a starter to illustrate use of FreeMind. It's a simple mind map I scratched together with hyperlinks to the FreeMind website and to some helpful material on the web to create an understanding of what mind mapping is and how it can be used (tutorial/informational). Pointer(s) to example(s) in use also included. (This file is a work in progress and subject to change.)

-- downloaded & validated (Md5 sum) both v 0.8.1 & v 0.9.0b15 as P-Apps modules
-- Uninstalled (deleted folder) of v 0.9.0b6 downloaded, installed, & evaluated earlier
-- installed (as new app) v 0.8.1 and ran to evaluate functionality. Good apparent interoperability with v 0.8.0 installed as regular app (on Win XP machine), i.e. altering tree node structure, folding/unfolding sub-trees, creating clouds, changing cloud background color (using .mm file created & edited originally on regularly installed v 0.8.0 app). Also exported .mm file to (OOo) and web (.html) formats. OOo v 2 application complained that the OOo v 1 (.sxw) file was damaged, but successfully repaired it; simple "save as" to create OOo v2 (.odt) version.
-- installed v 0.9.0b15, which automatically deleted & replaced v 0.8.0 P-Apps module.
-- Newly installed v 0.9.0b15 opened initially with saved status left when last closing v 0.8.0 (i.e. last file viewed automatically displays in final display position when last closed/saved).

General FreeMind comment
(not P-Apps specific other than to indicate functionality)
-- P-Apps v 0.9.0b15 exports mind maps fine to html & OOo v 2 (.odt) file formats. Version 0.9.0b15 takes its time to "save as" and export to new files but it otherwise pretty snappy in its operation.
-- Interoperability between P-Apps FreeMind v 0.9.0b15 & regular FreeMind v 0.8.0 appears O.K. Was even able to run both apps simultaneously and copy a node from one to the other (from window to window using copy/paste via clip board). ONE KNOWN ISSUE: v 0.8.x has problems reading .mm files modified using v 0.9.x to create/add node attributes. (I did discover that v 0.8.0 can read a .mm file again if an attribute-modified node is deleted; only tested by modifying single node.)

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
Thanks very much.

We here of course are mostly interested that we didn't break anything in Freemind making it portable ... and making it portable mainly means keeping its settings out of c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\.freemind, and giving the user half a chance to save documents on the removable drive.

The 0.8.1 and 0.9 beta are supposed to default to different directories; did they when you installed them? I was confused when you said one overwrote the other. Maybe that was when they tried to access the same files?

I understand that 0.9 has been a long time coming, and is fairly stable. John probably needs to be the one to say whether we continue to concentrate on the "official" release version, or make the 0.9 available, or both.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-27 10:28
Re: Follow Up (Freemind Portable 0.8.1/0.9.0b15)

-- Freemind Portable v 0.8.1 and v 0.9.0b15 as downloaded yesterday defaulted to same directory. Although installation process permits changing directory name, I let it install into default. (Didn't feel comfortable having double install of same executable name -- wasn't experienced enough with P-Apps to be sure what would happen.) At least we know now that replacement function appears to work O.K.
-- Upon working with both v 0.8.0(PC) and v 0.9.0b15(P-Apps) interchangeably a little more, I believe it may be best to have v 0.8.1 available as regularly available P-App. The v 0.8.0(PC) seems stable enough with a good track record by many users around the globe. A hyperlink from the install page could be made to the Beta Testing Forum for those adventurous enough to work with beta-level functionality to try using v 0.9.0b15(P-Apps) and perhaps participate helping move things forward.
-- For regular users, performance of v 0.9.0b15(P-Apps) is too slow when browsing directories to find & open .mm files, when using "save as" function, and when exporting to other formats. Using it for those functions requires more patience than many will accept these days.
-- Once readily available and more users active, I can see development discussion migrating to FreeMind fora and P-Apps development discussion become more P-Apps functionality/maintenance related.
-- Re, the "small MindMap (.mm) file" I cited earlier: The latter has grown in size to a little less than 10 Kb and I now have a flash/html player version available as 7z or tarball at ca. 41 Kb. The flash/html version created by using v 0.8.0(PC) to edit the .mm file, then opening it v 0.9.0b15(P-Apps) to export as flash presentation. The latter functions pretty much like the FreeMind app with the exception that hyperlinks do not work directly -- need to use right mouse click to copy hyperlink to clipboard, then paste into browser.


Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I've changed the download

I've changed the download site for the project files to SourceForge.

We still need testers, though it looks pretty good at this point.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-27 10:28
Sourceforge Download

-- Downloaded from new location both v 0.8.1 & v 0.9.0_b15 -- both O.K. & validate O.K. using MD5 hashes given in message at head of this message thread.

-- Installed v 0.8.1 into P-Apps separate directory. Briefly tested to determine that it appears to function O.K.

-- Tried to change the icon back to the old butterfly icon, but unsuccessful. It would be helpful to have different visual clues on the P-Apps menu for the different versions. But I'm not familiar enough with the P-Apps environment to change it without having to spend more time than I should hacking my way to a solution. The icon desired is already in the ...\PortableApps\FreemindPortable\Other\Source\ directory as the "FreeMindWindowIcon.png" file. (Easily enough convertable to an .ico file using IrfanView.)

-- Will begin using the Freemind Portable v 0.8.1 from P-Apps to further wring it out. Have found so far that I prefer using the old, stable version (v 0.8.x) for creating & editing but then using Freemind Portable v 0.9.x to publish the mind maps to web flash player version (embedded as html document) or as document as outline to flesh out in OOo Writer.

((re rab040ma's signature block -- the version I've used over the years with my kids & grandkids is: "Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from lack of wisdom." I picked that up off of a poster I ran across, probably better than 30 years ago.))


Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Sorry for the icon

Sorry for the icon confusion. There was apparently a move to use a light bulb icon, then it went back. At one point I created the one in use for the Portables, and it stuck. I'll change the 0.8.1 portable icon back to the same as the freemind.exe's icon, but leave the beta 15 portable's different for a visual cue. How does that sound?


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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FreeMind Logo/Icon

ref: Logotype discussion on FreeMind Wiki at URL:

-- I had noticed some of the discussion on the FreeMind Wiki hilighted by item cited above, which appears to summarize the bottom line result. (For anyone interested, it also points to some other discussion threads, this subject.)

-- Re: "... change the 0.8.1 portable icon back to the same as the freemind.exe's icon ...." Yes, the OLD butterfly icon/logo would be helpful, i.e. as described above in this thread (in my last comment: "FreeMindWindowIcon.png" file). I had rather preferred the old one, but am getting used to and can live easily enough with the new one they came up with for v 0.9.x of FreeMind.

-- My mind map of Mind Mapping is now up to file size 19 Kbytes & comes out as a 44 Kbyte 7-zip file holding the Flash/HTML player version that could be posted as a web page. It currently has hyperlinks to both Freemind Wiki and P-Apps home as well as to download page for versions v 0.9.0b15 & 0.8.1 (hyperlinks you provided above in lead item of this thread included). NOTE: hyperlinks function directly from .mm file, but must be copied to clipboard in Flash/HTML version and pasted into browser address window to access the pages. (Work in progress; copy available upon request.)


Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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My main problem with the

My main problem with the butterfly image is that I haven't been able to find a high-quality version in a larger size, so the 48x48 image is either pixellated or fuzzy. If you know where I can find a better version, let me know.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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re: FreeMind Logo/Icon

-- The file indicated ("FreeMindWindowIcon.png") looks O.K. at the size it should display. I had captured my own version from the "Light_Bulb_and_Butterfly.png" on the FreeMind Wiki page cited above (February 16, 2008 - 7:50pm message). I used IrfanView to capture & copy the appropriate portion of the image to produce an .ico file. I also used that application to convert the "FreeMindWindowIcon.png" file to an .ico file. I ended up liking the latter better.
-- My problem was in not being able to locate the image in the normal, PC based version installation. I had to assume it was buried somehow in the executable itself or perhaps in amongst the java archive files.


Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I got that PNG file out of

I got that PNG file out of the freemind.jar file. But it is 32x32, and we need at least 48x48, plus larger for the splash screen. I've used various programs to increase the size, but it's an increase in size, and from a small image to start with, so it is difficult to get it to look good. I had looked at the Light_Bulb_and_Butterfly.png file, but the larger version looks fuzzy compared to the 32x32 version.

I've looked around a fair amount without finding one that is an appropriate high-quality and large size. If you can find one, or produce it, by all means share.


Patrick Patience
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Are these what you're talking about? The don't look fuzzy to me.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Nice find. That's a good

Nice find. That's a good candidate. But I'm hearing that people expect the Portable version to use the one included in the freemind.exe, until the FreeMind developers decide which one they are going to use.

This is the one we were most recently talking about. The icon is the brownish one at the lower right.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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48x48 Icon Image

-- I successfully got a 48x48 pixel image by using IrfanView to crop it out of the "Light_Bulb_and_Butterfly.png" image on FreeMind Wiki page cited above (February 16, 2008 - 7:50pm message). I cropped the larger, left hand image labeled "FreeMind Map 1 742 kB" under the rubric "Documentation" (zoom in close for good crop; use "Image" --> "Create New (empty) image..." pull-down menu). It's still pretty well pixellated when looking at it closely, but, at normal screen display size for an icon, one should barely tell the difference.

-- Thanx for pointing out where in the Java archive files I could find the original image. I did notice that even the old, v 0.8.0 package used the new splash screen (as shown on the same "Light_Bulb_and_Butterfly.png" image). I even uninstalled & re-installed from an old install package to check. (NOTE: from my reading of the discussion on FreeMind Wiki, I take it that the decision has been made to nix the lightbulb idea and go with the icon set perhaps similar to that on the right hand side of the "Light_Bulb_and_Butterfly.png" image.

-- The splash screen used seems no problem. What would be helpful is to have different icons show in the P-Apps menu. The modernized butterfly icon would work well with v 0.9.x while the older version icon (as described above) would help visually set apart the stable, v 0.8.1 version in the menu bar. It also would not hurt to have the the menu bar display "Freemind Portable v 0.9.x" and "Freemind Portable v 0.8.1" respectively.

-- Understand that needing to keep on changing the title is a pain, but for development using two different versions, the visual differentiation in the P-Apps menu bar helps avoid pulling up the wrong one. I haven't hacked my way yet to figuring out how to change it myself for my personal local use.


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A minor update to clarify

A minor update to clarify icon and directory usage.


Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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So far I've used both

So far I've used both versions of Freemind without encountering any significant problems. It must be said that I knew little about the program until posted here as a portable application, so problems equals ineptitude on my part and not issues regarding portability.

The only thing worth mentioning is the creation of logfiles in "..\Data\.freemind" (0.9.0b15). Though it seems limited to five (log.0,...., log.4) and of marginal size, depending on the number of project additions and alterations. Whether that is intentional, I don't know.

Otherwise there's a new beta and the localisation incomplete. The latter is a developer problem and the former may or may not warrant an update.

All in all an excellent job!

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I've updated the beta link

I've updated the beta link to a portable version of beta 16.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Re: Updated FreeMind .paf files

-- Thanx for adjusting the v 0.8.x .paf file P-Apps menu icon to reflect the older butterfly image. The visual difference in the menu icons makes it easier to quickly differentiate when trying to launch one or the other. In order to get the change to take, I had to delete (archive off) the old v 0.8.x directory and re-install from scratch. (Installing the modified version on top of the old directory kept the old version of the icon.)
-- So far the v 0.8.x version works as good as the one installed as a regular PC application. I've migrated to using the P-Apps version as primary file MindMap file editor. No detected glitches yet.
-- Since I've migrated to using the v 0.9.x version only for publishing (e.g. as OOo or html documents), I'll likely stick with the last installed beta version for now.

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Portable FreeMind v 0.8.1 Potential Data Leak

-- In using FreeMind Portable v 0.8.1 noted that automatic temporary saves made to (Win XP) directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\*user*\Local Settings\Temp\....
They are apparently wiped out with normal application shut down; however, there would appear to be potential for leakage if the app/program terminates abnormally (a.k.a. ABEND), i.e. copies of auto-saved backups of mind map files could be left in temporary directory on the PC used to edit/view the mind map file. (No testing for this condition done.)
-- This would seem not be of much concern in normal use other than for those particularly sensitive to leaving copies of data and/or potentially sensitive information behind.
-- So far no problematic issues discovered in light use of Portable FreeMind v 0.8.1 over last month. I have come to trust the app for regular use with only normal backup cautions. The only time the local PC installed version comes up is by accident (clicking on icon brings up PC default app) or as convenience for quick reference checks (with no expectations of editing a mind map file).

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I think that is part of the

I think that is part of the note above where it talks about moving settings and default saves. If you are worried about wearing out a flash drive you don't want it re-writing temporary files to the USB drive every minute; on the other hand, if you are worried about privacy you don't want it writing temporary files once a minute to the C drive. But the setting in Tools | Preferences lets you choose, I think -- make it "freemind_home" instead of "default", or something like that. See the FAQ article on the Freemind site for more info; there's a link to it in the topic article above. You might want to confirm that the instructions in the FAQ article work with a Portable install -- drive letter changes, etc. I think I confirmed it when I worked on it, but it would be good to have someone else knowledgeable try it too.

The new Portable Apps Platform will manage the temporary directory as well as the JVM (I'm told) so it shouldn't be a problem once that gets released.


Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-08 15:25
0.8.1 Does the trick

Downloaded 0.8.1 last night to give it whirl at college.
Worked a treat, didn't seem to leave files behind or anything like that.
Would like to give 0.9.0 a try but when I tried the full version beta17 there was problems with the java printing so I think I'll wait for that bug to get sorted.
Just wanna say thank you, you've made my life much easier

Stevoisiak's picture
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Two things

1. He has portabilized Beta 16.
2. Beta 18 is out. The Portable version needs to be updated.

Simplifying daily life through technology

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Beta 18

Sorry to take so long to get beta 18 ready. It snuck up on me when I wasn't looking.


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Mention on ZDNet
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Finally Tried It Out

Works nice and now that I have a reason to use it, I am really looking forward to an official release. Thanks for the PortableApp!

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Good stuff

This is my first mindmapping program (my first mindmap, for that matter), and I'm really enjoying learning it. It's a little laggy at times and I'm learning the interface, but otherwise it's working great with the Java Portablizer.

Great work and thanks!

For when the official release comes out, I'll just move my .mm files over to the new verion? Also, will it incorporate that workaround for the frequent in-process writing on flash drives?

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I expect that the data files

I expect that the data files will work. Of course Murphy was an optimist too.

The only workaround I know of is the one on the project home page (link above). So far I've heard some people say they don't want files written to the host computer (TEMP dir), and some who say they don't want files written frequently to the flash drive. The instructions let you choose which you want. If you want an option to write temporary files less often, you'll have to contact the author.

If you're referring to a different workaround, provide a link or more info.



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Very good results so far

So far, I'm delighted.

I have been a Freemind user for sometime. I have always found its biggest drawback to be lack of portability. (I use up to 6 different computers in the course of a week, and I like to use Freemind as an extremely flexible organizer.)

I use a small portable hard drive and so avoid the problem of limited writes to a flash drive.

Of course, this leaves me with the problem of limited drops on the floor, to which hard drives are susceptible.

Oftencold, but never bitter.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-31 19:06

I am using the Beta *heavily* and with near-perfect results. Freemind is an amazing tool for people who spend a little time learning its uses.

Portability has always been its chief drawback. The Portableapps version expands the program's usefulness enormously.

My personal experience is that the Beta is ready for "prime time."

Oftencold, but never bitter.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-23 01:46
I agree. This seems pretty

I agree. This seems pretty stable and ready.

Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
Thanks for the vote of

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Whether or not Freemind moves beyond beta depends on the beta testers and others. I think there is a question about java applications as a whole and how they fit into the PortableApps suite.

You might want to post your thoughts in the "ready for production" topic:


Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-17 11:48
Edit text within a node.

I am just getting started with Freemind, and quite like it.

I have been unable to figure out how to edit text within a node. For example if I want to emphasize one word within the text of a node by changing it to italics I have only been able to emphasize the node in its entirety.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
That might be something to

That might be something to take to the Freemind home page.


Last seen: 5 months 6 days ago
Joined: 2007-10-02 20:08
Edit Long Node

You need to edit using "Edit Long Node" (Alt + Enter) which changes the node to HTML mode instead of plain text. You will be prompted with a question asking if you want to use formattng; answer yes.

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-01-23 07:57
Un-Connected Bubbles for initial real-time brain storming ?

The screen shots of FreeMind show already connected stuff...

Often times when brain storming with a white board or flip chart
.. one may choose to simply list everything anyone metions...
.. then attempt to connect those thoughts and perform evaluation

1 - Will FreeMind just let you "plop" things on the screen in individual circles...
2 - Then drag them around and attempt various connections
3 - And, will it let you link... so one circled subject can be clicked on to bring up another map?

Thnks for any help.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
We worked on making Freemind

We worked on making Freemind work as a Portable App. It seems to do that. If we were successful, we didn't change the way it works otherwise. In particular, unless it appears that something about the Portable version is not working, questions about how to make it do what you want need to go to the Freemind forum.


Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-01-23 07:57
Thanks. Didn't know there was

Thanks. Didn't know there was a Freemind forum. I'll follow your link & repost.

Thanks again.

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-01-23 07:57
FreeMind Portable - Installation Questions

I'm running XP Pro... Here is what I did... (this is my 2nd attempt to get the application running)

1 - I just downloaded FreeMind Portable...

2 - I also put Java on the flash drive with PortableAPPs like this...

I "set up Java according to John's instructions for OpenOfficePortable"
by downloading and running Java Portablizer 1.1
I had to create the folder Commonfiles in the PortableApps folder
So I had x:\PA\PortableApps\Commonfiles\

3 - Then I made a foldder x:\PA\PortableApps\FreeMind\
and put the file...
in it.

4 - Double clicking on it gives me an NSIS error message...
"The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete."


1 - How can I fix it?
2 - How do I install a new app so it shows up on the PortableApps menu?
3 - Is NSIS a launcher I must install... other than the PortableApps launcher?
Thanks for any help.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
Downloading the PAF installer
  • The PAF file is an installer. It's designed so it doesn't need to be on a USB drive, taking up space. Download it to your desktop or wherever you put other downloaded install files that you only need for installing a program.

  • The downloaded PAF file checks itself before it runs completely. The message you see comes from that check. It means that the download was not complete or was otherwise corrupt. Try to download it again, and perhaps use winmd5sum(portable) to check its completeness. If you continue to have that same error message, come back to the forum, we can recommend some ways to get past it.
  • The preferred (most automatic, easiest for people to implement) way to install any PortableApps (PAF) program is to open the menu, look for Options, and on the Options menu, choose "Install a new app". (It works for upgrading an app also.) It gives you a standard dialog box, which you use to navigate to the PAF file (e.g. on the desktop). When you click on "Open", the menu takes care to make sure everything is put in the right place and is working. It extracts all the files you need from the PAF file and sets them up in a standard way. (There are lots of other ways to use a PAF file, but if you do it this way you'll see how it is supposed to work. If you want to try other things, do that later.) Once you have finished with the PAF file, you can archive the PAF file in case you need to install again later, or just discard it.
  • Freemind Portable, once installed, should tell you if it can't find the Java VM. If the Java you put in CommonFiles can't be found or isn't set up right, there's a good chance it will look elsewhere on your machine to find a useable Java.
  • NSIS is what is used to build the launcher. It's pretty easy to use if you have any programming experience. You would use it if there was something special you wanted the launcher to do -- the source code is there, you make your change, and use NSIS to re-create the launcher. But the PAF installer comes with everything ready for you to use (once you get a good copy of it). There would be no need for you to use NSIS under normal circumstances once you are able to run the PAF file to install Freemind Portable.

Let us know if you continue to have trouble downloading the PAF installer.


Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-01-23 07:57
Still get NSCS Error - won't install

Just downloaded it again from the link at the begining of this thread... downloaded it to my hard disk... My Documents\Downloads\Freemind\xxx.exe

Same problem. I double click on it to install and get the NSIS error.

1 - How can I get it to insall.


2 - If I download it to my hard disk and finally get it to install...
.. and since I want it to be installed as a PortableApp on my flashdrive...
.. and I want it to appear in the PortableApps Menu...
.. where should I tell it to install? On the flash drive? In a subfolder in the PortableApps folder?
.. Or should I install it anywhere and then go through the PortableApps install procedure you told me about to "move/install" it as a PortableApp such that it apperas in the portable app mmenu?

Thanks again for the help as I really would like to get this working.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35

What program are you using to download it? Your web browser? Is it Internet Explorer? I'm not sure that Firefox or Chrome will do better -- that is, everybody I know is able to download the program accurately and completely, and they don't get the error message you described.

Are you able to use WinMD5sumPortable? Does the MD5 sum that it calculates match the one given above? If you right click on the PAF.exe file and choose properties, what does it say the size is (exact number of bytes, not MB -- it should be 11,969,517 bytes).

I suppose there could be something on your system interfering. Did you try it with your antivirus temporarily switched off? (You can scan it first.) Have you run CHKDSK lately?

If you are using FirefoxPortable, have you tried Internet Explorer, and vice versa? Do you get the same result?

You might want to read my note again. The PAF format is the one that the menu uses to install the program. You can double click on it from Explorer, and it will put it where you tell it, but that is the hard way. The easy way is to open the PAM menu, choose Options, then Install a new app. The menu does the installing using the PAF file. It sounds like you are having trouble with that concept. Read it again to see if I'm not already telling you the answer.

If you want to install it manually, go ahead and click on it from Explorer. Tell it to put it into a directory below .\PortableApps\ -- on my machine that would be V:\PortableApps\FreemindPortableBeta. It's easier if you don't put spaces in the names, but it shouldn't matter. The PortableApps menu will find it automatically if it is there. Not right away -- it does if you install it through the menu, or there's a function on the Options menu. But the next time you restart PAM it will find it.


ilpo's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-28 20:55
How about a proper release

The current form of the Portable version works great. I have been a user of the non-portable versions for a few years. This version works properly, loads correctly. What else do we need? Let get it up and running.


We don't stop playing because we grow old,
we grow old because we stop playing.

George Bernard Shaw
Twitter @ilpoleht

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
Min or Max

Would people prefer the "min" package or the "max" package? I know some people run on small USB drives, but even the small ones are pretty big these days.

I know it is up to RC3 on the Freemind website, and hope to have it posted here shortly.


Last seen: 8 hours 13 min ago
Joined: 2006-11-02 12:44
Max fine

For me, it doesn't much matter, so I'd prefer the max package just for the sake of having everything.

Love this program. Thanks for working it into a portable app.

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-27 10:28
Why FreeMind Not on Apps List Yet?

-- Came back to ensure I had latest version for installing on give away thumb drive only to see I still had to search thru archives to find it. Lot's of discussion is good and keeps things moving. But I'm sad to see that it's not deemed good enough yet for placing on Applications list (at

-- I've found no problems over the last year using the stable version (v 0.8.1) in the Portable Apps format. I've now gotten to the point where I trust the application well enough to access interchangeably the same sets of mind map files on a USB drive from FreeMind installed on Portable Apps, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux. (Used for managing & organizing personal activities -- a very functional "2DO" organizer: use hyperlinks to project files & details.)

-- As far as functionality for a user, I consider FreeMind v 0.8.1 a trusted piece of software.

p.s. Found that copy of a node (with sub-nodes) in FreeMind and paste into or other word processing application pops in a beautiful outline in text format. Easy way to use FreeMind as "idea processor" to work up the logic for something you're drafting such as tech documentation, research paper, article for publishing, etc.

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-30 09:57
No problems

Tested Freemind Portable 0.9.0 RC1 Development Test 3 on Windows XP sp3 user account. No problems.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-31 04:55
Me too.

I have been using it for weeks on a daily basis. No problems.

Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-03 05:31
So (when) is it going

So (when) is it going official? I've been using it for quite some time with no problems - it seems like a lot of others have also been using it and it works OK for them as well.

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-30 09:57

Can you update FreeMind to RC4?
Maby it will help to get to official suite Smile

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-10-12 03:20

i really like this software with portable version. i have used the portable version for several months and it seems no problem. it should become official and be updated to the latest version.


Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-03 05:31
Yup - I agree - been using it

Yup - I agree - been using it for months... even a year!

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-27 10:28
FreeMind v0.9.0 rc6 Works Well

-- Recommend updating PApps FreeMind Portable v 0.9.0 to rc6
-- Just finished major project using FreeMind v0.9.0 rc6 using MS & Mac OSX versions interoperably (along with Linux v 0.8.x) against same set of files. PApps v 0.9.0 rc1 used enough to determine that it also worked O.K., but decided to use PC installed version rc6 for major part of the effort. No glitches experienced.
-- Effort included initial ideation & logic workup for article, managing work files including draft versions, work logs, project planning, lessons learned & new ideas capture, as well as tracking coordination & publishing activities. This included hyperlinking to interlinked MindMaps, working documents, & websites.
-- Had to migrate to v 0.9.0 in order to use the direct export to (OOo) documents. Output from old v 0.8.x not readable in OOo.
-- Experience was good enough finally to jump to regular use of v 0.9.x and abandon v 0.8.x altogether.
-- Looking forward to FreeMind Portable becoming part of PAapps stable of standard apps.

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-15 11:48

I've also been using RC6 with no significant problems.

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-10 19:49
Has anyone tried XMind ?

It even has a portable version.

Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-03-09 02:42
Command line open not working

I'm trying to hack the .mm file association in the windows registry to open freemind files and it isn't working with the portable version.

To minimize the scope of the problem I simply tried to open the files on the command line and here are my results:

Standard (non-portable) Freemind install
"C:\Program Files\FreeMind\Freemind.exe" "E:\My Dropbox\Mind Maps\"
- Opens the .mm file in freemind as expected

E:\Applications\FreemindPortableBeta\FreemindPortable.exe "E:\My
Dropbox\Mind Maps\"
- Opens freemind but to a new document not the document I intended to open

The versions I have tried:
Standard - Freemind 0.9.0 RC1
Standard - Freemind 0.8.1
Portable - Freemind 0.9.0 RC1
Portable - Freemind 0.8.1

BTW, thanks for the PA version. I use portable apps in a non-portable manner because they're easier to install/copy/backup/etc... and Freemind is definitely an essential part of that collection.

Last seen: 14 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-02-18 05:06 and links=relative

Love the 0.9.0 and can't wait for the release to share with the more fainthearted scared by the word beta.

Question though: what happened to the file?

My main concern is being able to switch to links=relative. In the past I have not been able to do this reliably except by editing the file directly. Somehow one of my drives has 0.9.0 on it and has it set up the way I want, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I did it!

Is adding links=relative to the file a valid approach? ... apparently not since it didn't change anything, but maybe someone could explain why Beee I'm just struggling to understand what has taken the place of or if I somehow missed it.

thx muchly,

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
I was a big Freemind fan, now I use Freeplane

It's not the beta that bothered me, it was the glacially slow development that made me think that it was, essentially, abandonware.
Freeplane is a fork of Freemind 0.9 that had picked up where they left off. It's nearly identical to Freemind. Freeplane has released up to 1.1.3, and they have a paf.exe portable version available on their site.

I did notice that on the Freemind Sourceforge page, they SEEM to have actually finally released 0.9.0 on 02/13 (it's in the section for downloading a stable version). What I don't get is, if this is the long awaited release, why haven't they announced it on their website? After all these millennia, I would think they'd have trumpeted that news to the heavens!
But in any case, Freemind does not offer a portable version itself... so I'm sticking with Freeplane.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35

The file is (or should be) in \PortableApps\FreemindPortable\Data\.freemind

You may be used to seeing the .freemind folder in %AppData% (on the C: Drive). That's not very portable, so it's been redirected to save in the Data folder.

Maybe you were changing the version in Apps\DefaultData\.freemind? That's only used if the one in Data\.freemind is missing.

If links=relative works, that might be a good way to avoid having the launcher edit the file each time it starts.


Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-27 10:28
Freemind vs Freeplane

One difference noted (working is MS Win/Linux/Mac OSX environments):

-- Freemind appears to be re-entrant (without file locking) in that there is potential to have two copies of Freemind active at same time, both in edit mode with the same file. This happens when double clicking on file icon to launch Freemind as default application. It's possible to edit the file with one active session & shut it down only to find it also being edited by other session. If care is not taken, saving the second file edit session can destroy edits made in the first session.

-- Freeplane appears to prevent this by only launching a single session with newly opened files only appearing as new tabs, even if launching by double clicking on file icon.

-- NOTE: while both Freemind & Freeplane can be active at same time, no testing/evaluation was attempted trying to access same fime at same time by both apps.

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-07 07:34
New version is out:
Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-25 13:56

Also noticed that there are new versions of Freemind out.

When will there be a Portable Apps update for this great piece of software?

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-01 18:43
I created a portable launcher for FreeMind 0.9.0

Greetings charlie_24 and others!
I created a quick draft version of a FreeMind 0.9.0 portable launcher and created a repository for it on GitHub. I wrote it using AutoIt and not NSIS (as usually done around here) for the sheer reason that I was more familiar with AutoIt.

What I'm offering is not a .paf.exe format installer but simply a launcher that configures the location of user-related file storage to be in a sibling folder of the App folder (configurable in an INI file).

So to get started:

1. Grab my FreeMind launcher as a zip file.
2. Extract the files from the above package.
3. Get the zip archive of FreeMind files from the FreeMind download page.
4. Place the files from step #3 to the App folder that got created in step #2.

You should now be good to go Smile

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-07-16 08:46
FreemindPortable_1.0.0_RC3 prepared for Dev Test

The launcher was created with PortableApps.comLauncher and packed with PortableApps.comInstaller

Minor issues with splash icons will be fixed later

This launcher is provided AS IS without any warranty. You will use the launcher at your own risk. I have tested the launcher to work on Windows 7 Ultimate (64bit)

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2015-05-15 04:14
out of date - use official freemind portable

just tried installing this as using locked down machines - unfortunately doesnt work with freemind 1.0.1

fortunately freemind provides a no installer needed version at

just unzip this and run the appropriate freemind exe within Smile

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2017-04-17 02:24
FreeMind1.0.1-max = FreeMind_Portable_0.0.0.1_Development_Test_1

Here is FreeMind (Portable)
It does integrate it self into the PortableAppsCom menu
It will do some registry stuff as FreeMind would do
and it moves some files in the User\.FreeMind directory.
It is starting and it keeps the settings.
Inside is a Splash.jpg and a second one, if you like you can rename the second one into Splash.jpg and vice versa.
The FreeMind version it self is from FreeMind-Windows-Installer-1.0.1-max.exe

If you are a hoster, you can host it please

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-07-04 04:53
FreeMind 1.0.1 test for portableapps

Hi ngube

Is there any chance you can re-share the test install you created? Freemind is one of the last Apps on my machine that is
not portable and would love to see it in the 'official' list

I found reference to a portable version of 1.0.1 here
but I've never heard of the website and the download is an exe so I'm a bit wary.

Thanks in advance

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-02-13 19:49
Are the caveats still relevant

You wrote "The .freemind directory is created in .\data. The author makes a point about the program by default writing out all open files to that directory once a minute. This is probably not a good thing for Flash drives, " Is this still a valid issue or has it been resolved. Aside from the version number the rest of the post still seems to be from Jan. 2008

Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2018-08-16 01:28
Fixed failure to load Frreemind - can't find jvm.cfg


My first post, hope it is helpful!

I recently launched the launcher and it updated portable Java (I think), from then on freemind failed to launch with a message that it could not find the jvm.cfg file. When I checked the path indicated, the file and part of the path did not exist. I tried to launch the executable from explorer and it failed with the same message K:\PortableApps\FreemindPortableBeta\Freemind.exe, I then found another file of the same name in the directory K:\PortableApps\FreemindPortableBeta\App\FreeMind\Freemind.exe and this one launched without issue.



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