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Portable FireFox in Spanish

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fdisk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-19 17:35
Portable FireFox in Spanish

Is there any chance to develop a version in Spanish Language?

I'm willing to help with translations if necesary.

kingsfield (not verified)
Possible solution

I believe that FireFox is open source, so you could translate it yourself. The problem is, that's a lot of work, and that's generally why there aren't too many translations of programs! If you want to help, then you might want to start translating, then go to the FireFox forums, and post the project. You should get some volunteers pretty quick.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 09:30
Don't need to translate yourself

Hi fdisk,

You dont need to translate firefox yourself. There is allready a spanish translation:

1.) Download this spanish FF-ZIP-Package:

2.) Extract this files:

3.) Put these files into the corresponding directories of your PFF:
existing, firefox-l10n.js and updater.ini will be overwritten by the spanish ones; chromelist.txt, es.jar and es.manifest are added.
Is is the best to delete all files in the searchplugins-dir. of PFF before coping the spanish-localized ones in.

4.) Start your spanish PFF Smile

Cya Ryushi

P.S. This works for my german PFF (with de.jar etc.) but it is best if you make a copy/backup of you PFF before localazing it my way Wink

fdisk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-19 17:35
Cool solution - request for a "Sticky"

Thanks Ryushi

I think this solution should be as a "Sticky" for all foreign languages.

In order to save bandwith and space in the servers, could be useful to have the instructions as a "make yourself language version" this is a practical solution.

Thanks again

tittoproject's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 12:23
Too complicated!

Hey guis, It's really easy!

Just intsall your spanish Firefox (download it from and copy all installation files ("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox") into "Portable Firefox\Firefox" directory (obviously delete the olders).

I mean: the only things you need to make Firefox portable are the Launcher and a profile directory with portable settings (disabled cache,no default browser,...).

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