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noob question to get normal programs to work

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-19 10:41
noob question to get normal programs to work

ok, i can't get any non-portable program to work with portableapps. i place the program in the pa folder, in a filder in the pa folder, above the pa folder, and in a folder above the pa folder. none of them work. what am i doing wrong.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-17 05:43
did you refresh the app list?

Easiest way to be sure of that is to restart the menu

the correct place to put an app is....

assuming that your install is on drive X, and you've used the defaults, you should have


and additional folders in X:\PortableApps\ for the PA apps you have installed.

To get additional apps to show in the menus, you need to create a new folder for the app within X:\PortableApps, and make sure that the .EXE file for the app is in that folder, so, for MyApp.exe, you would have it in


It must be an exe file, bat and suchlike will not work. Nor will shortcuts.
It must be in exactly one level of subfolder from the PortableApps folder, as shown above.

Once you have placed the files there, refresh the app list from the options button, or restart the menu, then see if it is there.

It definitely works - I've got literally dozens done that way.

Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-19 10:41
its still not working

it won't show up. i refreshed the list, everything. i even did install new app, and accedentally installed the program on the computer. the program is the comodo firewall. don't ask why i wan't it portable, i just want it portable. here is a tree of the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\*\Desktop>tree H:\full\pasuite /f
Folder PATH listing for volume DATA
Volume serial number is *
│ StartPortableApps.exe

│ comodo.exe

│ ├───Music
│ ├───Pictures
│ └───Video
│ │ help.html
│ │ PortableAppsBackup.exe
│ │ PortableAppsBackupRestore.exe
│ │
│ ├───App
│ │ │ 7za.bat
│ │ │ 7za.exe
│ │ │
│ │ ├───AppInfo
│ │ │ appicon1.ico
│ │ │ appicon2.ico
│ │ │ appinfo.ini
│ │ │
│ │ └───DefaultData
│ │ settings.ini
│ │
│ ├───Data
│ │ data_readme.txt
│ │
│ └───Other
│ ├───7-ZipSource
│ │ readme.txt
│ │
│ └───PortableAppsBackupSource
│ License.txt
│ Readme.txt

│ License.txt
│ PortableAppsMenu.exe
│ Readme.txt


what am i doing wrong?

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

the structure is
| |-App
| |-Data
| |-Other
| |-help.html
| |-FirefoxPortable.exe
| |-App
| |-Data
| |-License.txt
| |-Readme.txt
| |-PortableAppsMenu.exe
| |-App
| |-Data
| |-Other
| |-help.html
| |-PortableAppsBackupRestore.exe
| |-PortableAppsBackup.exe
| |-YourApp.exe

In your case, the folder the StartPortableApps.exe is in is deeper but as long as the rest remains in this structure, it will work.

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