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ScreenSaver - Screenshot-Utility

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Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:45
ScreenSaver - Screenshot-Utility

Hi all,

I make extensive use of the windows-screenshot function (pressing "PRINT SCRN" and "ALT + PRINT SCRN"), to share screenshots over IM or Email.

What i really hated was, that i always had to open an Image-Program like Paint of Photoshop to paste in the screenshot and then save it to a jpg-File.

I dont want to have a real screenshot utility running in the background all the time, and usually these applications are overloaded with functions i do not need. So i wrote this very simple and portable app bye myself.

If you run it, it just checks if there is a bitmap in the clipboard, and then save it to desktop as a jpg. Then it exits. No user interaction needed. No configuration to do.
Now i just use launchy to start my prog and get the screenshot on the desktop.

Perhaps someone else is interested in it, so i decided to publish it here in beta testing (delphi source included). Feel free to do with it whatever you want:

Feedback is welcome.

bye, atreiju.

Riax's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-06 14:41
Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger allows you to paste a bitmap from the clipboard directly into the conversation as a JPEG file transfer. I know WLM isn't very portable, so unless the host machine you're using has it installed and you're willing to trust the host machine enough to use it, this probably doesn't do you much good, but I thought it was something worth pointing out.

Nice utility, though; short, sweet, and to the point. Good job. Smile

Her song leaves the other side in flight for their lives now;
They are not long for the world.
No one leaves; line up for inevitable wipeout.
All you've done - now it's what you deserve.
Machinae Supremacy ~ Laser Speed Force

Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35

I did work some on PngOptimizer Portable, which does some of the same things as your program. One thing it does that I like is allow the image to be saved on the portable drive. Not as convenient as the desktop, but less chance of leaving it behind on a public computer.

I didn't find any indication of a license. I suspect without some sort of explicit statement we might not be able to distribute a PAF version of your program from here. Of course it would work very well from the PortableApps menu with a manual install, so you may not want to go to the trouble.

Can't have too many screen capture utilities, especially if they compress screen caps down to a reasonable size instead of saving them as uncompressed BMPs.


Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:45

I have no idea about the license-stuff. The tool hardly can be called a program, it consists of just a few and common known code-lines.
If it's a help, and if someone would like to help me and add an OpenSource-License or what ever, i would appreciate that. But for me, I don't need that. Smile

Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
In most of the programs

In most of the programs distributed on this site there is a file called "license.txt" that is usually (but not always) the GPL. After the license text itself in that file there are some paragraphs suggesting how one might apply the license. It's basically a matter of copying and pasting some text into a "readme.txt" file, and including a copy of that same "license.txt" file. I think it would be enough to put both files into your zip archive.

If that is done it can be distributed in a PAF format "installer" that would make it ridiculously easy for people to use it from PortableApps. Not that it is hard, but some people might have trouble knowing where to put it to make it work.

Oh, is the icon that comes with it original, or the one that Delphi puts in if you don't specify one? I suppose we'd need to know the licensing on that icon too, or ask NeoRame if he can come up with an original one. Wink


Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-28 22:02
nifty, i like. I take a

nifty, i like. I take a lot of screenshots in work and email them. its always a pain opening paint just to email it on.
I also like the simplicity of the app.
I'll try it out and give you any feedback i think of.


Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:45
If you think its worth to

If you think its worth to make a PAF of this, there are some things I need your help with:

1. License: i add the license.txt from notepad++ into the zip and wrote a short readme.txt. Can you take a look at it? (Zip-File above is updated)
Must these files be in the same folder as the exe? Or could i put them into the source folder?
My english is bad! So please take a look at that, too. Wink

2. Icon: Its the standard-delphi icon. I would like to change it, before distributing! Could someone create an icon (GPL) for me? My idea was: a picture with an down-arrow coming out of it (symbolise the screenshot to be saved) But it could be something else, too.

3. Feedback: I think about changing the filename from "screenshot0...99.jpg" to a filename like "screenshot_2007-08-02_1...99.jpg" (with the date in it). COULD be useful, but the creation-date is written in the file-attributes as well... Whats your opinion?

4. Feedback: I think my tool saves the jpeg with 100% quality. (Dont know for sure ;-)) The files would be much smaller with 80% or something, but of course less clean. What do you think? Should i change that?

5. Source Code: I just copied the whole project-folder. But i think there are files in it, which are not needed. Does anybody know delphi? Which are the essential files for building the .exe, which of them can be deleted?

Last seen: 11 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-10-23 11:23
I would like to add...

6. Search Options: I would like to choose where the screenshot is saved!!! Otherwise great app, already used it for my blog. Smile

Take a Look

self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path

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