Has anyone been looking at porting Inkscape to a portable app, since as we have GIMP as an open-source equivalent for Photoshop, Inkscape gives similar capabilities to Illustrator / Freehand for professional quality vector graphics.
In an ideal world, when Scribus (open source DTP) becomes stable under windows, then that's another possibility
inkscape is portable just grab the zip off of the website
That is the only problem. Any ideas?
Where does it write to? Profile folder?
Then it'll be nice and easy.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yes I think this is the profile folder
C:\documents and settings\\Program settings\Inkscape
(translated from german, don't know what is the path on english Win versions)
So how could it be done then???
Please note there is a working portable version of Inkscape on the Italian Winpenpack website, as is Scribus, so there are two top notch DTP programs that can be run on a USB drive. These distros include their own launchers.
But I want also to learn from the code, and do not speak itallian ...
Here you can download a portable version of Inkscape for Windows:
The web says it is in French, but it is multilanguaje.
. . . John Haller's portable launchers. Any chance of you packaging up the Inkscape app, John?
Are you ABSOLUTELY sure there is no absolute truth?
Are you ABSOLUTELY sure there is no absolute truth?
I seem to remember that I installed Inkscape as per usual for Windows and found that all the dll etc actually exist in the same directory. I pushed it onto a thumbdrive and presto it worked without any alteration.
So lemme get this straight, you can install regular Inscape on your flashdrtive and take it anywhere. Right?
InkScape WILL write to userprofile "%appdata%\inkscape" on the host machine. The 'portable' version on framakey uses a batch file to copy the preferences.xml file back to the original app folder then deletes it on the host. If you use InkScape from a USB drive without the batch file, you will leave your preferences behind.
Ridgewood Foundation Open Source Project
Site: ZedFiles Blog: My 19" Universe
that makes sense, thanks for the help. I'll be back!
I want Inkscape either ... will try that version from the french site (see above). Unfortunately they name it: 0.43 rc2 ... release candidate ... not final ... hmm.
Damn!! That Inkscape Version (french download site) works but it is only possible to start it manually ... the Button within portableapps-menu does not work!!
Anyone knows why? In Addition it seems that PortableApps-Menu uses the filedescription instead of the Filename and the filedescription of inkscapeportable.exe ist very long 
EDIT: Try this => http://www.winpenpack.com/main/index.php?mod=none_Files&dpath=misc/Files...
just deleted U3 ... now Using PortableAppsMenu and Various Portable-Tools