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Jooleem Portable 0.1.4 Pre-Release 1

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 27 min 40 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Jooleem Portable 0.1.4 Pre-Release 1

This app has been releases:

Jooleem Portable was started off by Jacobm001 over here and it seems like folks like it (I know I do), so I've updated it to a Pre-Release. The original launcher was placing the Jooleem DLLs within Data (which is a no no), so I've swapped it out for a simpler swapper launcher (ala KeePass, etc). It moves the highscores.dat and screenshots directory back and forth on launch and exit.

The EXEs and DLLs are now UPX compressed. And I re-encoded the music to a lower bitrate to save quite a bit of space. I used the high-quality Oggenc2.84 using aoTuVb5 encoder to handle it set at quality 0. When playing the game, you can't really notice a difference. All told, this takes Jooleem itself from 11.9MB down to 5.9MB. Adding in the launcher, appinfo, etc, and we're at 6.17MB, which I think is a pretty good size for a game like this.

I don't think it works on Windows 9x at all, at least it didn't in my virtual machine. So, if someone with a real PC with it on it could check, I'd be much obliged. I'll update the launcher to error if that is the case rather than letting the app crash.

Download Jooleem Portable 0.1.4 Pre-Release 1

Please give it a try and post your feedback.


ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Great! The user-developed

Great! The user-developed apps are starting to appear. Not to be critical, but may I recommend doing one of Patrick's apps next? He's been waiting a few months, where as Jacob's release is only a couple weeks old.

This works well, good job on shrinking the size down so much, and I'm glad to see progress on rolling out these apps.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

NeoRame's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Looks Great, works fine....

Looks Great, works fine.... (i like the pafed stufff Wink )

But one thing to do,please change the website url in JooleemPortable.nsi.


Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

Tim Clark
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Remind me,

A PreRelease 1 is closer to:
an alpha,
a beta, or
A Release Candidate 1?

I always get confused by meaning of PreRelease.

Like to know before I try Sad


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I Believe

Development Test (Alpha\Beta)
Pre-Release (Release Candidate)

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
Was That Really Fair?

If I understand, you just 'stole' Jacob's app.

You couldn't have asked him first? Sure, you're helping him make it better, and get it released. However, you really just re-wrote the whole damn thing, gave Jacob no copyright over the app he chose and originally worked on. Re-writing the whole thing really doesn't help Jacob learn anything, does it?

I'm sorry if I misunderstood somewhere, but that's what it looks like to me.

Not cool.

Tim Clark
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I'm sure you misunderstood,
Did you see this:


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
Unfortunately No

Read the main post, he re-wrote the whole thing with a different launcher. He could have helped Jacob to it himself, but it doesn't seem like that's what John likes to do unfortunately. He didn't even add a copyright for Jacob in the Source or readme.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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I'm sure he'll credit Jacob

I'm sure he'll credit Jacob anyway. (Don't you, John??)

But maybe Jacob will just release another version of his own after this Blum It's only one of John's pre-release things... hehehe, jk...

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 27 min 40 sec ago
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Well, that wasn't the intention at all. I'd commented on the fact that Jooleem had these issues over a week ago and they weren't yet fixed. (Now looking back, I think I may have done this in the Update thread instead of the Jooleem Portable thread. Damn, I thought I had commented in the right place.) I was looking at it more where other folks were updating each others apps... like T updating InfraRecorder since I hadn't gotten around to it. As for the copyright, the code in the launcher is all mine... it's KeePass' launcher simplfied... that's why it only had my copyright on it.

I figured Jacob would be listed as the developer/maintainer/whatever we call it and could update it as needed going forward if he was interested. I don't care that it's credited to me or as my app. If I've stepped on your toes here at all, Jacob, I am sorry. It wasn't my intention.

Either way, I spose we should come up with a set way of transitioning apps into official status. Many of the development releases have multiple small problems with them (lack of or incomplete help files, missing icon sizes in appicon.ico, not quite right timing on the splash screen, missing or invalid entries in appinfo.ini, not moving data around correctly, etc). Many of these are covered in the Is Your App Ready? post and developers have said their app is ready when it still has these issues.

So, I guess the question is, when it's packaged for an official release as a pre-release or final release, should we just give feedback to the main app author and await their updates? Should we treat it as a team effort to put the final polish on it? Is updating help files, appinfo, etc acceptable but updating the launcher or compressing the binaries not?

Maybe we should start a thread on it and come up with a process so everyone is involved and we're keeping devs in the loop.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I've been working tirelessly for past months to dedicate any time I have to Infact, I've spent the last year with this being the only site I really go to. Was it worth it? Partially. Partially because I get to help people out here, solve problems, offer hosting, etc. But partially not, because you just keep teasing me.

August 1st, 2007: You told me you wanted me to come on board You said Ryan's Pencil and WinBoard were going to be released within the next week. Ha... so about that.

It's now March 6th, 2008. I have spent SEVEN MONTHS waiting for NOTHING. And quite frankly, I'm pretty damn tired of it. I don't know how Ryan didn't snap earlier. I do all I can to help, I offer help to question here, I offer hosting, I moderate, I've even offered to do other tedious tasks, but I get no answer of course.

In no way to I want to bring offense to Jacob, but I've been 'officially' developing here for seven months, so I imagine at least ONE of my apps is ready for official release if Jacob does a release and boom two weeks later he's got a pre-release (again, no offense).

Is updating help files, appinfo, etc acceptable but updating the launcher or compressing the binaries not?

Not when you redo the whole bloody app. How is that okay, but someone tries add features to the PAM because people keep requesting them, and you keep saying, 'Next Week!'. Then you shun the menu off like it doesn't exist, and won't even let El Salvador promote ASuite because it's a 'fork' apparently, and apparently won't let some others promote either? (SmithTech)

John, what's Open Source to you? You make a sweet menu, promise people new features for a year because after all, it's coming 'next week'. Someone does try to help you out, adds some new code, and hey, they're on the SourceForge project. Nothing seems to happen for months, and then you go trademark everything you can so no one can make forks under the same name. Then you go get these damn digital signatures which you at one point said were not needed all making this more and more less of an open source project while still kicking away everyone that tries to help.

I'm sure I've said it before, but here is again.


I'm effing tired of it, it's ridiculous, you won't let anyone do ANYTHING TO HELP.

Tell me honestly, what the hell is your plan? How do you plan to keep doing everything your doing by yourself? Updating apps, site, creating new apps, and you know the list goes on and on, you know it does. Honestly, I think you've pissed off quite a few people who have tried to help you the most, and I hope you know that.

I've tried to keep this post clean, but I don't think I can to make my point.

John, I'm f*cking tired of all this bullshit. If you're not going to stick to dates, stop making them! Then we can all just leave and stop falling for you stupid crap that you rehash every week. You know you do, your stupid update just says the same stupid lies it did last week, I bet it's just an easy copy and paste to keep at the f*cking 'next weeks' intact.

So John, stop bullshiiting us, or you're gonna lose us all before you see it coming.

Yea, that was a pretty harsh comeback to your post in which you tried to make things all good again because I know you'll just continue on with the same old shit. Infact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you keep feeding us the same bullshit even after this.

How about all those development tests this week? You've got one day left in your standard week, and I haven't heard shit from you seeing as you said I would be the first app released.

And InfraRecorder was left in beta for months, Joleem was there for a couple week, where the hell do you see a similarity?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 27 min 40 sec ago
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Well, honestly, I think that was a bit over the top. But, here goes anyway...

Regarding WinBoard and Pencil, I honestly forgot about those and I don't think Ryan has pinged me lately.

I did Jooleem first because I'd been playing earlier today and really like it. That's all. It wasn't a judgement of timing or quality. I'm sorry if you felt passed over as a result. I bailed on personal plans this evening to work on posting the next beta of the platform/menu and to post the first 5 pre-releases of developer apps. And, yes, one of them is yours... Task Coach, actually. I know I went a bit overboard on the work in Jooleem. I got overzealous as it's something I really wanted done in time for the 1.1 Platform release.

Regarding the whole forks issue... while it is all open source and you're free to do what you'd like within the license, what you can't do is promote it on the website of the project you're forking it from. Would Flock be able to make posts about their browser on I had had complaints in the past about some forks being allowed and others not, so I was trying to be consistent in terms of ASuite which used PAM code for theming in the last release. The current release looks like it's just using a modified theme format and structure, but I haven't had time to look at it yet and I actually am a couple days out on getting El Salvador an email about it.

Regarding the platform development and outside involvement, I'd been holding out on the weekly update as I was waiting for the last developer to agree. He did last night. So we have Smithtech (SmithTech Menu), XRXCA (PAM Mod) and maggotboy ( who will all be working on the platform going forward. That's why I'm working tonight instead of going out and doing something with my friends... to get the 1.1 final beta posted and get the 1.5 (or 2.0) alpha into SVN this weekend.

Regarding the trademarks, yes, is a registered trademark of Rare Ideas, LLC. I invested the money into it all to create the site, name, logo, etc. I'm investing money into it on an ongoing basis. And, I want to be sure to protect that investment. Open source doesn't preclude trademarks or creating value in a brand. Trademarks are used to ensure that others don't tarnish a brand and other uses. Mozilla does this with Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird. Ubuntu does this. Nearly all of the largest open source companies and projects do this.

Regarding the digital signatures, I added them after discussions with some possible hardware and software partners. It helps add an element of professionalism to releases and looks better on XP/Vista when users download and run apps.

And the answer is... no, I don't want to continue doing this all myself. Nor am I. We'll have 3 new devs working on the platform (plus me) on an ongoing basis as soon as 1.5 is in SVN. We have the next 5 (after Steve's Toucan and Ryan's WinMerge) 3rd party apps in pre-release this evening and, without issues in the test, released along with the 1.1 platform next week. We have 2 site admins / SourceForge release techs other than me (Ryan and Marko) with full rights on all pages and the ability to create new app pages and do releases on SF. We have multiple forum moderators who can admin comments (and forum posts once the modules are updated for Drupal 6). We have a whole team of beta testers to help vet the 3rd party apps and things as they come in.

I know you're posting out of anger and frustration, and I can understand that. But honestly, this is a bit more harsh than a moderator of a site should be in the forums in my opinion. If you have personal issues with me or the way things are being run, please, in the future, bring them up with me in private.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I'll Keep It Short

I understand the importance of trademarks, but I've read a bit and it seems that Ubuntu and Mozilla are just the way we seem to be in terms of outside development, listening to opinions, etc.

I'm extremely angered, and I posted in public so others could see. There have been so many times I have written a whole rant for you, but erased the whole thing because I said, "Oh, I'll give him a bit longer". Unfortunately, you haven't prooved much to me, so I had to make that clear, and clear for all to see.

I tried e-mailing you last night in terms on development tests with a short e-mail, but didn't get any response and it's not an hour and a half from Friday with no Development Tests released.

You know contacting you personally is one the hardest things one could try to do.

And just to note, you made like three references to dates in that post. Now people are expecting the PAM in SVN this weekend, and El Salvador's expecting an e-mail.

Stick to 'em.

Sorry, gotta comment on this one, too.

And the answer is... no, I don't want to continue doing this all myself. Nor am I. We'll have 3 new devs working on the platform (plus me) on an ongoing basis as soon as 1.5 is in SVN. We have the next 5 (after Steve's Toucan and Ryan's WinMerge) 3rd party apps in pre-release this evening and, without issues in the test, released along with the 1.1 platform next week. We have 2 site admins / SourceForge release techs other than me (Ryan and Marko) with full rights on all pages and the ability to create new app pages and do releases on SF. We have multiple forum moderators who can admin comments (and forum posts once the modules are updated for Drupal 6). We have a whole team of beta testers to help vet the 3rd party apps and things as they come in.

Short answer is, that's not good enough. There have been people offering to do SO much more. In terms of themers, people to write the newsletter. Two release techs is deff. not good enough, either.

When people offer help, you really DO turn the blind eye, and you should try to make an attempt to provide them with some sort of response. I think most people would rather be turned down then sit questioning.

Ryan McCue
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As a note...

WinBoard isn't really ready for a release, the launcher needs to be updated. Pencil may be getting dropped, depending on the amount of time I have left.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Steve Lamerton
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to bring this thread back, but as it has been bumped anyway, will there be a way for other people to invest in Rare Ideas LLC or are you keeping it closed in the long run?

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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thx Patrick!

Courageous, needed words.
Thanks for this public discussion.

Life is crunchy, anywhere

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Concerning the pre-release

Concerning the pre-release apps. Its a good thing that the apps that are virtually ready for release get a final check before entering the final release. Mostly the things lacking are minor issues like as you said some forgotten appinfo.ini details. The appicon might be a little obscure. Say an app only has 256 color icons, well, then you gotta do with those, as I think they will show up fine. I don't know exactly what formats are needed as usually its just 32px and 12px in xp, 256 and maybe even 16 colors? I don't remember where 24px or 48px are normally used. I assume the menu doesn't use them. And the 256px XP icon wasn't required for the launcher (as it would increase its size to much). I myself usually use the sizes suggested by IcoFX and I read that 24px is virtually unused.

XP: (265px) 48px, 32px, 16px
256: 48px 32px 16px
16: 32px 16px

Anyway, when an app is ready (and the small issues are fixed) it's time to get it to the next step. It just needs an official release. Maybe it should just be released as pre-official list until you are confident the release is worthy of your signature. I personally don't mind if you don't sign the releases, as long as they are not tucked away in an endless list of pre-releases in the beta forum.

At some point the Application could and should be considered complete and then it should be put on the list of available applications. Whether that is the 'official' list of another 'not official' one I don't care, as long as the applications are put out into the public. Leaving them hanging is the beta forum would not be enough because the beta forum tends to be a bit chaotic. Apps that are ready should be in a list of applications to differentiate them from the work-in-progress beta tests, organized into categories.

Many people made portable versions expecting them to be 'released' or at least 'listed' somewhere where the Portable Apps users will be able to pick them up and start using them.

Maybe some sourceforge project could be set up for all applications ready for release but not yet officially released through the Portable Apps site or something.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 27 min 40 sec ago
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The pre-releases aren't signed. The goal there is to keep them flowing. Marko and Ryan both have release tech privs on the SF project (though Ryan hates SF, so we may need to add to that list).

For the signatures, the eventual idea is to keep a Windows box with login rights for release techs so they can upload and sign the installers/launchers remotely. Distributing the signing key itself is a bit too risky (legally for Rare Ideas, LLC, that is), but having certain devs with rights to sign but without access to the key itself is possible.

Ideally, I'd like a couple release techs who have been around a while to be able to take a ping from a 3rd party dev when they've uploaded to SF and be able to post the release in the Development Test category and scan it for viruses/malware, ensure it's setup right, etc.

And the apps are listed somewhere. There's the Test Releases page in the Development section. It's just that it isn't updated as often as it should be. If one of our experienced users is willing to track releases in the forums and update it, please let me know.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Simeon's picture
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I think

that you, John, aren't too happy that this is on Ryan's page but here is a pretty complete list of the Apps in the beta forums. I will take a look at the forums and make a list of released Apps that are not in that list.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 27 min 40 sec ago
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Oh yeah

I forgot about that. I wish I could set certain pages as wiki-esque on here more easily. I think Drupal 6 will let us have some of that in terms of permissions. Ideally, I'd like to set all mods and devs with access to edit certain pages on the site here.

Maybe we should just us Ryan's wiki for dev tests and the dev test page for pre-releases until I can get that working properly.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I like that idea, but before

I like that idea, but before we promote it, his list needs some cleanup and organization, mostly the info in the Status column.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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Maybe we should just us Ryan's wiki for dev tests and the dev test page for pre-releases until I can get that working properly.
I think thats a good idea. Ill be posting a (I hope complete) list soon.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

OliverK's picture
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As far as help files,

As far as help files, etc:
We don't have the stuff- at least as far as I know. I am fairly sure the app info is correct. But why would I stuff all the doggone trademarks etc. in the help file, when its unlikely that my app will be released and when there's a good chance that I could get yelled at for putting in the stuff?

PNotes was done by you, and worked. Ryan did a newer version. They're both dead in the forums. My PNotes awaits an answer from Ryan. All I did was update your launcher- but I would like to switch over to Ryan's launcher. I await an email from him as to programmer etiquette- cause I don't want to step on toes. You'll notice even my wrapper contains Your copyright. There's a small note that says I updated it. I'll make it bigger, whatever.

I don't want to criticize- you've made my life so much easier. Computer that reset themselves is great- but it makes life hard to use what you like the best.

But- The PAM beta 4 was supposed to be out a month ago. Its not so buggy- so post the bloody thing. Let's be done with the old issues.

Ryan's got a bunch of great apps that work. You said you would release some. For cryin' out loud- a token? I understand the quality issue- but this is Ryan. Reviewed for almost a year. They work.

Now, maybe I'm just on a rant of my own. Probably. I haven't ranted at you yet. And I'll probably hold my piece for another couple of months. Thankyou for talking the time to read this.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Nice. Hmm maybe the hi-score

Nice. Hmm maybe the hi-score lost should be filled with 0000 default so I dont feel so noobish Smile

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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Actually I'm honored...

Well thanks John. I don't mind that he did it. And yes John I would like to continue to support this app.

Release Team Member

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I Didn't Suspect You To

But I find it very offensive that he completely re-did your app, dropped your copyrights, and didn't even try to help you rather, but rather re-did it all.

Classic John.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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I've set you up with a Jooleem Portable page. You'll need a summary paragraph and a features section. I'll get the logo and screenshot ready. Write up a release announcement for it, too (pattern it after some of the others on the homepage), and we'll post it on Monday.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Jacob Mastel
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I got the main page up and running, but where do I make the announcement thingy? I will be gone for the weekend so if I don't get that done withing about 40min then you'll need to do that.

Release Team Member

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Just write it up and send it to me via email. You can use the developers email address on the contact page.

The page you can edit yourself and give it a description, feature list, etc.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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You could email it to him,

You could email it to him, or put the content of your messages in this thread so he can just copy/paste it into place.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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seems to work under vista ultimate & xp pro

I just tried it on Vista Ultimate, and I haven't found any problems so far.

I also tried it on Windows XP Pro without problems

TStodden's picture
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Win 98/ME Break-err... Testing this Weekend

I'll give a speed on the one offline computer I have that's still running Windows ME.

I've already tested the standard (non-portable) version on that computer & it suffers some random freeze-ups... It would likely happen with the portable version as well.

I'll post my results on Monday about it.

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TStodden's picture
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Works with little issues

Pardon the delay (other projects got in the way), but the portable version worked fine. Does suffer some random freeze-up (like it's non-portable version), but it does run.

Game Monkey Likes You!

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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I thought you were going to release this yesterday.

Release Team Member

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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You're still missing a features list. Can you write up a quick one and put it on page based on what's on the Jooleem site?

I have the logo and screenshot for it up and ready.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-06-13 19:36
Oh sorry.

Yeah I'll get that done.

Release Team Member

El Salvador
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 10:10
The current release looks

The current release looks like it's just using a modified theme format and structure, but I haven't had time to look at it yet and I actually am a couple days out on getting El Salvador an email about it.
I'm waiting that e-mail from you, but nothing...

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

And just to note, you made like three references to dates in that post. Now people are expecting the PAM in SVN this weekend, and El Salvador's expecting an e-mail.

I told him. Smile

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