A new version is available. Please move discussion to there. Topic locked. Old comments are listed below. - Moderator RM
I've posted a test release of FakeNES Portable.
FakeNES is a NES emulator written in C, and thus its very portable. I like it, and thought it'd be a good place to start in the world of portablizing things.
I want to give credit to the following people:
John- Who may or may not have known what I was doing, but I used his ZNES Portable Launcher for this.
Ryan- Who was nice enough to tell me things I have known the multiple times I contacted him on messenger.
Patrick- Our new moderator, and helped my with that lovely part of the code that makes FakeNES look in the roms folder regardles of where you are
special note: I have to say, after trying ineffectually to get this to work and going through about a half dozen different launchers, this is a "pain"! I don't think I'll ever look at it the same way- and I got off easy,
I didn't have registry entries to worry about!
Please give it a try and post all feedback- even if it is some dufas thing.
Main Download
Note: I'll do an official installer when I get that code figure out! Still working on it I got that stinker.
For the interested, I would say bottom rate is 1.6 ghz, with 512 sdram. Its still kind of buggy, but it runs
i am going to test this out. i also told some friends at a site i go to about it seeing as they use emulators alot. This might be useful for playing NES games at a school or library. Thanks. I look forward to any updates.
If this is considered bumping, please, then remove it.
The maindownload link has been fixed, and the aplication is on Developement Test 2
I would appreciate all who are willing to be "beta testers".
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cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Again, if Bumping Please remove
All issues should be fixed- now saves stats etc in the data folders. that was a simple change of the config folder.
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If there's an update to the application, it's not a bump.
I hate to say it, but I can't get FakeNES (the non-portable version) to work without freezing up & crashing on me. I'll keep trying to get it work, but it may be a losing battle.
If I can't get the non-portable version to work... I hate to think how badly I'll crash FakeNES portable.
If you're planning on getting a NES emulator portable, I highly suggest trying NEStopia ( http://nestopia.sourceforge.net ) as it's fairly stable.
Game Monkey Likes You!
FakeNES works satifactory for me on three different computers that I have tried it on. The readme does state that the program needs a bit of power to run. It sometimes crashes on my computer- both versions, but my computer is having issues of its own. It most often freezes when I pull up another window over it. Killing the process and starting it over usually works well.
I will take a peak at nestopia to see if I like it better . . .
*EDIT*- Its a bad sign when it wants me to update my video drivers, since on a borrowed computer, that's not always an option. I haven't had this issue with FakeNES, so the choice stands- also, its not so easy to swtich from one proggy to the next- I'd probably still get this through to finish and then start Nestopia.
Why don't you take a crack at portabilizing Nestopia?
*EDIT2* a different gave me the same issue. I don't think I'll be doing this.
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I had no problem getting the portable version to work. trying to minimize or exit was a pain in the ass but otherwise it worked well. I will be testing some more with this.
yeah- I think that results from the portable but I do believe the standard has that issue.
BTW, thanks for the beta testing.
(You think I should give out cookies for beta testing?:P)
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I dislike cookies which is why i clear out IE all the time
I will try a USB controler this weekend after i dremel my Macintosh to death >:D
I meant a Cookie.
What happened to the mac?
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the area that a Zip drive go into on this perticular mac doesnt have the holes to mount a hard drive instead. so i will take a Dremel and make a place for the screws to go.
Oh and i dont mind that kind of cookie, but it is hard to send them electronically
Don't forget the WonkaVision!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
since you are having issues, check out this list of different emulators. it's not limited to NES, its a decent looking list and I think they are all GPL. there are 4 pages and the navigation is only at the top...took me a while to figure that one out lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
What list...?
now he can't reply!
that's why I didn't reply.
Anyway, since the damage is done :P, I'm only having trouble with the NSIS wrapper.
FakeNES works fine for me.
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Because he can't just reply with the link. It's not like he posted something that shouldn't be there, and then made the dumb move of replying to his comment telling him to remove something which he can no longer do.
i could have sworn i included the [a href=...] stuff oops....lol dont i feel smart now anyway, here's the link for real this time
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I'm not having issues with the program, just the launcher
Anyway, it comes down to this part of code:
If I comment out
it will compile. But if its left in ,it gives me this message
Line 104 is
Apologies to John, etc if I'm using the pre tag wrong
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Sounds like you're missing ConfigWrite. You'll probably need a plugin for that in the NSIS directory or your app directory.
Ug . . . Thanks, Patrick
*EDIT*- Double Ugh, I can't find it!
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!insertmacro ConfigWrite
at the top of the source under ;=== Include.Ready for the third ugh? The booger says:
I looked, but I can't find what I'm missing- I looked at the ZSNES, but it doesn't have it anywhere in the script, and it would compile fine, but it doesn't like something else.
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you will also need to add:!include "TextFunc.nsh"
And probably:
!include "StrRep.nsh"
Sorry, wasn't thinking.
Developement Test 4 is now out.
It should be ready for prime time. Features automatic adjustment of paths- something I wanted before the final release.
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Awesome. a new version to test out
Development Test Release 4.1- no real need to update, just fixes a minor issue with the config file- also fixes spelling error.
Also has a homepage finally
FakeNESPortable Homepage
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Guess what- I pushed out the final version of FakeNES Portable.
Hurray for ordered lists. Ain't they pretty
You will probably want to update, because of numbers 2,3, and 4.
Thanks to all beta testers.
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I've been testing this on and off all week, and haven't found any major problems yet.
There was one little thing that I thought I would mention, but I doubt it's a result of being portable. I'm running Vista Ultimate, and I noticed that the minimize and close buttons on the window aren't disabled like they are when I tested it in windows xp.
Other then that minor thing, it runs perfectly...keep up the good work
Thanks for testing.
Yeah, the minimize/close buttons are disabled on the default "install". Vista probably handles it differently.
Thanks for the testing.
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Hitting all the download links takes me to what appears to be a "generic" search site. Maybe the target's down?......
I was trying to test out some apps the other night, and this was down. I forgot to mention it.
I temporarily uploaded it to MediaFire for anyone who wants it. I can remove it when the official link is fixed.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Thank you.
Muchos gracias.
I'll test it shortly.
Thanks- I've been away from the internet for awhile. I'll have to contact Ben- but my next connection for the internet will be tomorrow. Hopefully- it'll sort itself out.
Thanks for posting the mediafire.
I'm mirroring the package here on my geocities. Geocities has a data transfer limit. So, if the site won't let you in, try again in an hour.
Thanks to all.
I'll post development/ #6 hopefully tomorrow.
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Hey Oliver,
If you want, I've got lots of bandwidth and disk space on my server I'm eager to set people up with, I can create you your own directory with an FTP login, and a web-based login. No more upload limits since you'll have FTP, too.
Sound good? Check out my user page to contact me.
Simplexity came back. But thank you for the offer. If you think that it'd be worth mirroring, then let me know.
Also- I'm curious about afew things.
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Hokay, so... here's ze changes:
Website: http://PortableApps.com/FakeNESPortable
And therefore delete Other\Source\FakeNESPortable.ico.
newadvsplash::stop /WAIT
That was fun, now you have fun.
Oke dokie. I made the changes. Everything was upx'ed as well.
I'm waiting for a more secure connection then my library to do the upload at.
Sit tight- It'll be here monday just a little after 12.
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Development Test 6 is out!
Should be final, unless I did something dumb.
Oh, I added a new line of code that always adjusts the save path to the data folder.
Let me know if you like it.
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I tried several roms and keep getting errors:
Failed to open new machine state file.
Quick save failed.
I think I was able to save states on previous releases. Later I will try reverting to release 5.
Edit: I was able to remedy by creating a folder callled "saved" under FakeNESPortable\Data. This was the default folder, but it did not exist until I created it. There is a folder called "saved" under FakeNESPortable\App\fakenes. I was unable to change the path to this folder and keep the settings after closing the program.
yes, this is because I added some code that always set the saved folder to that directory.
Sorry for that.
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I have made a note that there are some roms that refuse or crash when used with this program. Though a few of them (EarthBound Zero, Final Fantasy III Alien3) crashed on the Linux port as well and refused to work on KFCEU for some odd reason, There are some others that should have played that didnt including Sonic (yes a NES sonic rom) Final Fantasy IV (Prototype)and Mario is Missing. These worked in other emulators and other ports of FakeNES. hope this helps.
It is possible that this is a result of the upxing that I did to it.
If you are interested in doing a little work for me, could you download the zip from here:
Delete the cfg file
And run it and try seeing if any of those roms work. I didn't use two for testing, so there's a possibility that upxing broke FakeNES in some manner (similar to how Pnotes ran fine in WinXP but was messed up seriously with WinVista when UPX'ed)
Thanks, Mir.
Nevermind, its Here
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Hi OliverK
Is this still being developed?
Hope so
PortableApps.com Advocate
Yes this app is still being developed. I'm was working on rewriting the launcher, and will have to finish it. The big improvement is that it will adjust paths, instead of using a hard-coded location.
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Thanks :o)
Look forward to testing the next one :o)
PortableApps.com Advocate
Same here!
Any luck yet?
PortableApps.com Advocate
patience is a virtue :D, sorry guys, I haven't really had time to work on this stuff. But I will be working on it very hard next week. I has my high speed back.
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Thanks for the update
PortableApps.com Advocate
What is it exactly? I thought it was something similar to the Nintendo Entertainment System. I think i was wrong. Could you clarify this?
It is an emulator for the Nintendo making it possible to play games (roms) on your pc.
PortableApps.com Advocate
What kind of games? Like Nintendo games? But they're not computer disks.
yes NES games. some people took the game off the old cartage and put it in what is called a ROM format. Please do not ask for roms because their legality is in question. You are legally suppose to purchase roms or own the original game due to copyright law.
Moved to here:
Could a moderator please lock this topic in 24 hours?
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