It has always ben easier for me to troubleshoot problems with Windows when i have the computer right in front of me. thanks to microsoft i can have any version of Windows in front of me at any given time. But that only works on my home computer i was wondering if there wa any way to make this PC Emulation software Portable, ive tryed loding it aon my thumbdrive and i get error messages.
For the developers:
If you want to download microsoft virtual PC 2007 and look over i's framewoork it can be found at,, if it is as simple as the portable NetBeans Was i can do it, i do have a basic programing knoladge. and i have edited many .config, .xml, ect.
Thank you
Hope to see Virtual PC Go Live Soon
Hey Charles
Unfortunately, we can not make a portable version of Virtual PC, as it's closed source, copyrighted software. However, you may eventually see QEMU Portable and hopefully even VirtualBox Portable as some point, as VirtualBox is great.
So sit tight, I don't think you'll see them soon, but eventually.
Someone has written a launcher for MSVPC 2007. It doesn't actually include any MSVPC files or code, so it's completely legit. Installation is outlined in the readme, but the basic gist of it is that you have to perform the installation using a machine which has MSVPC 2007 already installed, and the necessary files are copied from the local installation. It's pretty clever, I think. Read the topic and readme for more info.
I was actually using it myself for a while, but I've removed it until I can get a larger drive (I'm thinking one of those Western Digital 250 GB portable hard drives 8)). My current flash drive's capacity is only 2 GB, and even after I was able to trim an XP virtual hard disk down to 768 MB, I still only had around 100 MB of free space left on my drive.
Her song leaves the other side in flight for their lives now;
They are not long for the world.
No one leaves; line up for inevitable wipeout.
All you've done - now it's what you deserve.
Machinae Supremacy ~ Laser Speed Force
a while back, someone compiled a portable virtualbox, althogh i cannot figure out how to use it, but it is a start.
The portable Virtual Box works great. I use it all the time...
a link?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It's a bit outdated, but will work with the newest version of VBox if you just drop in the files. There's one error I always get (in the cmd window), not sure what it means, but it still works.