I recently submitted an application for a SF.net project (PortableNotepad2, or pnotepad2); it's been in the queue for 4 business days and I was wondering how long a wait it would be (they say it's usually two days). Does anybody know?
Also, I'm starting a new project -- Registry Rocker. This is basically a GUI'd front-end for a modified version of the QuickPort template. I'm still trying out various languages, but I'm probably going to make a C++ application that accepts command-line arguments and has a text GUI if no args are passed, plus a GUI frontend (in NSIS, probably) that lets you fill in a form and it calls the C++ program with various arguments. Then the C++ program would custom-generate a .NSI file.
So far, though, I keep getting into trouble when I try and use C++ style strings -- whenever I use the variable declaration string WhatEver
and try and use the variable later, I get bombarded with errors.
Anyone fancy helping out? I mostly need help with the GUI -- I'm going to try and fix the C++ program on my own. (Any tips for dealing with strings would be very useful, by the way. ;))
#include <string>
Just bought myself a C++ book. I`ll gladly help out. Especially with the GUI. NSIS is my home language.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I only included cstdlib and iostream -- I thought all you had to do was use the STD namespace.
Lemme see if it works.
As far as C++, help is greatly appreciated, and for the GUI -- it's all yours. I'll e-mail you the app (and source code) when I manage to compile it; you can see what's needed from it.
~nm35 {blog} {site}
Mark Smith | PortableApps.com Developer
Everything I have read says otherwise, but that was a 4 year old tutorial.
Ill consult my book.
Anyway, I will help with C++ and GUI (either or) if you want.
Make sure you mail it to cubegames@gmail.com cause the portasoft emails dont seem to be working.
Oh, it took me a couple of weeks for SF hosting one time. Then I realised that it already was approved.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
You need to
#include <string>
Just checked. In Dev-C++, notice how it doesn't emphasise it?
Or are you using Visual C++?
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Dev-C++, and occasionally VC++ (on uni computers).
SF.net says regarding PNotepad2 that it's been waiting 5 business days and is "Pending Review".
I've got a version that accepts input and gets four or five variables; I'm going to have it then use ofstream to generate a custom NSI file based on these variables (a modified version of the QuickPort Template). Is there a way to run an executable from inside a C++ program? I want to call makensis.exe afterwards to generate an EXE launcher.
~nm35 {blog} {site}
Mark Smith | PortableApps.com Developer
found this:
Or this:
More info:
See if it works.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Hm. Will try it out.
Can you give an example that runs whatever.exe in the current directory?
~nm35 {blog} {site}
Mark Smith | PortableApps.com Developer
I'm scratching my head at what I said.
I just copyed and pasted.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."