This has been released. Thanks for testing!
Application: BonkEnc
Category: Music & Video
Description: BonkEnc is an awesome CD extractor, audio encoder, and converter. It already converts to a decent number of formats, but you can always throw a few more formats in the plugins.
Download BonkEnc Portable 1.0.7 Pre-Release 5 [3MB download / 4.2MB installed]
(MD5: ef9c89fd23f2ed5ea28cd07370d6ec91)
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 5 (2008-04-16):
- Fixed a couple small typos in the language code breaking functionality, works now.
Pre-Release 4 (2008-03-24):
- Removed upgrade code as it kept seriously screwing up.
Pre-Release 3 (2008-03-24):
- Settings are now copied from previous location to new one.
Pre-Release 2 (2008-03-24):
- Settings now stored in Data\settings, apposed to Data\.
Pre-Release 1 (2008-03-22): Initial Release
- language to now be automatically set by PAM language in future version of the menu
- your playlist and encoding directory will be set as \Documents\Music on the first run if those folder exist
What I am looking for testing on in this release are the following items. 1. If your drive has a \Documents\Music setup in the root of the drive, let me know if that is what your playlist and encoding directory are set to on first run. If you do not have that setup, let me know if it sets those to just your current drive letter. 2. After those paths on set on first run, change them to a different directory, and tell me whether or not those settings get overwritten or stay the same on next launch. 3. Check that your drive letter changes between PCs.
Thanks, and let me know on those issues. I'd appreciate if John and some others could check and make sure my XML file handling part looks like it's all right.
1. without those folders, the output dir was set to the root of the drive
2. after changing the path, closing, and relaunching BonkEncPortable, the changed path remained as the output path.
3. can't test yet, only 1 PC currently available.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Thank you good sir.
1. with those folders, path was properly set to \Documents\Music
2. still works
3. drive letter changes work correctly
just noticed all settings are in /Data instead of /Data/settings
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Thanks for that catch on Data\settings, I'll fix that.
BonkEnc Portable has been updated to Pre-Release 2 to fix a small issue with where settings are stored. Please test.
John, if you get a chance could you please create a page for this for me to edit? Thanks.
Did you update the installer to move the file for anyone that has it in the old location?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I was going to, but for some reason I decided against it. I can't remember why. But it makes sense to right now.
I'll update it.
Works great, can't wait for the official release. Great job, Patrick.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
??? i just downloaded it twice and each time i run the installer the folder it makes has no BonkEncPortable.exe or help.html. everything else seems to be there.
You're right. I have no idea how that happened. I'll look into it.
Edit: Updated to a pre-release 4. The upgrade code had some issues for some reason. If someone has some upgrade code that works, let me know.
BonkEnc Portable has been updated to pre-release 5 to fix a couple issues breaking functionality of the automatic language setting.