Ok, here's the ICO of the new icon for use with it: jkdefrag.ico. It has 16, 32 and 48 in XP and 256 color depths. You can hack it into jkdefrag with resource hacker.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
ok i did it with resource hacker for the x32 version, but it won't open the x64 file for me to change it. i don't see an icon for the x64 exe but i can only assume x64 users would see an icon.
ok 2 things. first, i just emailed the developer of JkDefrag inquiring about the origin of his logo. second, i want to take a poll to see if more features should be added for the main screen or to appear from an "advanced options" button or leave it as-is.
Possible advanced options include:
5 = Force together.
6 = Move to end of disk.
7 = Optimize by sorting all files by name (folder + filename). (SLOW)
8 = Optimize by sorting all files by size (smallest first). (SLOW)
9 = Optimize by sorting all files by last access (newest first). (SLOW)
10 = Optimize by sorting all files by last change (oldest first). (SLOW)
11 = Optimize by sorting all files by creation time (oldest first). (SLOW)
Slow down to N percent (1...100) of normal speed. Default is 100.
Set the size of the free spaces to N percent (0...100) of the size of the volume. The free spaces are room on disk for temporary files. There are 2 free spaces, between the 3 zones (directories, regular files, SpaceHogs). Default is 1% (per free space).
Select a debug level, controlling the messages that will be written to the logfile. The number N is a value from 0 to 6, default is 1:
0 = Fatal errors.
1 = Warning messages [default].
2 = General progress messages.
3 = Detailed progress messages.
4 = Detailed file information.
5 = Detailed gap-filling messages.
6 = Detailed gap-finding messages.
Leave advanced for later and we'll do it simply first.
Honestly, multilingual should take precedence over new features as we're now supporting Italian, German and French for all apps and will be adding Japanese and Spanish soon.
And we'll swap the icon out regardless of what the author decides since including the Vista icon is a copyright violation.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
well on that note, how do i add translations? should i just look at examples from wraithdu or John Bently?
if the author still created his icon from scratch to match the vista hdd license, would that be a copyright violation? and is it fine if the main app is still in the app folder compiled with the original icon?
also, before we do this app i need to tidy up my code a little bit in a few places.
I tried to download dev test 6 and all I have is a no-icon file with the installer's name... when double click I receive just an empty DOS window... last time I tried i shows a window saying about a non acepted instruction in 16 bits...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
yeah, my server sucks. i tried emailing kevin to get on the Dev Tests sourceforge page but never got a reply. i need to get something done soon though since my subscription to that server is canceled on May 1.
Well, May 1st is my birthday, so your birthday present to me can be to take my hosting. FTP login, web-based login, e-mail download statistics, personal directory, and no limits. Just upload and link your file, it's as simple as that.
sweet, i got you an awesome present!!! I think i still should use sourceforge for most of my dev tests though to keep the load off your server since stuff like SMC is 35MB.
That's not a problem right now. If it's fairly stable, go and put it on SourceForge, but if you have constant updates still to be made, feel free to keep it on my server. I've got 500GB's of bandwidth a month, and I'm ready to upgrade to 1000 as soon as it's needed.
I'll be upgrading my web hosting at some point too and Patrick and I will be setting up a mirroring service so files are hosted on both sites, so if one goes down, the other stays up.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I didn't receive anything. Just send me an email at porterk2 [at] live [dot] com.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
ok, i just got an email back from the author of JkDefrag.
The icon I used came from a collection of icons that I found on the following URL, which in turn came from Vista itself. I have no idea about copyrights... but if Microsoft complains then I will simply change the icon. JkDefrag is a free program, so there is no money involved. Anyway, for your GUI perhaps it would be better if you used/created a different icon, to signify that it's actually a totally different program from a totally different maker. http://www.istartedsomething.com/20060924/vista-fitted-nearly-finished/
So, i guess this means we should use the new icon?
Yeah, for both the launcher and the app itself. Including a Microsoft-copyrighted icon that's part of the OS (not one included with, say C++ as part of the set you're allowed to use and redistribute with your own programs) is a copyright violation and we'd want to ensure we're not doing that.
Did you offer him our new fully GPLed one?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
i'll look into it, but i don't know of any way for it detect if a drive is virtual or not; if it's show them then it apparently sees them as "fixed" drives that have a "ready" status
and then it says "Line -1:
Error:Subscript used with non-Array variable"
then i put that back to false and wanted to test out the splash screen so I put
thanks for testing. yeah the disable splash screen doesn't seem to work for me either. i just tested the enable flash drives and had it work though. i'll try to figure out what's going wrong though. how many drive letters of what kinds do you have on your pc (ex: 2 hdd 1 flash)?
I have tested it on 3hd and 1 flash, I still get the same results as before. Except on the flash drive the EnableFlashDrives works while running from it.But still the DisableSplashScreen doesnt work.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
ok i see now. i thought you meant it wouldn't launch, but now i see it errors when trying to do anything to the flash drive, and i think i just realized what is wrong with it. i may be able to fix this tomorrow, but if not it won't get fixed till next week since i'm leaving friday for the weekend where i'll be detached from technology.
After Analysing a drive, You are left with a window which you can only close.
If you do close it the GUI doesn't reappear for at least 15 seconds (this is the same time as the timeout on the window).
The timing seems to coincide with flash access. IE when it stop the GUI re-appears.
If you have any control over this, a message Please wait while log data written and removal of the close button would help remove confusion.
Notepad++ Portable...
In your 'Advanced Settings' when you implement them, to satisfy all users, you could have:
Use Portable Text Viewer (Tick Box)
Path to Portable Text Viewer (TextBox with the relative path filled in) eg path to PortableApps folder
really? since dev test 6, the jkdefrag window should close automatically after it finishes and bring back the gui window in half a second max. It waits until jkdefrag.exe no longer exists, so i guess if the process takes a while to close after you closed it then it would cause this. I'll try to reproduce this and if there is ever any delay between when jkdefrag is closed and when the process closes i'm pretty sure i can make a "waiting for jkdefrag to finish" type message show up, since i'm using autoit and i can monitor the window. mby i can find a really slow computer to test on. allowing for custom text viewers would be nice, but i don't think it would always work because i'm not sure if all text viewers take command line options to open a file. it's not the end of the world if the log file opens up in notepad.
btw, this topic is old. a new topic was started for Dev Test 8 a while back at https://portableapps.com/node/12885. will a moderator please lock this thread?
Excellent, I'll use that in the splash.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Cool, thanks. Can't wait to see this one go live, it's really great to have around. and Travis did a great job on the GUI
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Ok, here's the ICO of the new icon for use with it: jkdefrag.ico. It has 16, 32 and 48 in XP and 256 color depths. You can hack it into jkdefrag with resource hacker.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
ok i did it with resource hacker for the x32 version, but it won't open the x64 file for me to change it. i don't see an icon for the x64 exe but i can only assume x64 users would see an icon.
I know resource hacker can't do x64. Maybe XN resource editor can.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
ok 2 things. first, i just emailed the developer of JkDefrag inquiring about the origin of his logo. second, i want to take a poll to see if more features should be added for the main screen or to appear from an "advanced options" button or leave it as-is.
Possible advanced options include:
5 = Force together.
6 = Move to end of disk.
7 = Optimize by sorting all files by name (folder + filename). (SLOW)
8 = Optimize by sorting all files by size (smallest first). (SLOW)
9 = Optimize by sorting all files by last access (newest first). (SLOW)
10 = Optimize by sorting all files by last change (oldest first). (SLOW)
11 = Optimize by sorting all files by creation time (oldest first). (SLOW)
Slow down to N percent (1...100) of normal speed. Default is 100.
Set the size of the free spaces to N percent (0...100) of the size of the volume. The free spaces are room on disk for temporary files. There are 2 free spaces, between the 3 zones (directories, regular files, SpaceHogs). Default is 1% (per free space).
Select a debug level, controlling the messages that will be written to the logfile. The number N is a value from 0 to 6, default is 1:
0 = Fatal errors.
1 = Warning messages [default].
2 = General progress messages.
3 = Detailed progress messages.
4 = Detailed file information.
5 = Detailed gap-filling messages.
6 = Detailed gap-finding messages.
I like the idea of an advanced menu as well, and in it i'd include most, if not all of those options.
As for the icon, if the author would like, he can use the one I just made, with the new hard drive.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Leave advanced for later and we'll do it simply first.
Honestly, multilingual should take precedence over new features as we're now supporting Italian, German and French for all apps and will be adding Japanese and Spanish soon.
And we'll swap the icon out regardless of what the author decides since including the Vista icon is a copyright violation.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
well on that note, how do i add translations? should i just look at examples from wraithdu or John Bently?
if the author still created his icon from scratch to match the vista hdd license, would that be a copyright violation? and is it fine if the main app is still in the app folder compiled with the original icon?
also, before we do this app i need to tidy up my code a little bit in a few places.
I use INI files for the localizations and just load them. You could check Xenon for some example code in AutoIT.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I just have lang-*_*.ini files. You just IniRead them and put them into constants. After that just use constants instead of text.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
I tried to download dev test 6 and all I have is a no-icon file with the installer's name... when double click I receive just an empty DOS window... last time I tried i shows a window saying about a non acepted instruction in 16 bits...

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
The download from that server has been dead for nearly 24 hrs. It's not just you.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It's like that often.
yeah, my server sucks. i tried emailing kevin to get on the Dev Tests sourceforge page but never got a reply. i need to get something done soon though since my subscription to that server is canceled on May 1.
Well, May 1st is my birthday, so your birthday present to me can be to take my hosting.
FTP login, web-based login, e-mail download statistics, personal directory, and no limits. Just upload and link your file, it's as simple as that. 
E-mail is on my user page.
sweet, i got you an awesome present!!! I think i still should use sourceforge for most of my dev tests though to keep the load off your server since stuff like SMC is 35MB.
That's not a problem right now. If it's fairly stable, go and put it on SourceForge, but if you have constant updates still to be made, feel free to keep it on my server. I've got 500GB's of bandwidth a month, and I'm ready to upgrade to 1000 as soon as it's needed.
I'll be upgrading my web hosting at some point too and Patrick and I will be setting up a mirroring service so files are hosted on both sites, so if one goes down, the other stays up.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Might went down for like an hour last week. First time I noticed in a couple months.
I didn't receive anything. Just send me an email at porterk2 [at] live [dot] com.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
ok, i just got an email back from the author of JkDefrag.
The icon I used came from a collection of icons that I found on the following URL, which in turn came from Vista itself. I have no idea about copyrights... but if Microsoft complains then I will simply change the icon. JkDefrag is a free program, so there is no money involved. Anyway, for your GUI perhaps it would be better if you used/created a different icon, to signify that it's actually a totally different program from a totally different maker.
So, i guess this means we should use the new icon?
Yeah, for both the launcher and the app itself. Including a Microsoft-copyrighted icon that's part of the OS (not one included with, say C++ as part of the set you're allowed to use and redistribute with your own programs) is a copyright violation and we'd want to ensure we're not doing that.
Did you offer him our new fully GPLed one?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
no i didn't offer. i will once we release it though. btw i got the icon on the x64 exe replaced with xn resource editor.
I think you should go ahead and offer it now. It'll give him a snazzy icon and remove all possibility of issue for him.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
yeah, make the offer now, it doesn't make a difference if our portable version is released first or not.
And here's the url again, just in case
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Dev Test 7 is now up. see main post for changes and please help me with any poor translations.
I'll try it out! Thanks, and you're doing awesome on this.
And the verdict is in.
That server fails. I'm getting a 0KB file. E-mail me about hosting.
ok, the download is back up, and on your server. thanks patrick!
It opens Notepad++ Portable fine, and Notepad if Notepad++ Portable doesn't exist.
Just a note, it can't do anything with virtual drives, so is there an easy way to filter virtual drives, too?
i'll look into it, but i don't know of any way for it detect if a drive is virtual or not; if it's show them then it apparently sees them as "fixed" drives that have a "ready" status
your JkDefragPortable.ini doesnt seem to work, I put this in:
and then it says "Line -1:
Error:Subscript used with non-Array variable"
then i put that back to false and wanted to test out the splash screen so I put
and the splash screen is still being shown. Also I put JkDefragPortable.ini in the correct place, the root of the folder(App,Data,Other,Launcher)
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
thanks for testing. yeah the disable splash screen doesn't seem to work for me either. i just tested the enable flash drives and had it work though. i'll try to figure out what's going wrong though. how many drive letters of what kinds do you have on your pc (ex: 2 hdd 1 flash)?
I have tested it on 3hd and 1 flash, I still get the same results as before. Except on the flash drive the EnableFlashDrives works while running from it.But still the DisableSplashScreen doesnt work.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
ok i see now. i thought you meant it wouldn't launch, but now i see it errors when trying to do anything to the flash drive, and i think i just realized what is wrong with it. i may be able to fix this tomorrow, but if not it won't get fixed till next week since i'm leaving friday for the weekend where i'll be detached from technology.
Ill be glad to test out afterwards when it gets fixed, as I use JkDefrag about 1 every 2wks.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
After Analysing a drive, You are left with a window which you can only close.
If you do close it the GUI doesn't reappear for at least 15 seconds (this is the same time as the timeout on the window).
The timing seems to coincide with flash access. IE when it stop the GUI re-appears.
If you have any control over this, a message Please wait while log data written and removal of the close button would help remove confusion.
Notepad++ Portable...
In your 'Advanced Settings' when you implement them, to satisfy all users, you could have:
Use Portable Text Viewer (Tick Box)
Path to Portable Text Viewer (TextBox with the relative path filled in) eg path to PortableApps folder
Just a thought.
really? since dev test 6, the jkdefrag window should close automatically after it finishes and bring back the gui window in half a second max. It waits until jkdefrag.exe no longer exists, so i guess if the process takes a while to close after you closed it then it would cause this. I'll try to reproduce this and if there is ever any delay between when jkdefrag is closed and when the process closes i'm pretty sure i can make a "waiting for jkdefrag to finish" type message show up, since i'm using autoit and i can monitor the window. mby i can find a really slow computer to test on. allowing for custom text viewers would be nice, but i don't think it would always work because i'm not sure if all text viewers take command line options to open a file. it's not the end of the world if the log file opens up in notepad.
btw, this topic is old. a new topic was started for Dev Test 8 a while back at https://portableapps.com/node/12885. will a moderator please lock this thread?