I used to use this at work to try to reduce RSI (repeat stress injury), and slow-dow/prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrom...
They have since then 'locked things down'...
now MacroMaker no longer has perms to get to the Registry...
If it were stand-alone, and read/wrote configs and macros to it's own directory, i could still use it...
I need both mouse and keys recording ability
We don't modify app source code here, we let the app write to the registry, and clean up later. You might wanna ask the dev team on this program to see what they can do.
Have you looked for an open source equivalent? Perhaps AutoHotkey.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
not yet -i'll look - i can't install anything - but i can run portable apps in my documents folder of my roaming profile
Works GREAT!
It's a lot more hands-on, but with some of it's disadvantages, it's advantages even it out...
The biggest being that IT WORKS! Yay.
Great idea!
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
- Lukifer
p.s. i just installed it in my writable documents directory. (i imagine this would work marvelously on a thumbdrive)
there's already a test release of it in our beta testing forums
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705