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Songbird 0.5!

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Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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Songbird 0.5!

well songbird 0.5 has now been released and I guess I could do it, but my request is for John to make this a portable app since he is very familiar with all of the mozilla based apps and this is such a popular one.

John T. Haller
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I think Ryan may have started on this as well as me and may have more work done on it. Ryan?

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Ryan McCue
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I might have, but I don't have the code handy. Do you want to take it or shall I? (I'm feeling bored Blum )

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Patrick Patience
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Someone Do It

I'd love to see it here. Smile

Ryan McCue
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I'll take it then

Yeah, I'll do it then Smile

John, if you can ping me via email on the discussion(s) you (may have) had with the Songbird guys, it'd be much appreciated.

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alpha1's picture
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Sweet! I've been waiting for

Sweet! I've been waiting for this for a long time a a portable songbird would be great

BTW i have found it will run portably with a few minor glitches(that is only after you set your profile folder to your use stick), but it does leave stuff on the computer it's install on, i don't know if anyone knew this or not or even if it is still true with .5

as I've mentioned before I'll design a PortableApps theme for it, with permission from John to use parts of the Banner and such base it off of.
what my idea was, was to create a Portableapps theme for it that could even be packaged with songbird but i think that is up tp John and however decides to try to package it. and even if it's not packaged a portableapps them for it would look cool

here's one of my feathers(still under development) and I'll bet i could do better on the next one.

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 54 min 11 sec ago
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Actually, I had gotten permission from the Songbird folks to use the official theme in a portable package back for the 0.2 release but it was deemed not quite ready for widespreadness, yet.

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alpha1's picture
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nice! i thought there were

nice! i thought there were copyright issues with using that but if you got permission that solves that

mind if i still do a portableapps theme too?
i don't know if i need permission to just use the banner without the logo or not, but I'll ask anyway just to be safe

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spaztastic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Portable Songbird would be

Portable Songbird would be a great addition to the PortableApps Suite. I would most definitely use it. Makes me wonder what apps Mozilla has in store for us next...

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Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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not mozilla

well, it's not really mozilla. it's BASED on mozilla source from what it looks like.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 54 min 11 sec ago
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Mozilla + VLC

It uses Mozilla's engine for the interface and browser and VLC for the video and audio playing.

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spaztastic's picture
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My mistake, but I'll still

My mistake, but I'll still think of it as a Mozilla app lol

I like how stable their software is and I hope more developers consider using the Mozilla engine to drive their apps

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alpha1's picture
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John, would you be ok if i

would you be ok if i published this to the songbird add on's pages for the portableaps and songbird users? I just wanna ask before i use part of the banner and logo. if not i'll change that and submit it without any trace of portableapps on it.

PortbaleApps songbird feather
link is Here

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I saw two other launcher versions of songbird portable already:
One: on the songbirdnest forums
Two: here (search Portable songbird),
although I don't recommend either of these because they were both buggy, and have kind of gone into the deep freeze and have not been updated in a long time. The first one has not been updated since songbird 0.2, and the latter one is only the launcher and has a lot of bugs (the user that made this hasn't been seen in a while). I tried them and was not satisfied. I'd wait for the new version if I were you.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Same Thing

I think the one on the Songbird forums was thibeaz's, and the one here may be that to. Yea, it was said it wasn't functioning very well, and it's outdated, too.

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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not quite...

I think your right about thibeaz's one, but the one on the forums here was done by a guy called Nerd. I just checked his tracker page and he hasn't posted in several months (although it says 1 week; it is wrong. the threads were posted months ago).

Zach Thibeau
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Ryan and I worked a little on that one but I just pretty much gave up on that, too much time needed to work on it and not only that I didn't have the necessary permission like John had to do it so I dropped it

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

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Songbird would be an

Songbird would be an excellent addition to the PortableApps library.

David Dixon II
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agreed. i love the app. used it back in 07. but had to reinstall xp (again.... :))

Na na na, come on!

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Is this idea still alive?

Just curios to know, if the idea of a Portable Songbird is still alive?

I (and infact everyone) would really love to see this as an PortableApp. Now that, 0.5 version supports MTP devices along with its iPod support (via addons), this should be a must must!

What say?

spaztastic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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All I know is, I kept

All I know is, I kept getting an error message whenever I would load the program. The regular Songbird 0.5 installs fine on my computer, but when I click the icon to launch it, I get some sort of error message and nothing opens up at all. Weird...

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alpha1's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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what did it say

what did it say
if it says what i think ...
please post the error message here in it's entirety

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spaztastic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Error Message:

[Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library]

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Songbird\songbird.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unexpected way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

I'm running Windows XP Home SP2, Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.2GHz, 1GB DDR RAM

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roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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As a side note...

I got that error, I just uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times and that fixed it for me.
Remember, Songbird (although greatly developed so far) is still in it's development stage...It's gonna have a few crazy little annoyances here and there.

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alpha1's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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i use to get that error too

i use to get that error too and i think i uninstalled and reinstalled and it worked
or it just went away on it's own

try that again click ok then kill every process using songbird, uninstall it, remove the folder in program files and the app data folder under your username in windows then reinstall and see if it still happens

on a side note Win xp SP 3 is out

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spaztastic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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I've uninstalled and

I've uninstalled and reinstalled it about 6 times to no avail.

On a side not, Windows XP SP3 is in Beta, so I'm not installing that yet.

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roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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When can we expect a alpha or beta of this? Either I've overlooked it or it hasn't been released yet.

OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 54 min 11 sec ago
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When It's Done

As always, when it's done. Ryan was working on an alpha test of the launcher but it had bugs in internal testing.

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roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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That's what I thought.

I had hoped I had overlooked it... Sad

OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.

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