My friends in school would love to see Code::Blocks become portable. The problem is that we are noob computer science students that don't know yet how to make this wonderful application portable. The university we go to won't install this on their computers. We are aware of Dev-C++ portable but we notice that is outdated and has many bugs reported on sourceforge. We have try Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks in our home and we prefer Code::Blocks much more. We would greatly appreciate you gurus to help us out make Code::Blocks a portable reality.
Thank you all for your time.
I'll take a look at it tonight. I like this better than Dev C++ as well, and since Code::Blocks has finally been updated, I'd say it's worthy to become portable.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Thank you so much for taking on this challenge. I'm sure others will surely appreciate it too.
I will check back often for any news of a your possible release.
Don't expect a release until Thursday or Friday. I do have a full-time job during the day, and a social life most evenings.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I guess I'll never see this one ever becoming portable. It is such a shame that no one has the skills in this whole community to put it together. I'm just amaze how no one has care to make Code::Blocks portable. Such great tool. Oh well.
Be patient...we have lives, we don't jut sit in front of the computers all day and grant wishes. I said I was working on it, see my post just above yours. I ran into some issues, so it's taking longer than I exepected.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Not hurrying anyone, just wanted to ask the same thing.
And situation here is pretty similar
Yeah, I'm waiting for this one too but after all the wait will be worth it.
@ZachHudock u don't mind me having a look at it. i currently have no apps to work on and recently quit my job so i have time work on it?My NSIS in not that good tho.
forget that did not know u started it already
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
Would you please take over portable Code:: Blocks ? I don't think he was successful or had time to make it portable. I been waiting for a helping soul to make this happen.
I'm still working on it. It's only been 2 weeks, and as i said before, real life, a real job, and other similar things are more important.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
he works, we dont spend our lives portableizing apps.
he is not working so do not ask for someone to take it is not your choice
If he wants someone else to look at the project then he will ask
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Im pritty much spend most of my time portableizing apps in front of a computer
but school is a big interference. portableizing is basiclly what i do on the computer.
PS. Doing that daily i will forget my HW. but i usually get out of it and finish it on time anyhow
Na na na, come on!
Sorry but i won't be working on it the project allready belongs to some1 else. and also he is much more exprenced than me so he will do a better job. You have to understand that this is a complicated program that requires alot of handling. It is going to take time. I won't mind offering help but there is not much that i can do that he can't do better.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
FYI, CodeBlocks has an FAQ about this and it works very well for me. I didn't even have a windows machine to install it on initially, so I installed it with wine in linux and copied the files and it works great!
while this works for the C::B settings, and for some plugins, it does not work for all plugins, which can cause files to be left behind, and can cause settings to be lost. I have a package that properly stores the settings now, but I have to write the code to make it parse ALL of the settings files and update drive letters, or find a way to make the config file work with relative paths.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Ill see what i can do. im not a pro but give me some time. Ill post when i am close.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
i'm already working on it, i just don't have a vista machine to test paths on for a base install of Code::Blocks. Once I get that, I should be good to go.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Ok, well if u have a portable working,just pm me. i have a vista laptop.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps