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GPA Portable Development Test 6 (testers please?)

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GPA Portable Development Test 6 (testers please?)

Application: Gnu Privacy Assistant

Category: Utilities ( Security / Encryption )

Description: GPA Portable is the GNU Privacy Assistant key management tool. This is an alternative to the WinPT key management tool. Compare it to WinPT Portable posted elsewhere.

Download Link: (right click won't work). || MD5: fd14aa4dfaef6cd2d7f197006e3e76f8 || 2008-03-27 11:31 EDT.


  • Please test whether it works with WinPT Portable and Thunderbird Portable.

  • One advantage of this package is that it doesn't use a notification tray icon, so it will run when the Notification tray is absent.
  • For now, please put your GPG keys into ThunderbirdPortable\Data\gpg if you want to use them with TBP. Install GnuPG following the instructions that come with TBP. GPA Portable will find the keys and other necessaries (or should). That's primarily what needs most to be tested -- installing with and without TBP, WinPT, etc. Just know that TBP doesn't do anything with GnuPG Portable (yet), so don't expect GPG to work in TBP unless you follow the instructions for TBPortable.
  • If you want to use TBP and Enigmail, do not install GnuPG Portable (yet).
  • Encryption of files uses public keys. If you know my public key, you can encrypt a file with it (just as you can send me encrypted email with Enigmail if you know my public key). I am the only one who can decrypt something encrypted with my public key (you can't even decrypt it, unless you used both your own public key as well as mine to encrypt). Some people have an intuitive understanding of how public key encryption works, and it's wrong. Blum -- please suspend disbelief until you've tried it and don't delete the "clear text" or unencrypted version of a file, or else make very good backups before you play with encryption. If you want to encrypt a file on your USB drive so just you can open it, use your own Public Key.
  • One advantage WinPT has over GPA is that WinPT can encrypt/decrypt/verify things on the clipboard. At least I haven't found where GPA can do that, though something like that may be in the next version.

Release Notes:
2008-03-26 Dev Test 4 now uses the GnuPG Portable protocols.
2008-03-27 Fixed broken download link (too bad no one noticed that it was broken Sad )
2008-03-27 Dev Test 6 uses the new GnuPGPortable.nsh. No, you still don't have to install GnuPG Portable, and shouldn't unless you don't want to use TBP. Please check the MD5, mirrors are being strange.

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Variety is the spice of life. I notice that GPA favors reg keys over environment vars, like WinPT. dang. I'll go a little more in depth later. And thanks for supporting the gnupg portable file structure.

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It insists on looking in the

It insists on looking in the registry to find out where gpg.exe is ... even if there is a copy in its directory with it as per the standard distribution. Sigh.

This will need a bit of tweaking to use the CommonFiles location exclusively or seamlessly. Shouldn't be too hard.


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I've posted a new version.

I've posted a new version. This one is more compliant with the GnuPG Portable protocols. Theoretically you can run WinPT Portable and GPA Portable at the same time, but for now, you'll need to launch WinPT first, then GPA, until a bug is removed from the version of GnuPG Portable that WinPT Portable used.

I hope the beta testers will take a look at this, including setting up their own private key (and posting it to one of the keyservers). It might be good to use the "file" portion of GPA Portable to test the detached signature included in the GpaPortable directory.

Please put your keys in ThunderbirdPortable\Data\gpg, and install GnuPG for Thunderbird Portable. TBP hasn't yet been configured to look in CommonFiles for keys, so to test the keys with both GPA and TBP, use its location. You can compare the keymanagement in TBP and GPA to see which one you like better.

One of the things you get with GPA that isn't available in TBP is the ability to work with files, doing things like encrypting and signing. With GPA, encryption uses public keys, so you could encrypt a file with my public key and I would be the only one who could decrypt it (since I am the only one who has my private key). If you only use your own public key, you will be the only one to be able to decrypt it. You can include your own public key, along with someone else's, if you want to be able to decrypt it too. Use ctrl-click to select several public keys for encrypting.


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Sorry I fell off the edge of the universe. I am very excited to see GPG related portable stuffs going forward.

What is this bug in GnuPG Portable you speak of? I assume you mean in the GnuPGPortable.nsh I don't have much free time to move WinPT forward right now, but a bug fix is another matter.

My sincerest apologies if the bug has already been mentioned and I did not take note of it.

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Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

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I cleverly hid the bug

I cleverly hid the bug report in the GnuPG Portable topic, since that is where the bug is.

Things are pretty active around here. I'm finding I can't just rely on the Tracker page to find apps I'm interested in.


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i just read your post in the GnuPG Portable forum. I'm on it

Side note, I got access denied page when I clicked edit on my last post. Anyone else experience this?

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Yes, it means that someone

Yes, it means that someone else just posted a reply to your note while you were composing. The ops have set it so you can't edit a post if someone has replied.


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I had tried to edit my post to say "edit: nevermind" and I ended up having the author of the program correct me before I could reply.

Edit: Oh, ok. I think it should be the other way around, but whatever

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just noticed

Your download link still points to Dev Test 1. Damn these one character bugs! Wink

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Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

Frank D. Hubeny
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GPA is a good idea

Hello rab040ma

You mention GPA as an alternative to WinPT. WinPT is no longer being maintained by the developer. His last officail release was "12" I believe. GPA is being maintained by the Developers of GnuPG I think or a group called GPG4Win.


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All true, unfortunately. On

All true, unfortunately.

On the other hand, WinPT is currently housed at the same gpg4win site as GPA, is distributed in the gpg4win package along with GPA and other things, and it does work fairly well.

Unless there is a security issue or incompatibility of some sort, I'm more concerned about whether a program works than whether it is actively maintained.

While there hasn't been a GPA update in almost a year, and it is still in beta, I'm happy to note that there have been changes checked in to SVN this month. I hope he is making it less dependent on the registry instead of more. I also hope he is working on clipboard operation, e.g. "decrypt/validate clipboard" will offer to add a key found there to the key ring.


Frank D. Hubeny
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At some point in time WinPT

At some point in time WinPT will not handle the new GPG any longer. My point is that if you are doing the work consider something that is being maintained. There is another front end packaged with GPG4WIN, called I believe "GPGEE" or some thing like that. It has some really nice features like encrypting an entire diectory worth of files at one time. It all so will let you sign an all ready signed item I believe.

I use GPGshell on my USB which is not opened source put free to use. GPA for some reason and neither has the other item. Which is a shame.


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GPGEE looks nice and just had its first update after a 2 year hiatus (WinPT is only at about a 1 year hiatus :evil:), but it is a shell extension. Has anyone PAFed a shell extension? Is it possible?

Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

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Begin rant...

Begin rant...

All of the GPG4WIN applications are based on GPGME. They are being developed by some German developers who believe that the only way a Windows application can get information or store configuration is to use the Windows registry, and they have set up GPGME's win32 library with that in mind. They have so far (after at least two years of requests in their forums) shown no inclination to consider that there might be another way (e.g. environment variables, configuration files, whatever).

It looks to me like the only way to resolve the situation is for those of us who want to be liberated from the Windows Registry split off a branch that isn't tied so closely to the Windows Registry. One question is whether the current GPA or GPGEE or whatever will take up the slack of WinPT, or whether WinPT is a product that should be brought back from its current deep sleep. At any rate, as long as they depend on GPGME, they will have a requirement that GPG be installed in a certain way and with the appropriate registry entries.

(I suppose we could also just use Linux, which probably won't have those problems in that way, even though the GUIs are being developed in a cross platform way by the same people.)

There are a bunch of things I would like to see a Windows GUI for GnuPG do or be. I don't think the current developers are going to move in that direction. If the influence of German supporters on the CA Cert project is any indication, I suspect there will be a big push to move to X.509 certificates with a verification of identity, so as to become integrated into the German digital signature legal structure. (CA Cert requires that its members accept a binding 1000 Euro liability under arbitration if a relying party feels s/he has been harmed by the relying party's reliance on a certificate. Not whether the certificate user made a fraudulent assertion with the certificate, not whether the EULA or other contract entered into e.g. with a signature, was complied with, but whether the relying party thinks s/he was harmed.) I could be wrong, and only CA Cert is moving in that direction, while GnuPG will continue with a "web of trust". But they certainly do seem to be moving ahead with X.509 certificates, and they seem to be integrating their GPG applications tightly into the Windows operating system (non-portably).

I suppose the other thing we could hope for is a way that USB-based applications can integrate themselves into the registry (including shell extensions and all the rest) as the USB is mounted, with a clean and safe cleanup even if the drive is not dismounted cleanly (e.g. after a power failure). Once that appears (in a way that doesn't require Admin privileges) the question about GPGME's use of the registry on Win32 will become moot, and we can look forward to using all of those applications -- GPGEE, GPA, and even WinPT for the rest of its useful life.

End of rant.

Are you saying that neither GPA nor WinPT (Portable) will work on your setup? Can you give us a little more information, like what error messages you see, etc? This is a beta test of the portable environment, after all, and people who find it doesn't work are supposed to give information that might help the developers to get it working.


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(clapping) Well you have re invigorated me to pick up some WinPT development.

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as you are probably big insider of the winpt or gpa, I could send you some results of my testing with print screens of errors etc.

I am not a programmer, but pgp user since 80ties (dos, 2.63, disastry's compiles, I was one of his beta testers)

can sent it, lets get into contact?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----

as you are probably big insider of the winpt or gpa, I could send you
some results of my testing with print screens of errors etc.

I am not a programmer, but pgp user since 80ties (dos, 2.63, disastry's
compiles, I was one of his beta testers)

can sent it, lets get into contact?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) - WinPT 1.2.0


does it verify here?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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Yes, it verified okay (using WinPT)

Yes, it verified okay.

I'm not an insider or anything. I did look at the early releases of PGP and learned a lot.

Are you seeing errors in GPA Portable?


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@mstinaff Dev Test 6 is now available

I've re-compiled GPA Portable with your new GnuPgPortable.nsh. It seems to be working, so far.


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Installing it right now. Side note. The Un-Official ThunderbirdPortable.exe included with GnuPG Portable (\PortableAppsin\CommonFiles\GnuPG\Other\Source\) can be used to make TBP&Enigmail GnuPGPortable aware. But I respect if this is a can of worms you would rather not open.

Humor me, I wanted to test out the clipboard Sign&Encrypt in WinPT

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) - WinPT 1.2.0


Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

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Key server

I haven't been able to locate your public key. Which keyserver is it posted on?

Oh, and we should probably put code blocks like that inside of <pre> tags. Wink


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Should be on

Should be on

Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

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Enigmail finally found it on

Enigmail finally found it on the MIT keyserver.


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Back at ya
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) - WinPT 1.2.0



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Well what do you know!

The clipboard feature of WinPT works. Now if only I had the time to fix some of the bugs in it!

Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F

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winpt buggy?

I was playing with the winpt püortable over weekend and found too many bugs in it, it seems to be completely useless.

It is for example not able to verify clear signed text whereby the sig was done by the winpt.
It will also display wrong key ID, making sig verifying a joke.

Encryption decryption works, but the text sig is one of the features neede for example when working on any screen, webmail etc, simply all those things thunderbird will not provide.


It seems that one day , someone will have to go behind the portabilization of gpg4win rather then this now apparently abadoned project.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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Let's take this discussion to

Let's take this discussion to the WinPT Portable topic. GPA uses the same underlying GnuPG, but has a different structure and doesn't handle the clipboard. GPG4WIN.ORG seems to have taken over all of the projects ... and none seems to be particularly active. But this topic is for GPA, so just to keep things clean, let's talk about WinPT in its own area.

MStinaff has mentioned redoing WinPT somehow, perhaps to make it easier to Portablize, but possibly also to bring it up to date.


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GPA 0.9.9 has been released.

GPA 0.9.9 has been released.

Can GPA Portable be upgraded to use the GPG Plugin Portable like Thunderbird and Seamonkey do now?

I assume it will also need to use the 'gpg-agent Shutdown' that John developed for Thunderbird and Seamonkey so gpg-agent is not left running when GPAPortable is terminated.

The current version of Gpg4win 2.30 includes GPA 0.9.9

Then could not only manage keys outside of Thunderbird but also encrypt / decrypt files.

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