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Suggestions for Portable Games

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horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Suggestions for Portable Games

I recently downlaoded Portapps suite and many other apps to create the equivalent of a portable pc. And I love it. portableapps RULES.

However one thing I noticed was in short supply were games. Below is a list of suggestions that I think would make good small games that people can have on their USB with out taking up much space and that I hope are easy enough for the legends here at portable apps to recreate.

1. Mario Forever 4
2. Air Assault 2
3. Visual Boy Advance (This is able to be converted using the U3 package creator so hopefully a sinch for portapps co.)
4. ZSNES (Again I was able to be convert this using the U3 package creator so hopefully a sinch for portapps co.)
5. Chess

There must be tonnes of other games that would fit snuggly into the portapps framework. PLEASE add your suggestions to this post so the makers of portapps can see what is most popular and select some titles.

Many thanks


Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
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Well VisualBoyAdvance is done already by me and ZSNES is done by john -> for VisualBoyAdvance-MPortable (VBA-M is a merger of different modifications that people made for VBA since forgotten left)
and ZSNES is a little outdated for the launcher but still works at

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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PortableApps RULES

Yes... yes it does.

Ok, so I'll try to help you out here. Umm, go check out first. You can search here for ZSNES Portable, and there's a test of it, Ryan had a test of WinBoard, ormus (and thibeaz) had tests of VBA and VBA-M I think it's called. I don't know what Mario Forever is, but SuperTux and Secret Maryo Chronicles are in beta. And Logan has done some launchers for some big games, but I don't know if any are air related.

So you can search here and you should find all of those.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
many thanks

A thousand thank yous to both you guys. thibeaz and Patrick I owe you both. Without being rude or over sking can I suggest mario forever again. It is a freeware clone of supermario brothers and can be found at:

if there are other games on that are compatible with the portapps platform you can recommend please let me know.

Many many thanks guys Advocate

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
SuperTuc and SMC

Well in that case what you're looking for is SuperTux Portable and Secret Maryo Chronicles Portable. Both of those applications are open source, and seemed fairly stable last I tried them. I can't recommend one over the other, as they both rock.

The reason we can't do Mario Forever is because we don't have hosting for non open-source files, and sometimes the license doesn't permit redistribution or repackaging.

I think I can assure you you'll like those, they really are fantastic. Google and look at some screenshots first if you like.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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well i'm not sure but it looks like Mario Forever is closed source (so we can't put it on here), plus IMO Secret Maryo Chronciles is the best mario-like game out there by far. the portable version i currently have in dev testing takes a minute to start up, but the next version i release won't.

Edit: uggh i'm always too slow on the replies

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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Mario Forever is actualy

Mario Forever is actualy illegal to have hosted on a site. Nintendo sued the Gamespy a long time ago for hosting the game on Mushroom Kingdom due to it violating copyright and trademark laws. Mario forever will most likely never be hosted here.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Already portable

Anything that works with U3 package creator is *ALREADY PORTABLE*. U3 package creator doesn't make apps portable. It just packages already portable software to work with the U3 menu. So, anything you can package that way you can actually just copy to a portable device and run on its own... no modification.

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spaztastic's picture
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I know there is a

I know there is a development release of T^3 but would it be possible to portabilize (?) the game Tetrix? Idk if it's FOSS or not. I'd provide a link but my iPod Touch lacks a copy/paste function.

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with Windows.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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i don't know about tetrix either but i know there already is a tetris game in dev testing already. Falling Blocks Game Portable

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Yes but...

Hey John,

My current USB until this Thursday when I buy a new one has a U3 launch pad. That means every time I go to run it it takes 2 drives and to use most apps or games I have to open their folders and EXEs. Now I realise its part slackness but I like the way all portable apps applications and games show up on the portable apps menu. This in fact is a huge bonus as I plan to buy about ten 4-8 gb USBs for my family and friends who are even less PC literate than me and set up the Portable apps suite for them for school work home and a number of games so that they just put the USB in and load up whatever from the launch pad. U3 is ok but 90% of its programs cost money and again there is the 2 drives it takes up. Plus portableapps has the office suite and all the essential and extra programs one could want therefore its invaluable yet again they are so generous as to make it a free service (the way it should be but so rarely ever is).

Anyway I hope this hasn't come of as a rant. Just mean to say that the U3 package factory isn't really all that useful. It can only package programs with a single EXE and limited number of DLLs. Or at least thats all I could manage it. Now I know I'm the equavilent of a junior primary school kid any portable apps people would be uni graduates in comparison but most people astill are using this same range of measurement only at reception level. Therefore U3's setup is ineffectual as to use the package factory for them is to difficult.

I think some sort of shortcut creator for non-portable apps that one has on a portable apps platform USB would be brilliant. So that say I had a freeware but closed source game on my USB, I could just create a shortcut to the EXE to play it and have that shortcut appear on the Portable Apps menu. Also so that the shortcut will still be valid regardless of what drive letter the USB activates under.

I'm sure you can tell by the terminology and ideas Ive put forward in this post that I am very very low level when it comes to PC knowledge so please respond using your for dummies dictionary so that I and other newbies will be able to use the information you give us.

many thanks

Horusofoz Advocate

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 25 min 53 sec ago
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Just move the directory. It's detailed here:

No shortcuts to create, third party packagers to use or config files to edit.

The only issue is for the small number of apps that are multiple EXEs. You can't yet hide the extra ones.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Hey John

Cheers Mate :o)

Hope this works.


ps. Im pretty dumb with computers but am interested by this portapps concept and the use of open source programs. I therefore want to support the develpoment but have no computer skills. All I can do is use the programs and tell you if an error message comes up (Which reminds me the ZSNES portable emulator has played all the roms I've put to it so far) but other than donate when I get a paypal account setup is there anything else one can do? EG suggest apps or games without annoying the actual programmers like these posts probably do? Advocate

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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That's the Spirit!

Hey Horusofoz,

Thanks for your great will to want to help. Participating in the forums is a great way to help. You'll learn about some common problems along the way, or already requested apps, so you can lead new members in the right direction. Another way to help is as you said donating. But if you have any particular skills, or even just free times I'm sure there's some other tasks for you.


horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Will do...

Well when there is the chance please let me know what I can do. I don't yet have a home internet conndection so doing this from work but whatever I can I'll try.

Horusofoz Advocate

Stevoisiak's picture
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To help get the site money, instead of using Google, use this. Every time you make a search, google pays portableapps money.

Simplifying daily life through technology

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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It Works :o)

I Just had a go at using the instructions contained in the link above and by George it works:o) I am mimpressed. Cant wait for thedevelopment to get to a point where you can pinpoint which EXE the menu is to use and to have the ability to renmane them if need be. I just tried putting in a real oldie called Sword Quest 2. It run on XP somehow but unfortunately didn't get through. Still I'm sure on Dosbox there wont be a hitch. Next was the Mario Forever game which came up with 3 menu entries so I'm guessing its best to leave this one till the development has moved on a little more. Lastly I tried Air Assault 2. A game that is now available for free. And the beauty worked. Came up on the menu and played dtraight on from there.

The world is a great place when things work :o)

Can i reiterate the suggestion to make menu entries renammable if this is possible and though I know absolutely nothing about programming so please forgive if this is a massive goof but maybe you could create the option to pinpoint a specific EXE for program folders that have multiple EXEs.

Many thanks John

Jeffrey William Smith II

Horusofoz Advocate

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Hey guys,thanks for the

Hey guys,

thanks for the suggestions and comments. I think I'll have a go at the super maryo chronicles game when I find a version that is compatible with the portable apps platform. May thanks. I think tetris is another good suggestion. Below I made another short list of some more games that will probably prove to be popular. I realise many of these are already likely to be in development so if any you pros can point myself and the rest of us beginners in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

1) Open Arena
2) Freeciv
3) LinCity
4) Spring
5) Tremulous
6) Net Hack
7) jDoom
8) jHexen
9) jHeretic
10) Hexen II
11) Dark Oberon
12) Wormux
13) Slam Soccer 2006
14) Scorched 3D
15) C-EVO
16) Transfusion
17) Doom Legacy
18) MUGEN games
19) Korax' Heritage

K Guys I know this is a lot longer list of games than the last one I put up but I figure seeing as their mostly larger games and I'm guessing therefore hard to recreate for Portable Apps, it would be best to list more to give the wizards here Portable Apps more options.

Well I'm off to download Maryo and some of the other programs. Also to those reaading this the Snes and Gameboy emulators on this site that I've used so far are fully working and managed all the roms I have. I hope you all enjoy them as mucch as I am.

Take Care


PS. I hope the makers of assault cube dont think my suggestions of other 1st person shooters is a slight at them. I downloaded the game, played thought it seemed pretty hot despite the fact that I couldn't stay alive for more than ten seconds (Is that a common issue with the health amounts or AI or am I just a little crap at the game). I just wanted to put more cards on the table for other users like my self. Advocate

Stevoisiak's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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So far, here are what seem

So far, here are what seem like great candidates. I will expand the list as I find new programs.
1. Super Smash Flash
2. LinCity-NG
3. JDoom
4. Risk

P.S. Mugen and Super Mario Forever are not open source
P.P.S. ZSNES, Virtual Boy Advance, and LinCity are already portable

Edit: Great site for open source games. (Thank goodness that somebody invented Google)

Simplifying daily life through technology

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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There is Open Mugen. Its an

There is Open Mugen. Its an open source remake which may I think be a little more updated. Advocate

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-22 00:30
Open Mugen

Open Mugen appears to be just a game engine and also it is discontinued.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Yes but...

There are countless games based on it such as marvel vs. capcom and more being made every day. My own suggestion would be MUGEN Tournament but that may be a little large. Still theres tonnes. Advocate

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Portable Apps Search

Just wanna be sure before I cahnge it to my default browser, will this portapps lebelled search still bring up all the same results as Google. Don't mean to be selfish, I want to do what I can to support the team thats why I ask. If it brings up the same results I'll use it as my default. Advocate

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Exactly that same, I see no reason why it wouldn't be. Just a pretty style page to use the Google search engine through.

Stevoisiak's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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For this "open source mugen" do regular MUGEN characters work? If they do, then it's worth making portable. Otherwise, I'll stick to my non-portable mugen at home

Simplifying daily life through technology

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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I think so...

I cant say 100% sure but I do beleive you should be able to otherwise the entire concept of an openmugen would be pointless really. Advocate

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Reminiscing : )

I'm pretty sure this was my first post ever. Its funny to see just how inept and uninformed I was when I first joined this site. Makes me wonder how much more inept and incompetent I'll realize I was this time next year when I look back Blum

Thanks for everything John and to all the Devs, Mods and Users. The cause is GOLD in my book : ) Advocate

rhY's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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More Portable Games.

I'd really like to see a Portable App release of these games:

Urban Terror (the engine is open source, but not the content)
C-Evo (better than FreeCiv)
Zsnes (Yes I know there is one, but I'd like an official!)

Put all violators of the Constitution in jail.

NathanJ79's picture
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Unreal Engine 1

I just thought I'd point out that I copied the installation directory for the game Deus Ex (FPS/RPG hybrid based on Unreal Engine 1) to my USB drive and it plays.

The game is not open source and it isn't freeware so I know it won't go on the site, as such.

But, if you have any of these games laying around (also Unreal, the first Unreal Tournament, about a dozen others, consult Wikipedia) you can just put the install directory on your flash drive and run it from the game's \System folder.

The only catch is you have to modify a .ini file to not check the CD, and I'm pretty sure telling you how to do that would violate the rules here. So, either carry the CD with you or search the Net for that quick little fix.

And then the only issue I ran into was that it takes near about three minutes to load and save, making quicksave a bit impractical as a strategy and dialing down the fun a peg or two, but hey, if you want to pop off a few headshots and the host computer is half decent (like, 400MHz, 32MB video RAM, 64 or 128MB system RAM) you can play these. And of course if you have about 600MB free on your USB drive, but with 4GB USB 2.0 drives going for about ten bucks online (and 2GB USB drives at Walmart for $5) why not? Mine has a dozen or so portable apps (all but one, CCleaner, from here), plus DX, and documents, and I still have room for 7-8 TV episodes at DVD quality. (And the 8GB drives aren't THAT much more, per GB.)

TaffinFoxcroft's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Deus Ex, eh? I've been doing

Deus Ex, eh? I've been doing that on my laptop (as in no-cd via INI) and it works fine. not sure if there's registry keys left behind, but UnrealTournament 98 drifted around our school's network for about 4 months. oh the multiplayer madness Blum
but beyond the point, NetHack/Vulture's Claw works fine like this as well.

But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

NathanJ79's picture
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'99, not '98, and ooh, the

'99, not '98, and ooh, the memories. That bad boy will run on anything, too. My laptop couldn't run DX, but it could run UT'99. And yeah, that game's great for multiplayer. HallOfGiants FTW. Too bad DX's multiplayer is no good.

Just searched this PC's registry, and other than an MUI (?) reference (seems to reference every app ran on it) there's nothing. I just searched for 'deusex' though; I'm a complete n00b when it comes to the Registry.

Anyway, if you like DX, look up Shifter. It's a mod which changes the rules slightly, adds custom weapons and a new weapon mod, and adds a couple things which were de-linked but not removed, for example a future ally and an assassination target have a conversation about you that you're supposed to overhear, but Ion Storm never actually linked it. Shifter's author found the convo and added it in a few places throughout the versions; currently IIRC it's a VoIP conversation you can log into via a PC. It's almost like an expansion pack.

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Can someone plz put a link on here for portable chess... i love it...

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear."

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Hi Buckshot

And welcome to Smile

You can find WindBoard here -

The installer is very outdated but it shouldn't have any issues. I used this a while back and all went well. If you really like it you can make a request in the thread I've linked to for the developer (Ryan McCue) who made the game portable to update the installer.

Hope you like. Advocate

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