Ok, we're back to another thread of corrupt a wish.
Oh! One more forum rule, by the request of a moderator. Add comments, don't reply, so we don't screw up the layout.
ZachHudock wrote:
i wish some police officers were smarter http://www.newsnet5.com/news/15822245/detail.html
Wish Granted, but then the army replaced the police and they were even dumber than the dumb polices.
I wish my PC was able to run Linux with net access without having to recompile any modules or installing a new network card.
but you were forced to delete all your data to have partition room, as well as your network drivers }:).
I wish I knew AHK better.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
If you are reading this...
This season is now obsolete and has been redirected to the new season, over at:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted- but you couldn't make it do what you wanted :EVIL: I know how it feels, I like ahk but it doesn't always seem to like me.
I wish that the Corrupt a Wish game would never die!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But then it found out immortality isn't so great after all!
I wish there were official PAF specs so I could make Spectacles: Bruce's Story a true PortableApp.
...but the PAF specs had 6001 pages so you couldn't have the time to read them and know how to do it. }:)
I wish I knew what is stopping this code from making the list horizontal:
Blue is everything.
but then we started using different codes.
i wish people would read the top of my website when going to it noting that it is a quickie and there really was no need to use tags since i started finalizing it today! (Check the source now! Ha Ha!)
But then you moved your top note to the bottom, and nobody read it.
I wish that someone would understand that a beginner on HTML and CSS that has developed some nice prototypes wanted to help with stuff like a cool navbar and replacing an incorrect <iframe> (at least on HTML 4.01 Strict):
with an <object> tag:
which saves space and is correct (but see if it works on IE 6 before)!
EDIT: Come on! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeee! At least let me show you what I did until now (I make some things to pass time and this is one of those).
Blue is everything.
Wish granted, but nobody knew what you were doing so it didn't matter (But I would like to know)
I wish that hmmm, I wish it wasn't so windy that I can't use my new umbrella in the rain.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but then there was so much hail of the size of oranges that you couldn't use your umbrella again.
I wish people understood that I was talking about someones (points to sergentsiler) temporary (I mean, until it is remade) site that needs retouching, and I would like to "fix" (check his source code).
[I already made a version of the actual state of his site with proper html that saves 0.09kb (with a Transitional DTD that actually could be Strict).
And made also a nice version with backgrounds, CSS files, images and a Logo (his user picture) that, is a little heavier than the original, but really better (and with a Strict DTD).]
Blue is everything.
But then you ended forgetting to connect to the internet, making your updates useless.
I wish my drive wasn't broken.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
But then you find you have to reinstall everything from scratch
I wish people would stop bugging John to get things out faster,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
But then John gets so mad at people bugging him he removes portableapps.com from the internet.
I wish freeware apps could be hosted on this site
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
@ Tim Clark - Wish Granted, but then they started bugging you for... something.
@ Nathan9222 - Wish Granted, but then it couldn't host OSS apps.
ptmb wrote:
Oh! One more forum rule, by the request of a moderator. Add comments, don't reply, so we don't screw up the layout.
I wish people had attention to wishes made by moderators on earlier seasons of "Corrupt a Wish" that became a rule on the actual season. }:)
EDIT: touché, you were faster than me. But my wish stands.
EDIT2: Nathan9222, did you see my wish? I edited it now for suiting to everybody. }:)
Blue is everything.
Wish granted, but then we decided that seeing the css getting horribly mangled was better.
I wish that I had a portable Autocad. (Their is NO comparison).
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but you only had the launcher and not the app itself.
I wish I had a USB flash drive with more storage.
...but it was soooooo extremely slow that it took an hour to write one bit.
ii wiish ii had an Wii and a HD TiiVii on mii room.
Blue is everything.
Wish granted. But you hadn't paid you're electric bill, so they cut off your power- so now you can't use them.
Hmm, I wish I could speak german.
*EDIT* Oops, I wasn't paying attention.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but German class wasn't worth all the money.
I wish my drive was faster.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but then it was so fast you couldn't keep up with it!
I wish I had a 16GB drive. (my 8GB is running out of space!)
but it was so slow, your toaster could make 4 pieces of toast before you can save a text file containing:
Now that's slow!
I wish my drive could work.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted- but it couldn't find a job
I wish John would do another update.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
...but John updated his personal site to an ugly layout
I wish that Firefox 3 was out tomorrow.
Blue is everything.
but it was full of bugs because they released it prematurely!
I wish maggie would come and eat everyone!
Wish granted: but then he ate you too and everyone he ate attacked you inside it's body.
I wish that I could spend all the time I wanted being on the computer and playing video games. (and no, don't say they broke, cause then I wouldn'tt\ be able to spend time using them and the wish would not be granted)
Simplifying daily life through technology
...but the computer was slow as hell and the only game you could play was Minesweeper.
I wish it already was summer.
Blue is everything.
[maggie is a SHE by the way]
but umm... then it was 101 degrees out every day!
I wish every application was portable!
but then you had an overload of ridiculously unnecessary apps such as "Tour Windoze XP Portable" "Scanner and Camera Wizard Portable" "[Broken] Internet Explorer (No Add-ons!) Portable"
"Apple Software Update Portable" and "Volume Control Portable"
I wish I had my own laptop computer.
Wish granted, but it only had usb1.0 ports :o
O how clever I'm feeling!
I wish that I had done my report earlier.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but you did a report on how to find e instead of the report you were supposed to write :P(e=0!+1!+2!^-1+3!^-1+4!^-1.....)
I wish I could have the best drive ever, and it was cheap, unbreakable, flawless, and able to be stored inside my finger! (Oh, and it didn't alter my DNA or anything).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but then your finger got infected.
I wish the NSIS script language was structured instead of forcing you to have a bunch of goto's.
Wish granted- but its was replaced with an even worse method.
I wish all the launchers were written in autohotkey (AHK)
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But then everyone's virus scanners went nuts reporting false positives.
I wish pigs could fly!
But they all flew to your house.
I wish my drive would work faster.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but your drive wasn't working on the report that the boss asked, so it was fired.
I wish, I wish, that my work for tomorrow was already done, and was about the thing the teacher requested, for preventing...
Blue is everything.
...but it was poorly done and you got an F.
I wish this wish wasn't granted.
Edit: Sorry for replying... it's automatic.
I wish Glassy, a new Firefox 3 addon that enables glass look for it, was really stable.
Is this ok for you, Bruce? }:-)
Too bad you ruined the game... }:-)
Blue is everything.
but then your computer crashed and was lost forever.
i wish people would check out the awesome themes that i have on my site and the fact that they (the themes and the site) look a lot better than the last time i wished. (Sorry for the belated comeback guys but i was on school vacation and i only have internet at school)
Wish granted, but then your the links to your themes didn't work (Yes, the pages do look a lot better- congrats).
I wish I had a hotdog.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But you loved the dog and it was burning in fever.
I wish Sergentsiler had a PC with an Internet connection so I could tell him more frequently that his site is a lot better than before, but he is using a Transitional DTD and some deprecated elements that will make his life hard when HTML5 comes, plus, nobody should never use contrasting backgrounds.
Blue is everything.
but it was dialup so it took me forever to do anything.
i wish people would see that i pourposely had a black background and grey text for the effect and the fact that most of the crap code on my site is due to some obsessive traits that make it freak out if it doesent put all of that crap in there.
(i hate how it has so freakin many paragraph tags! i try to delete them but nooooo, they just have to keep comming back!)
but then every browser in the world became fully standards-compliant and refused to render the page at all.
I wish there was a way to download the entire Internet!
but then you realized that the internet is at least a couple hundred terabytes (Probably more) and you only had 360 Gb of storage so it was useless in the first place.
i wish i had enough processing power on all of my computers to run Vista Transformation Pack.
wish granted, but then windows 7 came out, and it actually worked efficiently, and still looked like vista. Oh, and you were able to get it legally for free.
i wish there was an easy way to parse strings with random delimiters and that data transfers between databases was a quicker process.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
wish granted- but I don't know how to do it, so I can't tell you
i wish i had a terabyte hard drive.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
b23 wrote:
I wish I had a USB flash drive with more storage.
ptmb wrote:
...but it was soooooo extremely slow that it took an hour to write one bit.
Bruve wrote:
I wish I had a 16GB drive. (my 8GB is running out of space!)
digitpx wrote:
but it was so slow, your toaster could make 4 pieces of toast before you can save a text file containing:
Now that's slow!
OliverK wrote:
i wish i had a terabyte hard drive.
Wish Granted... but... I think you already know the but
I wish sergentsiler understood that I wasn't complaining about the colors for background and text, but for the contrast of the background itself, and that his lodging service wasn't so "picky", on the bad way.
EDIT: After forcing sergentsiler's page to be validated by the W3C Markup validation service forcing to it detect ISO-8859-1 as character encoding, there were detected 59 errors (link).
EDIT #2: And 118 errors after I try to force it to validate as it was HTML 4.01 Transitional (link). Lets try strict?
EDIT #3: Strict: Less errors? 103? Ok. (link).
You should really change lodging. Hum...
Blue is everything.
Thats good seeing as PortableApps.com has 131...
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
118, as the 59 found errors where when it only evaluated the basics. Trying to interpret it like HTML 4.01 Transitional, that even allows deprecated tags, gave 118 errors.
And think of it in this way: PortableApps.com is a BIG site, generated from a dynamic database manager + database (Drupal). It is natural that it may have some errors (most of them surely to make MSIE work correctly). Meanwhile, that is a site that can support for itself on a text file saved as html, it doesn't need nothing more to be viewed. It shouldn't have a error for each sentence made.
That error that the lodging service is doing is awfully wrong, and I will be sure that I don't use it nor recommend it to anyone.
I have already made more tricky pages (with CSS, nav-bars, background images), that have NO errors according to the W3C's HTML Validator. What is easier as it is smaller.
Blue is everything.
Wish granted!
sargentsiler downloaded NvuPortable and his site looked so much better.
I wish I knew what was going on inside John's head.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But you found out he really hated PortableApps.com and was only begrudgingly keeping the site up for everyone else's sake (just kidding, John! ;)).
I wish I knew all the digits of pi (I only have it memorized to 5 decimal places :().
your head exploded from the infinite digits of pi.
(BTW, I memorized 3.14159265358979323846264332)
I wish my NSIS Simple Sound player would work (maybe I need to use MUI instead of LBUI)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but then you did switch to MUI and it became the NSIS Complicated Sound Player. :evil:
You wish you didn't forgot to add a wish top your corruption... }:-)
I wish people made wishes too when they corrupted a wish.
Blue is everything.
but then I just corrupted your wish.
Hee Hee!
I wish to say to sergentsiller that:
EDIT: I'll try to give a preview of how could the site be with my tricks. Oh! And you finally turned around that problem (I still see some leftovers from that hosting evilness), as it seems.
Blue is everything.
i heard it, but i will need that remake of the background to see what you were talking about.
(steps back for a breather)
(if you dont know my email, it is on my contacts section at the bottom of the theme gallery thogh i will soon be putting up a contacts page)
... but you will be unable to connect to the Internet for a week and won't be able to see my e-mail I'll send to you until then, making you really nervous, making you have an heart attack and having a near death experience, coming back to life after 5 clinically dead minutes, having a new view of life, compromising to get a stable Internet connection so that doesn't happen anymore
I wish I already made that e-mail
EDIT: BTW, I only made one wish with lots of stuff (sorry to have annoyed you so much btw, anyway, it helped to fill the thread
Blue is everything.
but i havent gotten it yet.
i wish ptmb would realize that i wasent annoyed by the multiple wish thing but that it was tedious to read all of that and that it fills the thread super fast.
...but I didn't care and continued to say the same.
I wish sergentsiler checked his inbox
Blue is everything.
i have done it 7 times but i still dont have it.
i wish my freakin pcmcia wireles card would connect to the freakin WiFi so i dont have to stay hardwired on my laptop.
...but then you didn't have a laptop.
I wish I understood why hasn't the e-mail reached his destiny yet.
EDIT: Make sure that your e-mail service isn't blocking
<my username>logger at Google Mail dot Commercial
Now decode that e-mail by yourself
Blue is everything.
it is most likely because i am using desktoptwo's flash based email and desktoptwo is still in beta so it may take a while.
i wish my veoh plug-in would stop searching for veoh related rss feeds when i dont read them in the first place.
BTW, I used a image to replace the desktop counter while I was editing the site, so remember to replace the image link, with the right image link (but do not replace the code).
(I have forgotten to write that on the e-mail)
Blue is everything.
since i dont want to hijack this thread, do you have an irc client, if so go to the portableapps irc channel, i will be there waiting. when you get there, use your username and say hi or something. i fyou dont have an irc client, install chatzilla for firefox.
EDIT: Online at irc://freenode/portableapps
Blue is everything.
if you are there you are dead quiet. if oyu dont see me it is probably becasue when i join, it tells me i need a key to acsess the channel, dont know what that is about.
**Edit:for some reason, i cannot connect to the irc properly, do you have a yahoo im?**
**Edit2: got on the irc but had to use a second computer, i will be connected until about 8:00 est**
But the your veoh plug-in stopped working.
I wish sergentsiler read this:
At 8:00 it is 4:00 am here, get FoxClocks and Add Portugal, on Western Europe to the list, so we can set a good hour to talk. I am available from 5/6 pm to 10/11 pm.
How about 11:00am est? It is about 8:00pm in GTM.
But I'll try to be online from 8:00 am est to 2:00 pm est.
Blue is everything.
(This is a first)
no wish graned because you didnt wish for anything.
i wish ptmb realized that i was talking about 8:00PM est lastnight when my irc client decided to be retarded.
wish granted, but I didn't understood what you were saying.
I wish to be able to finally connect to IRC with sergentsiler for stopping this thread hijack.
(I am online now, 12:47 pm GTM and I miscalculated the time I will be on IRC)
Blue is everything.
but the comps at my school are still not working.
i wish the java irc client would connect to the portableapps channel so i can finally talk to PTMB without 30 minuts of lag time! (I hate my school IT Guys!)
But then you finally came to your senses and realized chat rooms are dumb. :evil:
I wish the next wish wasn't another reply...
...but the next wish was just a bunch of gibberish.
I wish... ahh... there were nicer looking and using IRC clients.
Blue is everything.
but they were buggy as all getout and caused your computer to BSOD instantly!
I wish furniture could put itself together.
but it was IKEA furniture so it got confused and had missing parts.
i wish all of the computer screens at my school would stop making this annoying whining sound.
(Damn it is annoying! if you want to hear this for yourself, just screem a really high pitch into your mic, record it, amplify it and change the pitch to like 14,000Hz and play it back on a loop. see how long you last!)
wish granted. But you slapping the computers to make it go away got you sent to detention. (I know how you feel- my monitor does that as well. My suggestion is changing the resolution, it helped an amazing amount with mine- its pretty well gone now.)
I wish i could get pambot to run mean and lean.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
But then he was banned from the #portableapps channel }:-)
I wish that all of the world worked only on one timezone (like GTM).
Blue is everything.
(I can't believe I'm doing this again :-P)
But then we discover "other" worlds and then have to deal with EST (Earth Standard Time) and MPT (Milkyway Planetary Time) and eventually UGT (Universal Galactic Time)
I wish I had high speed internet
(and I still can't believe I'm doing this again
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
but "high speed Internet" is vaguely defined as "anything better than dial-up" so that's exactly what you got--ISDN! :evil:
I wish I finished my RPG project Spectacles: Bruce's Story years ago...
Edit: Oops, replied again. We really need to have an "add new comment" button on the bottom of the page...
but no one liked it.
i wish bruce to know that he isnt alone, i to wish for the add comment button on the bottom! (See Here.)
Wish granted: But an add coment button was never added to the bottom
I wish that Frets on Fire would become a development test already, as it is glitch free.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Wish granted, but it already was a development test, so you wasted a wish.
I wish John would release the 1.5 alpha, even if its buggy as all get out.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but it was so buggy it ended up to be Closed Source, incompatible with the PAF, no GUI, no tray icon, and it only works within FireFox (Online!!!)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Also, digitxp wishes he had made a wish along with corrupting the last one.
that I can remember all my stuff for Communications (Yes, they have that in 5th grade).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but by the time you remembered anything, all of it was already past due!
i wish delphi6 didnt cost so much and was easier to code. (So i could integrate ideas into the PAM and see if john will take them, even thogh i am currently waaaaaay out of my leauge.)
but then John decided Delphi was pointless and started using M$ Visual C++.
I wish that I knew better espanol (Aciago: Sorry, I don't know how to put the accents and Tildes).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but then schools started teaching espanol so it had a whole bunch off new grammatical and spelling rules, and what you had learned made you look like you didn't know spanish anyway.
I wish I had a portable hard disk, so I could have unlimited portable apps!
But then, you whacked it like you always do with your drive, but it broke because hard drives a flimsy.
BTW, my school does teach spanish, for 30 minutes every other day
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
i wish that people wiuld remember to wish for crap after they corrupt another so this think would keep going!
i wish smithtecs theme designer was at least beta and more full featured.
but then maggie ate it (sorry, my imagination's broken).
I wish people would stop harping on Vista (geez, didn't this same crap happen when XP first came out? Everyone saying "XP sucks! Use Windows 2000!"?).
wish granted, but then we started harping on macs
I wish John would make and corrupt a wish ( i Know its been done before, but my imagination is also broken)
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world