I'm looking at purchasing a PDA. My budget is $600. I want one that is very reliable, wi-fi capable, long battery life, the works. Can anyone recommend a particular brand or model? My personal favorite are the HP and Palm PDAs.
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you have so much $$$!
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to chip in, I was going to get an Ipaq 210 (I did have a 2210) but decided on a Nokia n800 instead as it is built on Linux and much of it is open source so you should get support for quite a long time. However it might be too big for your needs. If you want more info, just ask and I will see what I can do.
and the TX has a drive mode!!!
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Can you clarify the " or a bluetooth WiFi device (~$99)),". I am not aware of any device that turns a bluetooth signal into a wifi signal. Can you ellaborate?
...they're so yesterday. What you want is a smart phone like this one: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/products/mobilephones/overview/x1?cc=gb&...
That's what I'm planning on getting the moment it is available in Englandshire!
they are infinite times the price .
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dude.... sony ericsons dont have nearly as much funcionality as windows mobile or even palm os..... I have never seen someone with a sony ericson... if you really need a good smart phone i you get a windows mobile or even a palm os device...
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Nokia N800 or N810 are really very very good candidates. You may want to look at them. Both run OS2008. Powered by Maemo. Their Wifi strength is amazing.
You may wanna look at internettablettalk.com
My 2 cents!
No doubt about it, the best PDA I've ever owned. Well worth the money. You can see a review at http://reviews.cnet.com/pdas/palm-tx/4505-3127_7-31546759.html
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with Windows.
Ge the Dell Axim x51 with the biult in wifi (and bluetooth if you need it). The Axim line was a really great line. I get atleast 5 hours out of my battery with wifi on. Even though Dell stopped manufacturing them they were still a great line of pdas and personally I think it was stupid on Dell's part to stop making them. You can find them in many places. Personally I recomend eBay but make sure they have a good rating.
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
i recomend the HP Ipaq HX2795b. it has the ability of having an extended life battery, has a CF slor and a SDIO slot for expansion, 256MB of ram, bluetooth and WIFI, 645MHZ processor, Windows Mobile (i prefer Windows Mobile over PALMOS) and infared.
If you do get one and it has wifi get a program called WIFIFOFUM. it is a WIFI detection program that tells you if a signal is encrypted or not and how strong it is. it is also freeware for consumers.
...getting one that's a phone also (a 'smartphone', as suggested above), try getting the HTC Mogul.
I was despairing over getting a PDA as well, because I already HAD a celly (RAZR), and ONLY needed a PDA device - and they're so *expen$ive* when bought on their own...
But then...some 'kind' soul stole my celly and mp3 player outta my car recently. My mp3 player was filled w/ Christian music (serves 'em right - I literally pray they will listen to 'my' music before they fill it w/ their own, and maybe come to the Lord as a result somewhere down the road...), and I'd had my cell long enuff to qualify for the maximum upgrade discount.
SO, I began to search for a new phone, thinking that NOW I can finally combine the two functions into one and get me a smartphone that has the best of both worlds, and maybe save $$$ from not having to get 2 different devices. My requirements were similar to the ones you stated. After a few days of searching I lit upon the Mogul, bought it, and have not regretted it.
Here's what the Mogul has to offer:
- Runs Win Mobile 6 (6.1 available free via downloadable ROM update)
- Not sure the 'native' memory onboard, but comes with a standard 512 MB microSD card, and can handle up to 8GB microSD aftermarket cards you may wish to plug into it.
- Touch screen, w/ stylus included (and a spare thrown in as well)
- Has WiFi capability, and bluetooth capable
- Capable of 4.2 hrs talk time, and somewhere like 200+ hours of standby time
- Rechargeable via miniUSB connection, and wall charger included in the box - as is a PC-USB (mini to regular USB connectors) cable
- Horizontal slide-out QWERTY keyboard for your keyboarding needs (automatically changes to 'landscape' mode display when keyboard is deployed).
- Still and video camera, 2.0 megapixel resolution
- GPS capable w/ WinMobile 6.1, at least when used w/ certain cell carriers (Sprint, in my case - may require a data plan)
- Voice note / voice tag, and/or dictation capable (if the right software is installed)
- Tons of software potential, depending on the FREEware that you may choose to install aftermarket (or commercial payware, if you prefer), incl. various "i-Phone"-style interfaces, if that's the way you wanna roll...
- Also includes "Y - splitter" adaptors to allow for:
------a) Dual miniUSB input (Charge/Synch, and/or talk simultaneously,
------b) MiniUSB/Audio (headset/handsfree) input (ditto),
------c) Corded stereo earbud "handsfree" kit,
------d) One free screen protector (which I haven't used yet, since I simply cut the 'tab' off of the one that ships already on it, and have been using that w/ no problems).
------e) Along w/ the aforementioned spare stylus for "touch" input
As stated, I had a discount figuring into the mix, and I am an existing customer of my cell service provider (Sprint). So, there also was a rebate figuring into the mix. Therefore, my net outlay of $$$ for this device will be a net of:
$250 plus tax after the rebate comes back.
Not bad for a celly/PDA in one.
And here's the really good news: If you don't want the cell (or if you're not with Sprint or other participating cell provider), you can get the raw, unlocked Mogul for around $600 or less. Fits your budgie, no?...
Also, I must add that I only have a basic "minutes" type cell plan - no data, no texting, etc. But even w/ that, I was able to get away for $250. Not bad, indeed. And as we all know, one can do WiFi net access even WITHOUT a cell plan, if one is within range of a WiFi hotspot and has a WiFi capable device.
In conclusion, I strongly urge you to consider the HTC Mogul, with or without a cell usage plan. Strong contender for your PDA bucks.
(BTW, I have an HP iPAQ issued thru my job, and I hate it. I've never been a fan of HP for ANY device, and this PDA did not exactly heighten my appreciation for this company. It also runs Win Mobile, yeah, but the other stuff on this device is extremely lame, both hardware and software...)
Hope this helps,
- Preacher
P.S. - For more specifix than what I've given on the Mogul, surf to Sprint .com or else the HTC homesite (Google it), and do some more reading...
"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
I myself have tought of getting a HTC but i am on a Verizon plan and all the HTC's use GSM so are only avalable through AT&T, Sprint, or Tmobile. This kinda is a downer but i was looking into getting the Blackjack until a Blackberry fell into my hands :). Hopefully i can still get a Smartphone with Win Mobile due to it being able to do a lot more information transfer wise than the blackberry. Heck i found a torrent client for the pocket PC a few months back. with my current Pocket PC i can have a 32GB+ CF card, 4GB SD(16 SDHC if hacked) on top of what is already in the thing.
As for the HP IPAQ's i have seen through work the cheaper the PDA the crappier it is. there is this one that the plastic cracked for no reason and it fell apart. it was a 200$ pocket PC though and the 349$ and above ones have in my experience been like HP printers, workhorses. I still use my HP Joranada 520.