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Firefox and Windows scripts

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-03-12 17:05
Firefox and Windows scripts

Hi guys,

First time here and something to pick your brains...

I've been using the good old FavoritesHomePage created by Robert Perry a couple of years ago (it seems that he hiding somewhere in cyber space) and it is an excellent script to organize the favorites with pictures in the background, etc. it is a complicated script (to me anyway) that runs flawless under IE or Avant Browser.

Firefox does not run it and when calling the main file it just says "Loading..." and sits there not doing what it should be doing. This happens both with the full version or the portable. Is there a fix for this? Please talk English as I'm not a programmer.

I have played with the settings, security and privacy to no avail.

If you want the little program to experiment, please email me(it is free, thanks again Perry, and not easily found in the Net anymore).

I found this info: FHP is written for IE 6 and uses cascading style sheets. Here is a link: This link does not exist anymore.

I'd appreciate any suggestions...


Last seen: 18 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-12 12:39
Could you mail it

I can't help you getting the script to work in Firefox. I tried it myself and didn't succeed. Which was one of the reasons for me to ditch Firefox, as I like favorites homepage too much. But I would be very grateful if you could mail me the file. The zip on my computer has gone corrupt and I can´t find it on the internet anymore. I am moving over to a new computer at the moment and would very much like to install FHP on the new system. You'll find my email address if you visit my personal profile.

Thanks in advance - Arthur

Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-03-12 17:05
Still the same problem with Scripts

Hi guys,

Just revisiting this topic after a few months and seing that no one presented a solution for the issue of this topic. Maybe some new user could help us? I still use the Green Browser in my USB but would like to adopt Firefox if it could accept my Favorites Home Page. I'm open to suggestions.

Arthur, if you read this, hope that your FHP is working OK. Sorry the delay with the reply but it was good you found my email.


Greetings from Down Under!

Greetings from Down Under!

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