I was shocked to find out that FFP is leaving '0 KB' files behind in 'Data\profile\Cache', with the original names. I had 208 of these files laying in there. Then people would be able to see which files I have checked out :(.
Here is a screenshot of the issue: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4678/0kbfilesgt9.png . There's both .wmv files and .php files.
Very spooky... Why isn't these files deleted?
Is there a fix for this?
(have tried searching a bit, had no luck )
This is wierd!
have that folder.
Did you enable the cache?
It should be disabled.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Hmm the path to that folder seems like it's not installed like PortableApps\FireFoxPortable\Data\Profile\cashe, as it seems to long...
It almost suggests a local installed FireFox?
Quote:"I don't have that folder"
Hmm. I went back and checked a fresh install of FFP, with no mods done, and you're right, the folders doesn't exist on that. It didn't get created when downloading a .wmv either.
But to my surprise (and kinda contradictory to what it says on this page: https://portableapps.com/support/firefox_portable#modifications ("The browser disk cache has been disabled")) the 'browser.cache.disk.enable' was not set to false, it was enabled (the one you suggest should be disabled).
Actually in fact the 'about:config' 'cache' settings in the fresh one was exactly the same as in my non-fresh version. Here are some screenshots:
fresh: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1866/freshinstallro3.png
non-fresh: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2627/nonfreshnc2.png
Hmm annoying. Nothing to come after there.
I tried disabling (toggling to 'false') all the 'cache' settings -> then shutting down FFP -> deleting 'Cache' folder, but after startup, it appeared again after a little while :(...
I don't wanna start all over from a fresh install and modding it to how I like it. Takes to long.
This is wierd, why it acts as it does :S
Also I would like to comment about that you say that 'cache' should be disabled...
I heard the rumor that if you disable the cache it uses the RAM to cache stuff. Might explain the about:config setting? I duno.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
That is not a rumor, that's a fact.
That is also why it is very attractive to have the 'browser.cache.disk.enable' toggled to 'true' and the 'browser.cache.disk.capacity' set to something other than '0' (= in reality the same as not enabled), fx. '10240'.
And not only having the 'browser.cache.memory.enable' enabled as the only cache method (FFP default).
If 'browser.cache.disk.capacity' is enabled it will lower the ram usage a lot. Makes FF run smoother on computers with little ram.
But when all comes down, I am still having my problem. Would really wish that John T. Haller gave a look/comment in this thread