Name: AutoHotkey
Category: Development
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:
Notepad++ Portable 4.9.2 AHK Plugin
Since I am going to remove the AHK extras, I have released a package of the AutoHotkey plugin for Notepad++ Portable. This will give Notepad++ Portable the ability to interpret AutoHotkey scripts.
Included are userDefineLang.xml* (App\Notepad++\), AutoHotkey.api (App\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\), and all installer source files. Give it a try.
*If userDefineLang.xml already exists at install time, it will be renamed to userDefineLangBACKUP.xml.
Autohotkey Portable SmartGUI Creator Add-On
Smart GUI Creator was removed from Dev test 3, and I have replaced it with an add-on installer.
Download AutoHotkey Portable Development Test 3
(MD5:e401737b5a18399a7f1bbe6ee70896b3) [2.22 Mb Download | 2.83 Mb Installed]
Download Notepad++ Portable 4.92 AHK Plugin Development Test 1
(MD5:a2171e91ed8a256cf1bcbc27a656130b) [117 Kb Download/Installed]
Download AutoHotkey Portable Smart GUI Creator Add-On Development Test 1
(MD5:b3e142196e8bb4838469d93db845d820) [656 Kb Download | 782 Kb Installed]
Release Notes:
Development Test 3 (2008-6-20)
- Ditched SmartGUI Creator and replaced it with add-on installer
- removed extras from package
- cleaned up launcher ini usage
- Installer cleans up removed files
SmartGUI Add-On Development Test 1 (2008-6-20)
- Initial SmartGUI Add-On release
AHK Plugin Development Test 1 (2008-6-19)
- Initial AHK Plugin release
Development Test 2 (2008-4-30)
- Fixed corrupt installer
- Added SmartGUI version for 9x windows with GetWindowsVersion
Incomplete Upload (2008-4-29)
- Removed extra splash screen copies and added SmartGUI creator to the package.
Development Test 1 (2008-4-24) Initial Release
- This is a full package of AHK, with all included programs like the compiler, window spy, and AutoScriptWriter. There are three launchers included in the package.
Things to do:
- Read my comments below
Instead of 3 launchers, why not just do what I did for my NSIS portable, and make the exe a passable parameter through [AppName]Portable.ini. This saves on space.
See the Hint: section in this topic.
To do this, you will also have to change
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I was kind of looking at the way OO.o is set up, for guidance on the whole multiple apps thing.
The thing about NSIS is that you can access all of the other exes (makensisw, zip2exe) through the main menu, and you can't really do that with AHK. That's why I did the multiple launchers. Plus, it's easier to get at through PAM.
I'll take a look at it though, and I'll look at other ways to save space and make it more efficent.
(Not that it is a huge app anyway though, only ~3.3 MB.)
b23- if you do switch to the ini, would you please leave the source for the others in?
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... sure, of course,. But I think I'll stick with the multiple launcher thing for now, it makes it a lot easier to access the apps.
[Edit: duh, an easy way for me to save space would be to remove the 3 extra copies of the same splash screen
i like the multiple launchers better. No offense to Zach, but I don't care for the way NSIS is set up- I want makensisw.exe, as I can usually get to anything I need from there. So, the ini is set to launch makensisw.exe
But then again, you can't please everyone. Fair warning to you, Brian. And thank you, I like AHK alot!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I like the multiple launchers too, that's why I did it that way.
, but it only works good on the right app. For AHK, a user might need to use some of the exes at the same time, and this would be problematic if I set it up with the ini method. Again, with NSIS, it isn't likely that user running the compiler as the default exe will need the zip2exe app at the same time. So each method has it's pros and cons; the ini is efficent, but lacks ease of launching multiple exes, and the multiple launcher method takes up more space but makes the apps easier to launch.
The reason why the ini method works for NSIS, is because a user can access the other exes directly from the main app, and that a user will probably not need to use multiple exes at the same time.
Again, no offense to Zach, it is a very efficent method
Hmm...Imagine launching the OO.o apps with the ini method!
To me.
I'd prefer to have multiple exe launchers, then tell the End User to delete or move the other ones. I'd love to have all 3 of them on the menu, digging in to change the INI is a little messy to the End User.
I hope somebody will make an INI maker for PAF.
That way we won't have to dig in through the portableapps folder.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I've been trying to learn to code. Maybe that would be a good place to start.
Release Team Member
Hmm... Here's an idea: make a program that manages your PortableApps so that you don't have to dig in there, including:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I'm working on adding SmartGUI creator to the AHK Portable package. It'll be available in the next release.
To do:Ask John how to make an add-on installer.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I've never heard about an add-on installer, but I'll look into it.
SmartGUI isn't really an add on though, it's a separate program.
I've been working on it the last few days, and I have tomorrow and wednesday off, so I'll have time to do it.
I've been working on SmartGUI Creator Portable for the AHK Portable package, but there's bug that causes it to open again after it closes. It's really weird. I just watched it in taskmanager. This is what happens.
I've checked, and I'm confused
, because this doesn't happen when I click on the base app directly. I can't find a problem with the launcher, which was taken from a working one already in AHK Portable. This even happens when I kill the process manually with task manager! 
Has anyone seen this before?
[List closed correctly by moderator SL]
i would assume it is because you don't have a
Goto TheEnd
, after the base app closes and your script does cleanup, and so your script would fall to theLaunchAndExit:
before closing.that must have just slipped by me. It's fixed now.
Added SmartGUI and removed extra splashes.
I need some testers to look at the source and find out what is needed and what isn't, as far as reg keys, etc. Thanks.
When ever i try to install this, i keep gtting any error about corrputed file. Can someon help me?
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
Needs a new upload. Installer seems corrupt!
I'll fix it asap.
[EDIT: It's up, made some changes too.]
Thank You, I'll test his out. Can this make macros then turn it into .exe? or am i think of something else?
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
Yes it can.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
But is it simple? i mean ther is no scripting invilved or is there? i mean if i record something and then can i just say save as a exe (or the porcess).
And can i use Hotkeys to record and stop?
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
Not too sure, I never used the macro recorder, I just learned the scripting language, it's much more customizable that way, and it really is fairly simple to understand, as long as you have a general knowledge of coding/scripting.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Ok, thank You.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
I'd say that maybe make 1 launcher that lets you choose which ones you want to open.
Oh, and I think that There should be just an AutoHotKey.ini with multiple sections, looking like this:
Okay, I'm not exactly fulfilling what you asked of me for the testing, but here it goes:
I hope that this'll become official, as well as NSIS portable, so we have more development tools.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Just a pointer, you could get some ideas from the script on AHK forum,
Portable Autohotkey
Added AHK plugin. See above.
has been posted. The installer will now clean up extra files removed in previous releases. I have merged all the launcher ini's into one AutoHotkey.ini, and removed SmartGUI creator from the package because it was behaving strangely. This has been replaced with an add-on installer. I also got rid of the extras in App\AutoHotkey\Extras, to save some space. As mentioned above, these extras have been replaced with a plugin for Notepad++ Potable.
I think it should be a multi installer, because there's not legal issues ;).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I like running autohotkeyportable.exe with my hotkeys defined in the autohotkey.ahk file because I can edit and reload the script more quickly than compiling a script into an exe.
What I don't like is the message every time I start autohotkey that says "The sample .ahk script will be copied to the my documents folder...blah blah blah". Is there any way to suppress that message?
at present, no
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I'm going to try and work out another method for doing this, but no, not yet. (Unless you know NSIS, and would like to remove that line of code in the launcher yourself
What's the status of this is it ready for release?
Release Team Member
It works, but it needs some polishing, IMHO. Again, there is the base ahk executable with the example script (see above) that i'd like to rework a bit, and ive noticed that some of the portable HKLM reg keys actually mess up the local ahk entries in the explorer context menu, so that needs work too. I'm going to keep SmartGUI creator out of the main installer, b/c i've had some problems with it, and it's technically not part of AHK, it's a separate program.
It's getting there, but needs a few minor improvements.
anyone notice how you cant run ahk scripts straight from ahk instead of having to compile them? i for one would like the ability to test my ahk scripts before compiling them.
also, this app isnt technically portable because not only does it copy files to the host computer, it leaves them there. (the sample ahk script that is loaded by default.)
Yeah, i noticed this issue myself, so evidently this is just going to be a package of the compiler, as far as i can think of ideas atm.
About the sample script, if i remember correctly it should get copied back to the usb drive. Make sure there isn't already a file with the same name, because the launcher will (is supposed to) back up that file to keep for the local ahk install.
Apologies for leaving this, and all my apps hanging for a few months, I've been stuck offline/without a computer for weeks at a time due to various reasons, and have been dealing with a heavy workload at school... so just "hang in there".
Keep up the good work this could be great once its finished!
None of the downloads work
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
This has been fixed, the links got messed up when my folder got moved around on the server.
Autohotkey has been updated if this is still being supported.
May the Shwartz be with you
This may not be the right place to ask this, but I have downloaded this and I am interested in creating a program, but I haven't a clue what I'm doing. I'm looking for someone that would be willing to provide some help, or at least maybe show where I can find a tutorial or something. Here is the background of what I want to do (I'm thinking it should be fairly simple):
Twice a year my colleagues and I have to take an exam. A bibliography is published several months before the exam that lists the references used for the upcoming exam. Every time a new BIB is published, I download all the references (which usually there is only maybe one or two new ones, with maybe a few that have been updated). For the most part they are all .pdf files. What I would like to create is a GUI that will allow you to select the exam cycle, at which point you would be provided with a list of the references. Then you can select the reference you would like to study and it will open (preferably to the chapter/section/page listed in the reference). There are a few other things I would like this to be able to do (like an easy update system since I would have to push this out 2-3 times a year), but that is the basic idea right now.
I had an HTML version that worked fine, but it was a pain in the neck to update and used ActiveX.
Like I said, I may not be in the right post, so please feel free to move it. If anyone has a clue how I might get started at doing this, please let me know. I'm sure once I'm started and get a clue how to use the various programs (AutoHotKey, SmartGUI Creator, NSIS, and what not), then I'll be able to figure out how to carry on. Once again, thanks for any help.
Okay I know this might sound awfully needy, but when I create an app I often need somekind of settings, icon files, etc to go with it. It's really not easy to add you script to autofind the pam drive and the average user will hate doing that so here's what I suggest. In the data folder include a subfolder named scriptsettings. Then when ahk portable is ran move that folder with the script. That way the script can simply look in that subdirectory when it's ran. Second suggestion would be to create a .ini that the launcher edits each time ran. the .ini can stay in the scriptsettings folder and can have a value for the PAM drive. Several launchers do a letter change in files and it isn't too difficult. That way if the person wanted to launch/open something from the drive they just have to read the letter from that .ini. Anychane you'd be willing to do so?
Release Team Member
Why rely on an external app to give the script the drive letter? you could just use
:SplitPath, A_ScriptDir,,,,PA_Drive
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
The external app moves your app from the drive onto the HDD. So to find which flashdrive contains PAM, you'd have to search all available drives...I'd assume somekind of do while loop....anyways it's a pain to have to create that into your code when it's so easy to add into NSIS (Like two lines) and then just have your script read into the INI on launch.
Release Team Member
sweet. I never knew about that one.
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If not would you mind if I took this over?
Release Team Member
I'm sorry I've let this sit here untouched for so long, but I just don't have the time to keep up with updating these apps in my spare time anymore (although I still going to work on the release team stuff). Just a heads up, you might want to look at how some of the registry data is handled, AFAIK there are issues in that area with the version I put together. Good luck with it.
I'll get it updated to the latest AHK version. I've written some custom code that will copy settings over to documents as well as the script itself as well as create an ini that points to the PAM drive so if you want to interact with a PA.c program it won't be such a pain in the neck. It's spring break now
so I should get it out in the next couple days.
Edit: What would you guys think of me including the smart GUI creator? I'm thinking that I just won't have it display in the menu by default. I could add it to the default script (the one in the data directory when you first install it) so it will appear in the right click menu for the app icon. For that matter I could also add the compiler to the right click menu...easy enough for someone to remove from their script (just delete the two lines at the top of the script :P)
Release Team Member