Hey everyone
Sorry to post a topic like this but its true I need all your help. At my TAFE (Roughly an Australian equivalent to Amercian Community College) I have talked to a lecturer for the past couple weeks about portableapps and now she wants to demonstrate it to some of the other lecturers with the possibility of promoting it amongst all our students. This means the 10,000's of students across the TAFE campuses will be introduced to it. Even more so those of us who dont have the finances for payware will be able to do our studies anywhere rather hoping we can find a pc with IE and MS Office. Anyway this will not only mean more users who can benefit from the miracle that is portable apps but a lot more developers too as we have a large IT section on all of our campuses.
So what I'm asking for is just a couple seconds to write a review, or a comment or just some bullet points about what you use portable apps for. Your help in this is massively appreciated and could potentially help thousands of students across TAFE Australia
Many Many MANY Thanks To All Contributors
Just post a reply or comment so I can copy it into a writer doc to give to my lecturer please.
Here's my list:
PortableApps allows you to use programs on computers that disallowed installation. For most people, PortableApps.com changed the way they're life is lived. There are many apps you can choose from (over 50) as well as many more beta tests. It's 100% free, open source (meaning free), and free (did I mention that already?).
Oh, maybe show this.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I've been using the portable apps since I first came across them in a web article a while back. The idea of open source and portable programs is important to me as it shows how driven people are to provide excellent software alternatives that do 99% of the other pay-for-play software out on the current market, the community of software design is not an elitist one despite it being a small community.
I am mobile person, and working for my University, I go from computer to computer all over campus, and it helps that I have program settings and tweaks that I am familiar with and have associated with the files I use on my usb key.
It has also helped me when using different types of media w/ the non-profit organizations in that I've used my portable apps to run/edit videos or artwork on the fly when last-minute revisions occurred and no one had the right software on their laptop. Many of the applications available on portableapps.com are very comprehensive in the file formats they can work with.
Good luck with your implementation.
Jameson Stalanthas Yu
Office Technology Coordinator
University of Southern California.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
Mainly for mail checking (Thunderbird) and to-do notes (PNotes), since I don't want to leave traces in my office computer and since I don't have internet at home, I use Thunderbird to download my personal mail, then check off line at home, answer and send mails the next day, that way you pay less in cybercafes.
I configured my Thumbdrive (kingston datatraveler 8Gb) as a full computer except for the OS with all the apps that I daily use, that way I avoid those "oh! I have to do this at home 'cause I don't have the right tool here"...
And I also have another thumbdrive (Titán 4Gb) whit just repair, security and diagnostic tools, to help friends.
PortableApps.com changed the way I do stuff because adapted my conduct to use mainly those Apps even in the non portable versions, so I switched completely to windows based open source... I even stopped using stuff like Pocket PCs because are not compatible with my Thunderbird...
Another advantage, your computer is always fast because it have few stuff installed and a cleaner registry and you can always format and reinstall since all your stuff are in thumbdrives...
If it is open source is good, but if it is Open source and portable is the best...
Oh! BTW, for your notes, Am a Veterinarian from Venezuela.
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
Well, one possibility is for them to decrease costs by making their Windows PCs in labs into some more akin to dumb terminals. You could let the students pick up cheap USB flash drives (or provide them to students with the costs they save in IT maintenance). All students could have the software they need on their drives: email, web browser, office suite, IM, dev tools, calendar, etc... all open source and all free.
If students have a network drive with space on it with a consistent drive letter, they can even configure their sticks to easily backup their documents and app data to those drives with just a couple clicks as needed. That way, if a stick dies or is lost, they can just reload the apps they need and then restore their data easily.
And the PCs themselves can be reloaded as needed with a base install of Windows. I know when I was at college, all school PCs did this nightly. It would be an easier process since most PCs would just have Windows on them. And all the software we publish works even on guest accounts on Windows 2000, XP and Vista (with the exception of GnuCash's online banking features), so they can have the PCs locked up pretty tight and still let students use them... all without having to install any extra custom software on them. They'd want to ensure they have solid policies, fully patched OSes and up to date anti-virus/spyware/malware as usual of course.
And for students, it makes it easy to move from home, to friend's laptop to computer lab with all their data, documents and apps.
They can even contact me about doing a package of the menu with your school logo on it, too
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I use portableApps because with it any workstation can become my workstation.
The apps I need with the settings I like come with me.
Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F
I'll bite
Really, using a PortableApps allows you freedom. Freedom to use just about any pc you come across. Freedom to not be tied down to anyone pc. Freedom to know that when you walkover to a PC, you have everything you need to get the job done. I'll state this: my pc was down over the summer and again is down. While I have alot of stuff I'd like to get to, I'm alright, because everything important is on my flash drive(s).
I use PortableApps for:
And just because the software is open source doesn't mean its bad. In fact, all the software is stable. And the support is great. Just drop a note and pretty soon, you'll have an answer.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
A big thanks to everyone who has contributed. Sorry for the silly title just needed to get peoples attention quickly as I only had an hour before the end of my class. So once again thanks for your help and for overlooking the annoyance of the subject title. John, when I speak with my lecturer I will show her your idea and see what she says. Many thanks man
If anyone else can contribute it would great too. Take care everybody.
PortableApps.com Advocate
Please let us know when/if they will use PortableApps.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Be assured that my reference in another thread about subject lines was not pointed at you in particular
All the best,
and yes, let us know how it turns out.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
No worries. In truth I wasn't aware of the other thread regarding subject lines. I included the comment as I actually was a little embarrassed about the use of that subject header as I know I myself would usually find such things annoying as people who post them are often just trying to get an app, game or album quickly and expect others to jump to it.
Anyhow, is there a way to change the subject line so I can change it to something describing what I am looking for as the urgency has now past. Also if you feel up to it you could always post a few points of what you use portableapps for
Many thanks
PortableApps.com Advocate
Go to the OP and click the Edit Tab
You can rename the Topic/Subject Line to anything you want.
I would have recommended:
"Feedback needed on PA usage, kinda rushed"
and now,
"Feedback needed on PA usage, rush over"
I use them so I can, if need be, have the same programs on my work computer, home computer, and flash drive.
I also like that I can restore them, to any of the above, using a copy of the data directory.
My main programs are FFP, TBP, and CWP
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Thanks for the info:)
PortableApps.com Advocate
Have forwarded all your comments and a number of reviews and info blogs from the net and the text from the whats a PA page. Will have to wait to see what the lecturer does now as I've completed her course but hopefully she or another person from Tafe will be in touch with John soon
Thank you all
PortableApps.com Advocate
Hey John
I have heard back from people at Tafe and they are really interested but due to funding cuts (The perpetual choice of governments with regards to education) they are in the process of outsourcing their IT system and the company wont have a bar of PA Screwy people, Since they've had the contract for Tafe my lecturers haven't received my emails once. Thats two weeks now. They did a lot better when they had their own in-house set up. Anyway, unfortunately it seems its a no go here. However I have noticed the teachers have put links to openoffice on the schools homepage though not the portable version Also I had a different lecturer tell me she recently had been shown PA at a meeting and tried to introduce me to portableapps.com the other day so word is Slowly getting around.
Though things didn't work out here I think it may be worth promoting PA to some of the underfunded educational institutions there in the states. I don't know how you would go about this but if you did I am sure they would be much quicker to realise the benefits than Tafe was here. just an idea and if I can help make it happen let me know @ h o r u s o f o z @ g m a i l d o t c o m.
Take care and thanks for your offer.
Also thanks to all the posters who gave their feedback
Jeffrey William Smith II
PortableApps.com Advocate