Application: PNotes
Category: Office
Description:PNotes Portable is sticky notes manager with skins, flexible display options and a built-in scheduler.
Download PNotes Portable Pre-release 1 [.5MB download / 2MB installed]
(MD5: cc626ddd0a38cc67d6c8bf371c94b8ab)
Release Notes:
Thanks to Patrick and Ryan for helping me clean up the last bits and pieces.
This should be the very last.
PNotes Portable Website
Oooh, and I added something else. But you'll have to check it out to find out what it was. (Hint: have another PNotes running :))
Change Log
- Development Test 8- okay, okay, I dropped the ball on that one
- Development Test 9- hmm, what did I do
- Development Test 10- hopefully, we'll go prerelease on this one
- Prerealease 1- Hurray!!
Seems very final.
Oooh, when I've got PNotes running and starting the portable one, a red bunny is hobbling all over my screen
Life is crunchy, anywhere
You mean the bunny tells you the app is already running? I'd like to see that.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Does everything work right for you guys?
It shows a warning that PNotes is already runnning? It saves to the /data directory?
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Haha! Thanks a bunch!
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when I installed this, I lost my notes from a previous release. I'm not sure which release I had before,but I'm pretty sure it was one of the DevTests. What do I need to do to recover my notes? Yes, I do have a backup.
Okay, if you used a previous release (which would be 1x and 2x), you need to convert the old notes to the new notes. If you tight click on the Pnotes icon, go to preferences. Then, click on the misc. tab. At the bottom right hand corner of the window you'll see a big button that says, Get notes from version preior 3.0,. Click on that, a wizard will guide you through the rest.
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My notes aren't in the pndb format but in the pnote format (I think I already upgrated to 3.x), so I can't import them. However, PNotes doesn't see my notes. What now?
Thank you,
Hmm, let me backup mine and see what havoc I unleashed this time. As a side question, where are your .pnotes? Are they in /PNotesPortable/Data/settings/?
If not, move everything out of PNotesPortable/App/PNotes/data to /PNotesPortable/Data/settings/ as well as PNotesPortable/App/PNotes/note.ini to /PNotesPortable/Data/settings/notes.ini
Its my fault, there's an error with the launcher/program. The program requires two parameters to be passed, I'm only passing one, but I should be passing two, even though theory holds I should only need one.
Let me
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Yes, all of my .pnotes are in /PNotesPortable/Data/Settings.
You discovered an error in the Launcher? When do you think you will be able to post another test release?
Thank you,
When you create a new note it goes to /PNotesPortable/App/PNotes/data, right.
I'm going to post a new one soon(Tuesday?), I just have to get the dadgummed bugs out!
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Okay, I got it fixed, I just want to test on a few more comps to make sure its right, then I'll package it up-barring errors.
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My notes are back now! Thank you very much for the quick response!
No problem!
I'm sorry I screwed it up- should have made one last double check.
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I'm happy to announce that this version runs from within wine!
This appears to be a null comment for now. . .
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From within wine? I've heard there are problems with skins under wine (I don't have wine) - the transparent color doesn't really looks transparent, so there is an ugly magenta rectangle around the note. Is it true?
Haven't tried it. I just checked to see if it fired up or not.
As a side note, are passing two parameters to PNotes.exe really required? (I just read the help manual again, and yes it is required, sorry about the mix-up) I think cafe really messes the program (or my wrapper) to all get out.
By the way, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your email- I was away from the internet over the weekend, then I just never got around to responding.
If you're interested in get a linux with wine, you could get a NimbleX disc, just make a custom ISO and include the wine module.
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Actually I don't remember

But I have PNotes help (written by myself
Yes, have to install some linux to try the wine. But not for work
Thanks. Nimblex allows you to create live cd's and one of the modules you can install is wine. :o I'm hopefully gonna find a virtual box or such on this site and double check after it goes on my flash.
Drink deep, me harties!
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I'm gonna post some pictures tommorrow. PNotes runs, but not quite as well as one would hope.
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Okay, I gots it.
Tested on two different computers, said it was good on both.
PLEASE let me know, okay. Thanks.
Also, wine working is still if-fy.
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Tested with running PNotes.
PNotes Portable works better on my computer than the original.
The only malfunction I've to declare (not only by the portable):
If you choose "adjust" by a no-skin-note no skins are listened.
You first have to choose a skin by preferences. If you has chosen one, you can't select "no skin" by adjust...
btw: It's still being there
PNotes Warning
Life is crunchy, anywhere
Objection! It's not malfunction.
There is no mixed mode in PNotes: either you in skinnable or skinless environment. Thus you cannot choose skin for note when program in whole is in skinless mode and vice versa.
Have you been playing too much Ace Attorney?
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Thanks for that!
I'm saving it to my flash drive.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I made it a skin!
Download Bunny Skin!
Also, I've taken a few screenshots under wine. Screenshots Its a directory listing, so you'll have to pick which one you want to use. It doesn't work quite as well as I had hoped, but it does run.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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You're so...
Can't find a word...
Life is crunchy, anywhere
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Lazy Oliver!:)
Red bunny with yellow buttons?
And where did you make it? Something like Photoshop? Because "transparent" color is not transparent in preview window. There is nothing like good old Paint.
Well, I've repaired it a bit and published under your name
Get it at:
Yeah I used paint
I was out of time to fix the rest.
Its Mr.Elchbau's really.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Live, creature, live!
Your destiny is not longer in my hand.
Life is crunchy, anywhere
Although it's not exactly relative to PNotesPortable, but definitely relative to PNotes - I've added translation tool for program - PNTranslator. Very simple, just allows to see file against file and translate.
Requires .NET Framework 2.0
(it's not intended to be portable and, after all, I'm .NET programmer :))
Nice Lamer. You do really well making it easier for users to do things themselves. The skin creator and translator are both fantastic!
I think I'm gonna tip the editors at Lifehacker about PNotes later this week. Hopefully that'll expose popularity some more. I'd suggest using something like HM NIS Edit to create an installer package so you can have zip and installer to make it even easier for users.
Again, awesome work!
hi there,
pnotes is really awesome! I have 1 issue which is autosave doesn't work for me - this version as well as the stable version.
Is there something I'm not doing right? Please advice! Thanks!
I don't believe that PNotes has an autosave function.
There is however, one that does: Stickies. This is a wrapper, so you will need to download and install the software on your own.
Glad you like the app!
And welcome to PortableApps
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Hey Oliver
Autosave is right there on 'MISC' tab and above the option 'Get Notes Versions Prior..'
by the way thanks for the Stickies suggestion, but I'll try to make pnotes work for me!
Okay thanks, I wasn't aware of that feature.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
I'll have to look. The wrapper shouldn't affect this, but mine didn't appear to be auto saving either.
Maybe lamer could give us a hand? Please . . .?
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I haven't been here for a few days - sorry for delay. The autosave DOES work on PNotes and I've just tested it. It's intended to prevent data loss on program or system crashes, i.e. it saves notes in temporary files and in case of crash will offer you to restore them when program starts. If the program ends in normal way, it will delete all temporary files on next start. Oh, yes, you should save the note at least once (no matter when) in order to allow it to be restored (may be this is a point for further working on - allow to restore just created but not save yet notes as well).
temp files? I think that means we shouldn't be using that until the new menu comes out.
Reason: Temp files are host computer, thus PNotes is leavig things on the host.
(we need a new name for the host computer, it makes it sound like we're leaching the life out of it :))
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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you should integrate this somewhere in your script,
Until the new menu comes out you should just use that to remove it or if u want to keep it
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
I just tried developement test 8 on Vista Ultimate, and it seems to work without problem and leaves nothing obvious behind.
Number 10 and final before prerelease (I hope :))
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Some users may be confused by the fact that it just shows up in the system tray with no menu or other interface present. How about we add a DefaultData and a default note positioned maybe 150px from the top and the same from the left of the screen.
Might make it easier for new users.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
second that!
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I third this
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
already implemented and I like it.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
lol oops...i guess i should have tested this out
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I just did a quick test with the dev test 10 on vista ultimate sp1, and it seems to work without problem and doesn't leave anything behind that I can see.
I also like Johns idea of have a default note on first launch. The fact that it only showed in the task bar did cause momentary confusion the first time I tried it.
I didn't mean temp files in Temp folder. The files are created in the application's "data" folder.
I like this idea as well.
Oliver- The splash is ready for your pre-release. When you post tomorrow we'll give this a quick test. I already sent you the zip of the sample default note as well.
Edit: I updated it to use Zach's high res version of the logo. Thanks, Zach
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
No problem John, thanks for including it.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
And a nifty new splash
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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I think a pre-release should get a new topic
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I think I'll just leave it for now, since I went through and changed everything. I shouldn't have to do another prerelease, but if I do, I'll make a new topic.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I've just tried Pre-Release 1 on Vista Ultimate SP1, and it works well without leaving anything obvious behind. As well, the welcome note comes up as expected on first launch.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world
And just the last things...
You'll need to change
!define NAME "PnotesPortable"
to!define NAME "PNotesPortable"
in the source. Change the legal copyright to & Contributors, (or and contributors), but I spelled it wrong when I told you last time. You have a blank line at the end of the source. : O : P In Other\Source, you're missing AppSource.txt:In the PNotesPortable.ini, change
. In the help.html file, change Zach Hurdock to Zach Hudock (I don't know where everybody gets this r from : P). In the help.html file, genericisize the PNotes Portable-Specific Issues (Check Jooleem html), and if you want to can add a note on how to copy your local settings in the actual PNotes Portable page. There's a Thumbs.db in App\AppInfo, remove it. Compress the PNotes directory with the Compactor unless it causes problems. Remove the InstallSize and PackageRevision lines from the appinfo.ini. The Catalan and Czech language files don't seem to have the right name. The PNotes executable shows the version as "". I'd put that as the PackageVersion in the appinfo.ini, and then update the help file, DisplayVersion in the appinfo.ini, etc, to '3.5'.That's it. Nicely done.
I don;t know where I get the r either.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
one thing about the german translation:
line 92:
should be changed to
I let Lamer know it too.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate