have you checked your website lately, they dont exist. i have tried my temporary site on comphost as well as PTMB's site and they arent there. it says that you are viewing the old site and will redirect you and then your browser will most likely crash! i am trying to figure out what happened so i will get back to you guys on that.
Damn! I am trying to log-in trough ftp and does not work, my cpanel says that my site has 0Mg used (so they deleted my files). I tried to go to the site and it does get the redirect info, but the browser does not crash, just goes to a blog of some sort.What a ripoff! I am pissed!EDIT: I am already checking some free web hostings, and I have come to two that seem good:XtreemHostIcr38They both seems acceptable, but for now I wont get in any type of hosting.EDIT: Site is back up, so it was a minor mistake of some sort.
You can try zymic.com

6 gb of storage and 50 gb bandwidth
i love it, but you sometimes cannot connect once in a while.
Na na na, come on!
It seems good, on bottom page they talk about the hosting downtime they had, maybe that's what you were talking.
Also, it seems funny when a site "pays" users to use them.
support Drupal.
End of this discussion.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
no site supports drupal, they just have the availability to install drupal. as long as you have phpmyadmin and mysql 5 and ftp acsess then you are good to go. (btw checking the site you guys were talking about)
you can install drupal on Zymic.com: Yes
you can install drupal on XtremeHost: Yes
you can install drupal on ICR38:Yes
When i added drupal to my zymic.com website i kept recieving errors from the database and php apps.
But their currently having ftp issues but you might not have this issue when you sign up right now...
Na na na, come on!
no I'm sticking with Comphost, I already did a lot with it. I renamed it.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
It drops out once in a while for maintainence.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
is what i concluded. in anycase a site that regularly goes down for maitenence is not reliable so i would not recomend it for anyone currently looking for an online web host.
And a host that screws up the uploaded files and has advertising + popups automatically inserted in a wrong way would not be recommended by me as a good host (I am talking of orgfree
but i dont get pop ups and the only downside is the forced ad which i reaaaaaaly donnt mind becuase it keeps my site free so... yah. i know a lot of you out there dont want forced ads but if you dont mind, orgfree or any other FreeWHA site is actually pretty good
Comphost is down again
Looks like for good this time.
PortableApps.com Advocate
It's pretty good but and I used it for a while.
Zach said it goes down a lot but I haven't noticed it doing that for the couple weeks while I was hosting with them. (Supports drupal :P)
Found this new host that specializes in Drupal hosting. Has no ads or pop ups and no limitations as far as I know. Oh and its free
I highly recommend it.
PortableApps.com Advocate