You are here (a menu fork) beta testing complete thank you for your feedback

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Thank you!

That seems to have fixed it.

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Truecrypt 5

I installed Truecrypt 5 on my PC and copied the files into my install. It complained a few times and stopped after not finding the 4.3a driver but it finally started working just fine. One problem may end up being the eject. I encrypted my complete C drive (New Feature very cool). I am a little reluctant to try OKing the "files still open" dialog since it could force dismount the C drive too. Any one dare me to try?? I should see if I find any reference in the docs.

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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I dared myself and Pushed the Button

The drive dismounted OK and everything is OK. No problem with eject.

I use a U3 drive and have the smithtech app launcher on the CD partition to automatically start startgeekmenu.exe. If I insert the drive, startgeekmenu prompts me for the passkey and does what it does to hand off the passkey to truecrypt etc. This is where I get the truecrypt failure "missing 4.3a driver". If I launch startgeekmenu directly it fires up as normal. Does startgeekmenu check for a particular version of truecrypt? Late now I will do some more testing in the morning.

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That's pretty cool

The "missing 4.3a driver" error is a conflict between different versions of TrueCrypt. TC v5 is supposed to be able to open older volumes, but I'm not sure if having your C drive encrypted has any impact on that. You may need to look for help on a TrueCrypt forum, but I'm pretty sure the following steps will work (let me know).

1) Make sure you have TrueCrypt 5 (not just the .exes, but the .sys files as well) on the usb drives \TrueCrypt folder (sounds like you've already done this).
2) Move your TrueCrypt Volume file from the USB drive to your desktop and mount it using TrueCrypt from your Desktop.
3) Using TrueCrypt from your desktop, create a new TrueCrypt Volume with the same name/path on your USB drive.
4) Now mount that using TrueCrypt on the desktop and copy everything from the volume you copied earlier into this new volume.

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OK Now

No need to do that. Don't know what it was although it initially appeared to be a problem. TC 5 reads the TC 4 volume without an issue. It looks like it was caching of some sort. As a test I changed the owner information and then reinserted the drive. Old information showed up. I removed the drive and went to lunch. When I returned everything worked as it should. I'll try this on some other usb drives to see if I can reproduce it. TC 5 looks like a simple replacement.

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Localization of the settings and password mask ...

... planned?

If help for the German strings is needed, send me a ping Smile


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Before I move on to a new experimental track, I'll try to lock up localization for the Password dialog box- that is a very good idea.

I think localization for the settings dialog will have to wait for the next full version- that's going to be a large set of changes.

I'll be sure to ask for some help when localization choices are added.

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Call for localizations

Marko- includes localization- the settings for the Password page are below:

PASSWORD_ENTER=Enter your password
PASSWORD_NOENCRYPT=Run without encrypted content

If you'd post German, I'd be happy to add.

If anyone would like to post other localizations, I'll update future distributions to include them.

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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German localization

Thx for the quick reply Smile

PASSWORD_ENTER=Bitte Passwort eingeben
PASSWORD_NOENCRYPT=Ohne verschlüsselten Inhalt ausführen

I'll translate the documentation on German too Smile


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Thanks Marko

I've added this to my release build locale. I'm hoping to sit on the release for a week or so and wrap this up so I can move on to the next experimental version, but when I release, this will be part of the distribution. I'll also make the "Help.. Online Documentation" menu point to a localized location, so that appropriate documentation can be found.

Speaking of that, the menus are currently not very localized, and you've inspired me that at least the entire regular use UI should be localized with this version (I'm still holding off for the Advanced Options). Would you be willing to provide translations for the following menu items which are not currently localized, but will be shortly?:
"Online Documentation"
" forums"
"create support bundle"

"Icon Theme"
"Switch Wallpaper"
"Remove Wallpaper"
"Advanced Options"

"Change personal picture"
"Hide personal picture"


"Assign to Category"
"Add New Category"
"Delete Category"
"Rename Category"
"Hide Application"
"Unhide Application"
"Change Application Label"
"Change Application Icon"
"Show Hidden Apps"
"No Category"

Since you're planning on translating the documentation I've also localized the help URL, so that the help.. online documentation menu can point to appropriate language- you can mail documentation to g33k dot m3nu Angel gmail dot com.

If anyone else is willing to translate these options and the documentation into other languages, I would greatly appreciated it!

Thanks again Marko!

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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here we are:

"Online Dokumentation"
" Foren"
"Support-Bundle erstellen"

"Icon Thema"
"Hintergrundbild wechseln"
"Hintergrundbild entfernen"
"Erweiterte Optionen"

"Persönliches Bild ändern"
"Persönliches Bild verstecken"



"Kategorie zuordnen"
"Neue Kategorie"
"Kategorie löschen"
"Kategorie umbenennen"
"Anwendung verstecken"
"Anwendung einblenden"
"Anwendungs-Bezeichnung ändern"
"Anwendungs-Icon ändern"
"Versteckte Anwendungen anzeigen"
"Keine Kategorie"

I'll send You the Documentation if it will be finished.


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Sorry for the delay

Thanks for this Marko. I've completed coding the locale, but I'm holding off because I'd like the next release to include the correct German translations.

One more bit of translation for you when you have a moment - these are error or informational messages:

NO_THEME_DIR=Cannot locate theme directory
NO_THEME_FILE=Cannot locate theme file
TC_TIMEOUT_1=TrueCrypt Volume did not mount within timeout.
TC_TIMEOUT_2=Exiting Application.
NO_EJECT_1=Unable To Eject
NO_EJECT_2=does not exist.
NO_7ZIP_1=You don't seem to have 7zip Portable installed.
NO_7ZIP_2=This is required to create a support bundle.
EXECUTE_FAIL=Could not execute
NO_WALLPAPER_1=No wallpaper files found.
NO_WALLPAPER_2=Try adding a bitmap as
NO_WALLPAPER_3=or add some .jpg files to

Thanks again Marko!

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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No problem :-)

NO_THEME_DIR=Themen-Ordner wurde nicht gefunden
NO_THEME_FILE=Themen-Datei wurde nicht gefunden
TC_TIMEOUT_1=TrueCrypt Volume wurde nicht innerhalb des Timeouts eingebunden.
TC_TIMEOUT_2=Anwendung wird beendet.
NO_EJECT_1=Auswerfen nicht möglich
NO_EJECT_2=existiert nicht.
NO_7ZIP_1=Es scheint als ob Sie 7zip Portable nicht installiert haben.
NO_7ZIP_2=Dieses wird benötigt, um ein Support-Bundle zu erstellen.
EXECUTE_FAIL=Ausführung nicht möglich
NO_WALLPAPER_1=Kein Hintergrundbild-Dateien gefunden.
NO_WALLPAPER_2=Versuch der Ergänzung von Bildern als
NO_WALLPAPER_3=oder fügen Sie einige .jpg-Dateien hinzu zu

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Thanks again for your assistance is now out and includes the German localization you have assisted with.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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Feature Request

I (and some other users) are dreaming of a kind of feature like this:

When you plug in your USB drive a full screen window opens below the menu and will ack as a simulated desktop. It's actually just the contents of a DeskTop folder on the usb drive with shortcut icons and a small thing that remembers lay out and an image. If you drag or save something to that desktop it actually saves it into the desktop folder.

Preferably this 'window' that acts like it's a desktop, will keep apps started from the USB disk on top of itself and therefor almost looks and acts like a portable desktop without changing anything on the Host PC. Worst case the portable desktop will always be on bottom so other running apps can never hide behind it unintended.

It might have its own task bar or show the host's task bar. Ig it has its own taskbar maybe the original start menu button could be clicked to open (or switch to) the portable apps start menu.

Maybe double clicking internet shortcuts or html files open with the FireFox portable browser, clicking a text file or doc on this simulated desktop opens with a user defined portable associations and if no compatible app can be found, is defined or available it could use the host's associated application to open.

This simulated desktop does not have to be build into the same executable as the portable menu and can be configured not to start, but a simulated desktop like this would make it possible to have your own desktop on the go, aimed at a portable versions of apps and even not change anything on the host PC's desktop, not even for an desktop image.

And maybe a simple way to switch between the simulated desktop and the Host's desktop for full usability.

I admit it's beyond what a portable menu should do, but this would make a perfect addon to any menu. (The simulated desktop is started on insert USB drive and it starts the PAM. Or if configured so it starts the PAM direct.)

Hopefully someone would think something like this is doable and useful. I personally would think it would almost be like a real OS on the go.

I called it Simulated desktop to differentiate between Virtual Desktops and even running Linux as a portable desktop, but of course this would be the ultimate Portable Desktop Smile

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Have you looked at Mocha5?

Have you looked at Mocha5?

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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Looked at what? To be

Looked at what?

To be honest, I'm not really interested at Virtual Machines, Linux, Shell Extentions or similar or commercial solutions. All I would like to see is a full screen window that acts like it's the desktop. This will ensure 2 things: one it's fast, two; it doesn't fiddle with the host PC's system or desktop, and three; it doesn't need rebooting the host PC.

Okay, that were three things Smile

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Doesn't matter. What you are

Doesn't matter. What you are describing is a virtual machine. Storing running apps on the usb drive etc. Mocha5 isn't commercial but it makes vmware player portable. Install a Tiny XP, install any necessary apps and virtualize. Works quite well.

Have you looked at virualwin. You'll find it as a portable app in the beta stuff. Won't keep apps in running form but an add on will automatically start in a virtual desktop.

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What I'm trying to describe

What I'm trying to describe is a plain window (always-on-bottom) with icons that act like shortcuts and maybe a background image. All normal tasks would be handled by the current OS. A virtual machine is the last thing i need Smile

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i know what you mean,...

hello LOGAN, iwas reading the post in the Geek-Menu thread after i made my post and i know, what you mean - it sounds like blackbox4win, a windows Clon of the well known Linux Blackbox Desktop Enviroment.
It can be found here: - The Blackbox 4 Windows Community Site.
I already have seen it ready configured on a usb-stick and it was amazing: it has it's own desktop - with your own wallpaper if you want - and its own taskbar, all applikations are reachable over a right-klick desktop menu - together with some Configurations for the blackbox and some Windows links, that are on every PC the same,...
The only disadvatage: blackbox has no autodetection of apps, you have to bring the all with their relative links in the blackbox Configuration files,... but i think it could be worth all the work. Smile Imagine the eyes of your friends, or whoever, where you plugin the stick, and your own desktop enviroment ready to work with pops up,... Smile
Its fully portable through its configuration files, and leaves no registry entries or files on the host PC.
The Version of blackbox i had seen was bblean 1.16 you can find it in the releases-section, together with other mods, on the link at the top of my post. On the site are screenshots and so on, too.

I'm not sure if blackbox 4win is opensource, but if it is, it could be an interesting project for someone here,...

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black box license

Here's a link to the license info on one of the forks. Suggests both the fork and the original are GPL:


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I saw mention of something

I saw mention of something called Toolbox in the forums here from Cylog, that sounds like what you want.

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Desktop Integration

I'm working more and more on Desktop integration- currently will add fonts, send-to shortcuts, replace the places bar, and insert portable directories in the system path.

Future plans (or possibilities, anyway) include the creation of desktop/Quick Launch shortcuts and file associations.

I understand what you're looking for, but I think you're correct that the scenario you are describing is really an entirely separate application from the menu. What you're describing is not really necessarily even difficult, but it's not likely to be a project I'll take on.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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Yes its probably a separate

Yes its probably a separate app as I mentioned. Maybe its not a project you would take on but I can't deny some similarities like relative links to USB in a window (kind of what the menu is by itself Smile

I havent worked with Delphi in 8 years and the delphi I have is outdated I guess. (If I can find the free version I got with a magazine back Smile

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Is there documentation on how to configure this?

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In progress

As of now, the most complete documentation is the source code itself .

I've got complete documentation in the works- one of the things I will complete before I move on to the next experimental track.

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Documentation is now available

Online on the sf page

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Bug report : alternate theme for without encrypted content


I've just found what I think is a bug.

I have two different themes set up, lets call them red and blue.

The normal theme is blue.
The alternate theme for unencrypted content is red

Normally, with the TrueCrypt volume mounted, I get blue, this works whether geek.Menu does the mount or if it is already mounted.

When I tick the "Run without encrypted content" box on the password prompt, I get red, great.

However, if I run it in an unknown PC, for which I have the behaviour set to Run menu from unencrypted drive, it correctly doesn't show the password dialog, and correctly shows the appropriate apps, but the theme is blue, not red.

Is this the intended behaviour?

(and thanks for a really great menu)

Edit: version is

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indeed, a bug

squashed in

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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I just checked for updates

I just checked for updates using a firefox plugin and noticed a new geek version. Great Smile

BTW. I know geek uses an alternate skin because of possible resize, but does it also support Skins that were made for the Mod r30? (thus not able to resize?). Would it be possible to support those skins as well, as the number of GeekSkins is still very limited.

Great work!

PS TrueCrypt 5.0a has been released

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There's not really much hope of Mod 30 compatible skins working in in the immediate future. I'm trying to avoid major rewrites that are also pending (any day now, so we hear ) for PAM, as I'll just end up having to re-rewrite to get compatible.

Thanks for the heads up on TC, I'll update my distribution directory for the next build.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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thanks for the squash

just tested in 1.2.5 and I'm happy to confirm that it's sorted the issue Smile

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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I almost bet it will take

I almost bet it will take another 6 months before menu 1.5 will be official. Hehe, looking at 1.1 beta being beta for as long as I'm using Portable Apps. And any mayor rewrite should in my opinion become 2.0 if old files cannot be loaded anymore, so the suggested 1.5 also suggests possible compatibility with the Skins released to date. But sure, I'm not willing to bet on skin compatibility although the version number announced strongly suggests it.

I'm all for skipping 1.1 official and jump right to the next ,1.5 (2.0) implementation.

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I love it, thank you!

I found portable apps a couple of days ago and I am in love with the project.
The only thing holding it back was the limited PAM, thanks maggotb0y for pushing the menu wide open with some great ideas!
It really has created the complete package for me!


NP had a problem with adding custom buttons, the icons, although chosen, do not appear on the menu. Is it something I am doing wrong?

Last seen: 15 years 2 days ago
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Custom button icons

Most likely, the icon files you have chosen are not in the current "Icon Theme" directory. It may also be that the format of the icon is such that it displays oddly in the button.

Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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Custom Button Icons

Excellent, thank you - I didnt have them in the icon theme directory!

Unemployed Stor...
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Stupid Question

What is the essayist way to update to the new release I have 1.2.4 currently and want to get the new release but dont want to have to move so many things around

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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I just download the zip

and copy all the files over the existing ones, but using the installer should be pretty much the same.

most of your settings will NOT be overwritten (unless you have edited the default theme files without renaming them to a new theme, or you've hand-edited the locale file for your region)

All of the general settings are in GeekMenu.ini, which is preserved, and other settings such as category and label changes are stored with each app in a .pafdata file, so they're fine too.

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The current Version is great, but ....

It's fine, and all looks great. But i have found one little error, maybe it is meanigless, but i will give you a short info: I use the german-locale and when i do a right-klick on any app in the list the point "Hide Application" will not be traslated in the german "Anwendung verstecken". All is german, but "Hide Applcation" stays english. I already checked the locale-file, but the string

MENU_PAFDATA_HIDE_APP=Anwendung verstecken

seems to be okay.
By the way, with the locales for french and portugues it is the same issue: "Hide Application" is always english. In the R30 Mod, where your locale based on, this point is translated, when i switch the locale.

And a little suggestion: is it possible to translate the advanced Menu with the local-file too? It's not that important for me, that it is in english, cause I'm firm with the english language, but other users of your menu would like it to have it in their own language. Wink
I could help you with the german part, even with the info text on the last page of the advaced settings, if you want.

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Locale files were busted

I'm pretty sure this was due to duplicates in the locale file- there were 2 entries for MENU_PAFDATA_HIDE_APP, but it should be corrected with the distro. Give it a shot and let me know.

We'll get there with advanced options translations, but not till the next experimental version, which will re-work the way those pages are displayed.

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Drive Ejection (inc TrueCrypt Volume)

Hi all,

Firstly I have to say I love the and its security features - keep up the good work.
Secondly I'm not sure this post is in the correct forum but I'm not after help or putting forward a feature suggestion so here goes...

I have been using the for around a week and have everything setup just the way I want - apart from the geekEjector totally failing to work every time. I also didn't like the need to have the exe stored/copied to the local PC for the ejection to work either so I started looking into alternatives.

I tried various scripts and apps that I found on the web with varying degrees of success however none catered for the un-mounting of the TrueCrypt volume as well as the USB ejection. Not being a particularly proficient scripter (and lazy to boot) I have come up with the following to dismount TrueCrypt and eject my drive and it has worked for me every time I’ve tried it so far…

First I downloaded a small but highly flexible USB ejection app from here “”. This app will run in GUI or command line mode with switches (check the readme for the list). Next I downloaded another little app from here “” and extracted just the chp.exe file from the zip to the root of my USB drive. This is not a necessary step to get the ejection process to work however it will make the process invisible. Finally I wrote a very simple batch file which performs a command line dismount of my TrueCrypt volume and then calls the USB ejection app in command line mode using the switch /REMOVETHIS (so that the app ejects the drive from which it is run). My batch file contents are as follows:

“@echo off

.\PortableApps\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt /dt /q

.\PortableApps\USBDiskEjector\USB_Disk_Eject.exe /REMOVETHIS /SHOWEJECT”

Obviously change the paths so they match the locations of your TrueCrypt and USB Disk Ejector executables and after the TrueCrypt /d switch substitute the t with your TrueCrypt volume letter. When the batch file is written to suit your drive layout, save it to the root of your drive naming it ‘USBDiskEjector.bat’ and ensure the chp.exe file is also in the root of the drive. To get all this working open your and go to the options -> advanced options -> ejection tab. In the eject command box enter “$HOSTDRIVE$:\CHP.exe” and in the parameters box enter “USBDiskEjector.bat”. Click OK and you are done.

You should now get the eject button on your (a restart of the menu may be required) and when pressed the chp.exe will run the batch file you created hidden in the background and dismount the TrueCrypt volume then eject your USB stick. One thing I have not yet tested is running this on a PC under a guest account so I cannot guarantee it will work. This is not an issue for me as I use it only on my own PC’s and at work where I am an admin so I’m happy!

Anyway sorry for the long post, hope this is useful to someone out there,


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I have created some themes for Can someone please tell me how to upload them so you can use them if you like.

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Send any themes to g33k.m3nu Angel gmail dot com and I'll add them to the project page.

Brando212's picture
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so when should 1.0 be out?

Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
Matt Frewer

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Has been for a while

Up to now- it's not linked directly here anymore at John's request. Hit the page, or google it.

Brando212's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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so when is the final going to be released?

Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
Matt Frewer

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probably never is a stable production version of the menu, designed for every day use.

The current development series is 1.3, which is also currently stable, and has a few more features.

There is never likely to be a 'final' version, until the author abandons the project.

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Well, I'm tempted to say "next week", since that seems to be a popular answer around here (oh, how i crack myself up).

In all seriousness, though, I don't know that there will ever be a final. I tend to run 2 tracks- (1) a "stable" track, which has features that are reasonably well tested, and will have no new features added- just bug fixes. (2) an "experimental" track where I add new features which are not nearly as well tested, documentation will be lacking releases may go out with known bugs, etc. When I run out of ideas, or the next natural idea involves major re-writes, I release that as the next "stable" release, give that a few days or weeks, then move on to the next experimental release. Stable releases have even version numbers (1.0, 1.2, etc) while experimental releases have odd numbers (1.2, 1.3).

I do hope that eventually the official platform will include enough of the features that I find to be critical in to stop working on it and simply help to improve PAM, but I'm not sure when or if that will happen. Maybe "next week".

MrElchbau's picture
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It seems a handful people likes this menu Wink
I've just converted my newest theme.

Life is crunchy, anywhere

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Thanks for the themes

I love the icon themes quite a bit. Do you mind if I add any portions of this to the page? Can they be modified and/or included in other official themes?

Thanks again,

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-28 14:20
ok, do it so

No problem

Life is crunchy, anywhere

MehStrongBadMeh's picture
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Autorun problems

The Autorun feature works fine for launching apps when no specific computer is set. But when I rename the autoRun.lst file to work only on a specific computer the app won't start on the computer it was set for (or any computer). I tried using the name of my computer the way it appears, all upper case, and all lower case (there are no symbols in my computer name) yet none them worked. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium. I want to run Toucan with a job command on my home computer and not on other computers.

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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What is the computer name, and what is the name of the renamed file?

MehStrongBadMeh's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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The Details

Computer Name: MehStrongBadMeh
File Names Tried: autorun.MehStrongBadMeh.lst, autoRun.MehStrongBadMeh.lst, autorun.MEHSTRONGBADMEH.lst, autoRun.MEHSTRONGBADMEH.lst

As i have said (typed, whatever) it works fine as autoRun.lst & autorun.lst but I don't want it running on every computer. Maybe this feature just doesn't work on Windows Vista.

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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I'll have to take a look

at the API call to see if it changes with Vista

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Just to Point Out

If there is a fix for this problem that I would have to perform on every Vista computer I use then that is OK. I only need the specific user autorun on one computer.

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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This was a bug for XP too

It has been corrected both in the 1.2 stable release set and the 1.3 experimental release set.

Thanks for the report,

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Joined: 2008-03-05 23:06

Thanks and You're Welcome. The autorun works perfectly now. This forum is the complete opposite of the Zune forum where they just ignore you. Well I'm glutton for both beta testing and punishment (they go hand in hand).

The Autorun menu on the experimental release does not save the Minimized or Hidden traits. I can get around this by manually adding a minus to the command in the autorun.lst file to make the application minimized. But I want to try out the Hidden option.

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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Hidden apps

For now you can manually edit the autorun.lst and add an asterisk (*) in front of the app, just like you would with the - for minimizing.

MehStrongBadMeh's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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Thanks Again

An *, I would have never thought of that. I had already tried _, +, =, ~, ., h, and hidden. Smile

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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how to dismount

just small question: how is it planned to unmount the truecrypt volume after work?

Present it works nice with login at start, but then when I want to end it need to open TC and umnt the file.
is ther some icon in the menu planned or perhaps with the close menu button?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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Dismounting TC volume

Geek.ejector handles this reasonably well for me on non-vista machines (on Vista it exits TrueCrypt but doesn't eject the drive). Other users have not gotten this to work, but there have been many possible solutions posted to this thread and the sourceforge forums.

Last seen: 1 week 1 day ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
how to dismount

just small question: how is it planned to unmount the truecrypt volume after work?

Present it works nice with login at start, but then when I want to end it need to open TC and umnt the file.
is ther some icon in the menu planned or perhaps with the close menu button?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

MrElchbau's picture
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Once again I made(converted) a theme for geek menu:

9 color variatons and 1 icontheme

Preview & Download

By making it I've got some irritations. Please contact me, you'll find my E-Mail by my Personal Infos Smile

Geekings, MrElchbau

Life is crunchy, anywhere

MehStrongBadMeh's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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My New Theme

I made a theme! It is mod of the Mac OSX Leopard theme for PAM Beta (Author: NeoRame) with buttons that are are a mod of the buttons of the Amora theme for PAM Beta (Author: NeoRame). Thanks to NeoRame for making these themes.

Download Mac OSX Leopard MOD Theme for

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

NeoRame's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Hello MehStrongBadMeh, good

Hello MehStrongBadMeh,

good work and thanks for using my themes but please remove or change completely the Amora based buttons. this buttons are copyrighted by David Lanham. Please read for this the "PERMISSION.txt" and "readme.png", included in my Amora themes.

keep up your work and regards

Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

MehStrongBadMeh's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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Oh, Fine

I got rid of the Amora buttons and replaced them with buttons I made from a Mac OS X screen shot. Thanks to NeoRame for everything but the buttons. No thanks to David Lanham.

Download Mac OSX Leopard MOD Theme v2

Surprise! Strong Bad, it's me! Homestar Runner! From school!

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Donations? and "Comprehensive Setup for My Non-Geek Partner"

Hey Chris,
Posted a couple at your sf locale. Read somewhere you were looking for donations, but cannot find your paypal link ;^)

For anyone interested I post a "Comprehensive Setup for My Non-Geek Partner" in the help section at Chris' sf zone... it contains complete info on how I set this up for my honey, batch codes included. Hope this is helpful to the developer and anyone else.


Last seen: 1 year 11 hours ago
Joined: 2008-05-11 07:03
Volume Naming

Installing changes the volume name of the target to "geek_menu" - which is probably OK when it's a Geek like me who's using the device, but can be very confusing for naive non-geeks who've been given a heavily customised version for their personal use.

Is there any way of setting the the volume name as a user-defined var in the ini file during installation?


horusofoz's picture
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Looks cool

I gotta say this menu does look pretty cool and includes a lot of features that the PAM should. Still I'm gonna stick with the original PAM as I was introduced to portable apps thru it. I write to say that I hope the develpoment contiues and PAMs follows some of it. Advocate

Mclovin223's picture
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One Minor Bug

What I thought was a bug was the fact that the categories were sorted with the apps, which would be better is if they could be arranged by alphabet, but with the Categories separate from apps, like in the PAM mod. This is the only reason I don't use Geek.Menu, because this really bugs me. Unless I haven't been looking hard enough to find the setting for that.

Last seen: 15 years 2 days ago
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Not a bug

If you want them to sort this way, you can get around the alphabetical sorting by naming categories with an initial space (" games" instead of "games")

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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[Theme] Simple Black

I've converted another theme for
Just one, but I bet you'll like it, it's black Wink

Simple Black

Preview & Download

From Germany with love,

Life is crunchy, anywhere

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Installer worked great, no issues at all for me.

I can not seem to bring up the menu with out removing the stick and replacing.

Have AltTab.exe, which is mouse switching like alt-tab, which I can not add to the menu.

Name change, can not get to menu at all now.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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Where do I change path to the documents/video/music/pictures from the right side of the menu?

Unemployed Stor...
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Open up the advanced options

Open up the advanced options dialog (options>Advanced Options) and click on the advanced tab and follow the instructions given.

Brando212's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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I'm using this latest version and I find that it tends to glitch up everynow and then when closing it. It tends to instead of closing it it just opens several's

Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
Matt Frewer

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This took a while to track down

Delphi 2009 helped by making it happen more often. Not sure what that says about the two versions, but whatever.
I think the bug has been squashed in both the stable and experimental trains at this point.

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Joined: 2008-07-28 17:17
Ejection question

In the prefs, under ejection, what does "Attempt to copy eject script from portable drive" mean? I want to use geekEjector from my flash drive itself, how do I do that?

Thanks for the awesome menu!

Also a suggestion: Make an option to mount a TC container but not for apps. I don't want my apps to be encrypted, but I do want my documents folder on the thumb drive to be, and it would be awesome to have the ability to mount the TC volume at launch.

digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Attempt to copy GeekEjector into the sysfolder

so that it runs smoother.
And yes Geek Menu should already support that...

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Leaking Categories, and project status


First, may I ask, is Geek.Menu still happening? I've seen no activity for a while here, nor in SourceForge... I sure hope so - it's a great menu!

Secondly, this is a re-post from SourceForge (no response there):

Items keep "falling out" of my categories. I believe this may have started after my upgrade to version 1.3.4 (yes, I know, it's Beta...).

I have all of my items grouped by "categories". This is one of the many things I like about When I open, I see only categories, not items (this is what I want). However, often when I open the menu, I see an item at the "root" of these categories, in other words visible alongside the categories.

I right-click, "assign to category", and assign it BACK to its original category. Then, everything looks good again... until the next time I open the menu, then another item (not always the same one) has "fallen out".

Anyone else experience this? Anyone know the cure?

Can anyone advise if it's possible, or advisable, to return to the previous "stable" version? I don't want to "break" what I have, as I've put a lot of work into its configuration and organization.



P.S.: not that I want to leave this great menu and start over, but if it is 'dead', can anyone recommend a good/similar menu? tx!

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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Are you updating your apps?

Often, when I install a new version of an existing app, it will fall out of the category because the menu entry is linked to the EXE, which sometimes changes name or other characteristics with an update.

I don't know if is still under active development, but I really hope it is.

Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.

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Unrelated to app installs

Hi, Nate, and thanks for your suggestion. This problem is not, however, related to the new installation of new or updated apps.

I do both, but the error occurs, or doesn't, at random times (frequently), whether or not I have installed anything.

Dagenham's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Yep, seems dead for a while, such a shame, it's was a great piece of software (big thumbs up for the TrueCrypt support).

There are many fork of the PortableApps menu, most of them come with category support, take a look at the R30 mod (

You may want to give a try to ASuite (, it's looks like half of a category-supported PortableApps menu, half like PStart.

Or, you can give a try to PStart (, may not as nice as the PortableApps-type launchers mentioned, but highly configurable, small and fast as hell. And don't forget about the hotkey feature, for me, this was the primary reason to use it.

solanus's picture
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8Start is another option

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

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Thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks, Dagenham!

I remember trying PStart some time ago, and I'm not sure about the rest, but I'll give them all a fresh look-see.

Hopefully Christopher is just on a hiatus, and will find time soon to at least deal with these bugs.

I really like Geek.Menu, and have invested a fair amount of time into configuring it, and the applications around it, so I hope not to have to switch, but it's good to have options! Smile


Mickeyj4j's picture
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Hi is this anything like the

Hi is this anything like the Mod34 patch, can it be used with it or is it a newer version of it.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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New official menu.

When is the New Official menu comming out. The mopd 34 patch & Geek menu are out and running with improvments on the origional menu. John could use eighter of these as a base add the extras and then have the new promiced release out asa. so I do wonder why its taking so long.

No offience to John and thoes working on the New Menu.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Hi all,

I know geek menu is not developped any further (at least it seems so).
But could anyone elaborate how to start applications via the searchbar?
All I can do is looking up the web but I can't seem to seek for an application there.

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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it's not designed like that.

it's not designed like that. the search bar was only designed for searching terms on google, wikipedia etc

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau


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