I would like to request this media player called Songbird to view it go to songbirdnest.com I think. it is a new open-source software based on itunes
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Steve Lamerton
I have been waiting anxiously for 0.2 to come out. If I had the programming expertise I would code this one myself, sadly I do not. I hope that this program is made portable soon, as I would love to keep it with me on my USB key.
Seems like a very capable media player.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Blog]
Wait, what the heck? You just had a medium-sized post explaining where the program stored its settings and such. Why did you edit it out?
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
I had posted explaining what would be required to make it a portable application. But the current version, 0.1, is just a development phase meaning that anything could change for the next release. So, until version 0.2 comes out, I think it's best to wait.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Blog]
0.2 is out.
i went balls deep cause i dont feel like waiting and just extracted songbird installer, with uniextract, then moved files in $_OUTDIR to the where songbird.exe is and deleted $appdata, $_outdir, and $pluginsdir, and [nis].nsi,
create a folder called app then move all those files to it, then create a folder called profile and go to C:\Documents and Settings\(You username)\Application Data\Songbird\Profiles\
grab the profile and move it to the new folder.. now create a txt file, rename it to portable songbird, and add the following text
@echo off
start "" ".\app\Songbird.exe" -profile ".\profile\61qzr9z8.default"
make sure you change ".\profile\61qzr9z8.default" to whatever you profile folder name is and your set!
it runs just fine for me.. but i did the quick and dirty method so it might not work for some.
[edit] added more detail how i made it portable
Installers are for babies.
Yeah since then I already made a portable songbird using John's NSI script from Firefox Portable and for when 0.3 releases I'll be making that portable but this time I'll be releasing it but with modifications and new skin design and a new name
My link for portable songbird is here if you guys like to examine it http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IA75RRL6
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
the SB's porta version can't recognize my pc's audio device. any ideas?
Maybe it's just your computer. every computer I used it on worked great
My own linux Distro called Ubuntu Multimedia Center
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Awesome, I'm dling the exe now, I tried using the regular on my flash drive, I got mad when it didn't work >_