Since there was a lot of input for the CafeMOD, nay eXpresso, name debate, I need some help too.
I've got several apps here, and a new one I'm working on that could really use some better names. In no particular order -
Filetype Manager (new, in development)
The first 2 have been around a while so people should be familiar with them. The last one is a new app I'm working on. It's a full-fledged filetype manager. XP's builtin one is so-so, and Vista's is a joke. Anyway, I need a real name for it before I register it for a Sourceforge project. The term Filetype (or FileType) can be part of the name, but I'd like to keep Manager / Commander / Associator out of it. There's already a couple apps with similar names.
I like parts of some of the apps I've found, but many are outdated, have some bugs, or lack some functionality I want. I think this project has potential, so I really want a good name that would be recognizeable / memorable.
The first 2, EDT and PFA, I would like better names for if they ever go official (EDT has a better shot than PFA I think).
So suggestions would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
I'd say wait till the apps are closer to finalization or release.
At lot of time was spent on the CAFE/eXpresso thread.
This is time you could spend working on the apps to get them ready, and others could spend on testing.
Just my thought
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
No offense, but what does development have to do with naming? I'm not asking for icons here (most of the work from the eXpresso thread), just some name ideas.
Really the only one I care about right now is the filetype manager, since I need to name the Sourceforge project.
My opinion is use the original names, as they're just names. Personally I do not like the CAFE Mod new naming issue just because of the fact that it's actually a mod of CAFE. A new name would suggest a (complete) new application.
Now if your apps are your own original creations and not based on previous work you might think about a new name. But EreasaDropTarget has been around (as app and name) for ages. I would say, keep with the name. (It at least gives a hint what it's about instead of just a catchy name that doesn't relate to the app itself.
A new icon, new logo thats something different, but I don't hope renaming apps will be something that will be happening alot.
Just my 2 EuroCents.
They are all my original apps.
is a filetype manager?
Oh, and for PFA, maybe you can do Associate! but that sounds too catchy.
For EDT, I think you can do helicopter.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
A filetype manager lets your create, remove, and edit the file associations on your computer and the actions associated with them. Like in XP - Control Panel -> Folder Options -> File Types. But XP's interface is only so-so. Vista gives you no control at all so a 3rd party app is a necessity to avoid direct registry editing.
At 3AM I almost posted
...but didn't because I realized they sucked.
This morning I realized I didn't care. :-)
Here's my 2 cents. Best I could come up with in 10 mins.
-> KillZone
-> Drop 'N Zap
-> Exterminator
-> OnTheFly
-> eOverride (ExtensionOVERIDE)
Filetype Manager
-> Director
-> Windows FileType Director
-> Windows FileType Wizard
-> FileMan (FILEtype MANager)
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Thanks! That's a start to get my head going at least.
I like the first suggestion for each app. They sound good.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
KillZone, Drop 'N Zap, and FileMan. Good thinkin!
Release Team Member
universal portable identity connect.
I just wanted the tag, UPIC.
Thought there were plenty of words to use that was synonomys to "associate".
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
Black Hole (searched, it's used)
Privy (private, and can mean outhouse)
Oubliette (It used to be used, but that was years ago)
Shredder (Easy Shredder is used)
Ayeabtu, Ayebtu, etc. (All Your Extension Are Belong to Us)
Puppet User pulls the strings
Marionette same
(Actually, I'm not sure what this program does, I realize, what I'm thinking of is what eXpresso does. Oh well, I just like making up names.)
Typecon (Controller)
Filetype Con
None very good, I'm afraid
I am not my signature.
Not a bad idea for edt, shredder.
How about dropshredder?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
All good ideas!
I'm leaning towards "ArcheType" for the ftype manager. I looked on Sourceforge and there's a javascript toolkit by the same name, but it's not been updated in 3 years.
How about Puppeteer?
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Nevawuz or Nevawas (... as if the file never was)
GAFDU: Graphically Accessible File Destruction Utility
Shiva (hindu god of destruction)
Ok, they all suck.
Digital Vaporizer?
File Fission?
DragDropDestroy? (or maybe that could be a tagline)
File Incinerator?
LOL!!! Ha!
The name EDT is presently a trade name of Ensconce Data Technology, a manufacturer of a device called the 'Digital Shredder' a hard drive purge appliance that uses Secure Erase,a data purge protocol embedded in all ATA based drives produced since 2001. The Secure Erase process is a non-destructive technology that eliminates all data from all regions of the hard drive rendering any legacy data unrecoverable using laboratory reconstruction efforts.
I can assure you that they will not be too happy about any brand confusion.
Just a thought.
How does "abattiors" sound? Check at:
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I made a picture for EraserDropTarget. I t looks kike a shredder.
Life is crunchy, anywhere
I kinda like the dropshredder idea with that icon. But the only thing is that it's kinda hard have a shredder drop on a file
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
a pair of ginsu knives cutting paper up? That can also translate to the dropshredder.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
Nice pic. I think it would look good to have some lines on the paper that's being shredded, so it looks like a document is being shredded, instead of a blank piece of paper.
That's pretty sweet. I like it
I agree with the lines on the paper I think (have to see it to be sure). That's definitely a candidate for an official release, when it happens.
like this?
Life is crunchy, anywhere
Yeah I like it better with the lines.
Release Team Member
Thats what I was thinking of. Looks nice.
Yep. Good Stuff!
It's Eraser Drop Target, not eraser (or dropshredder, whatever...).
I think perhaps paper gets dropped into a funnel that shreds the paper or something.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I have been looking for this image. Cant you provide a image set for downloading and useing. I like it and now I am useing a "do not enbter road sign.
Frank D. Hubeny
Sorry for the double post. I am not sure how this happens but I will try and be very careful in the future !
I have been looking for this image. Cant you provide a image set for downloading and useing. I like it and now I am useing a "do not enter road sign.
Frank D. Hubeny
You'll have to contact the author of the image. Try his homepage maybe.
For your filetype manager, a few ideas:
Associator Portable
PFAT (Portable File Association Tool)
OpenWith (I like this one because of its reference to Open Source)
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.