Name: SuperTuxKart
Description: SuperTuxKart is a a kart racing game featuring Tux and friends. It is a fun-racer game, focusing on fun and ease of play.
PieterK already made one, but this one is updated (yes, he knows).
Maybe I'll do some of the special editions.
To Do:
- Do special editions (optional)
Download SuperTuxKart 0.5 Development Test 1
Release Notes:
Development Test 1: Updated to 0.5
believe that we are no longer putting please test requests in title unless it is for an urgent release
Where is the download link for paf version? I can't put my hands on this game (
) if you don't give me links... 
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
I just had to update the help file to the topic.
So, anyone have a clue how to change the size of a command line window using textual commands:??
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
You made a typo on the link. It's "SuperTuxKart" instead of "SSuperTuxKart"
Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Works very well here! Well done!
Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper
Windows Vista Home Premium on AMD64 x2 with 2Gb RAM and GForce GO 6100... Everything looks ok, nothing bad to report ATM.
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
but this time in x32 (same OS) and still nothing to report... it is working ok, I can't find folders or registries or whatever in any place I look for...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
SuperTuxKart 0.5 is out
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
and I still need to figure out the command window.
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please wait a few minutes as I'm still compiling it and the ftp program may take a while
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lol, do you always post links before you upload or is it an typo issue again?
Link Down Advocate
and that made me accidentally hit the save button. I'll get it up now...
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Thanks for the update. Will test later tonight.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Using WinXP Pro, install goes just fine. However, when trying to run the program, it doesn't start. PieterK's version ran okay. No error messages or windows - the computer appears to think about it for just a second, then kills the process. I don't even get a splash screen (if there is one). I didn't have a chance to try version 0.4.
Any suggestions?
It didn't work for me either. You need to install the Visual C(++?) Runtimes, I'll add it to the installation.
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Copied them over from my Secret Maryo Chronicles Portable install - works now.
STK needs to learn more about Windoes...
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Status?? Advocate
Actually, I don't think I should release it again until I compress it. I still don't know how to work the encoders
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
well i transcoded the ogg files in supertuxkart\data\music to an average of 96 kbps (at least the ones that weren't already under 96 kbps). there aren't that many files though so it only saved like 3.5 MB. If you want them, you can download them here
Edit: nvm, i found some more ogg files in supertuxkart\data\tracks. i'll add those to the package and put the download link back up in a little bit.
After that, I think I'll run WinDirStat on it again. It's so useful :D.
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so did you add the Visual C(++?) that didn't allow the game to run on some computers? I had that same problem.
here are the ogg files transcoded to 96kbps. It still only saved 9 MB.
not sure, but i think you can delete all of the ".svn" folders, which will save about 25 MB. you can also delete all the files and the *.xpm and probably others.
but I still don't know how to work the encoder :P.
I'll add you under acknowledements.
*Edit:* I ran windirstat again, the biggest OGGs are: App\supertuxkart\data\tracks\startrack\Ethereal_Spectrum_(ver_loop).ogg
and App\supertuxkart\data\tracks\crescentcrossing\KingArthursCastle.ogg
Please teach me how to use the encoder???
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well i usually use cdex but since it's so out of date now, i used mediacoder. It's as simple as dragging the oggs onto media coder, selecting ogg vorbis, and setting the quality. i selected an average bitrate of 96 kbps. pick a destination folder (not sure if it replaces the originals by default or not). i also removed the oggs that were already like 60 kbps. then hit start.
The .svn folders can and should all be deleted - they only contain information for SVN to know which files have been changed for versioning reasons. They are not needed by the game at all and will probably clean up a little space.
it's just that I don't really want to release it until it gets under 70 MB as my connection is getting hogged by my brother/sister watching Internet TV (the conection drops every time an ad plays
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A little off topic but wouldn't Super converter be the better trans coder. It works great is easy to use and Nathan9222 made a fully portable version you can download from his website. Plus I found media coder was lacking somewhat last time I tried it. Advocate
I think BonkEnc will work too. That one is OSS and already on this site as an official app
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I would recommend Zach's suggestion. Just seems better to have an app we hope will become official created using official tools. Advocate
Is this still in production? Advocate
are there any problems with portability?
Hm... I should start asking more about Pre-releases...
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says couldn´t initialise ALUT based sound -> game works but you can´t hear anything
winXP SP admin account
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
you need to install OpenAL.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Would that mean its not actually portable? Advocate
Billy227 seems to have solved the Aopen AL problem for Warzone 2100 portable. Maybe consult with him to see what solution he used. Advocate
I downloaded the program once and SuperTuxKart never openend. I delete the folder and install it again but it still doesn't open. Now i've tried a third time but it still doesn't load. There's no error message or anything. The program appears to load for a few seconds, then stops and doesn't load. Any idea why?
Thanks for doing making this portable, however I get no sound effects or music with this. Everything else seems perfect
There is a new release out.
BTW, has anyone found a way to compress the .RGB files?
Nihilism makes me smile.
Sorry for the bump but has anyone got a copy of the installer? - the link is dead
Can someone please pick this up? It's definitely a great game and written in C++. DigitXP did get this most of the way but seems to have gone AWOL since July 2008. Considering how many updates to PAF there have been since his last update I'd suggest starting afresh but I hope it wont be too hard.
So any takers?
EDIT: Anyone? Advocate
but i've been having too many troubles with making other portableapps
the download file is gone
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
Is it dead?
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I hope not, this is a cool little game! I'm a big fan of open source games these days, there are some real quality titles floating around on the Internets.
Portable version is outdated though, current stable version of STK is 0.6.2a.
Oh - a small game with no home! Looks like something for me

Seriously, if no one objects, I would take this over. But let me have a loook at it first in case its too hard
Does anyone have an old copy and is willing to send it to me?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
digitxp has an older copy of SuperTuxCart in his Dev Files dump; unfortunately, I don't recall which file package it's in, and I can't check as my Internet's on the fritz again (downloading big files is disastrous).
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I now have a working copy of the latest version (0.6.2a) and a working launcher (Thanks Chris). The only problem I see is that its huge! Its 185 mb installed and has a 85 mb installer.
Any suggestions?
I am debating to move some cars and level to a plugin-installer, problem would be which ones.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Sauerbraten and Blood Frontier are at least double that.
Include it all Advocate
Assault Cube Portable: ~40mb download
Warzone 2100 Portable: ~50mb download
I think the days of portables apps
to Version 0.6.2a.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate