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Anyone know howto bypass Cybersitter?

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Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
Anyone know howto bypass Cybersitter?

Look I am not attempting anything , but I just wanna do stuff like downloading files without them breaking or being ablle to download DOS gmes or others. so anyone know howto bypass it? And proxies won;t work.... Sad

Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-19 23:15
if you are on a machine with cybersitter

it is there for a reason. dont' think you'll find too many people here willing to help you out.

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23

but the filters go crazy, and I rarely get to use my Mom's Ubuntu/Winblows dual-boot lappy..... But does anybody know a site that will help me?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 And the reason the school put it on these crappy school laptops is they believe that the filters will keep the comps safe from Winblow's stunning malware library!

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37

same here exept its 'surf controll'. s' really anoying.


alpha1's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-08 20:02
surf control is the stupidest

surf control is the stupidest of all blocks I've ever seen, so easy to get around, I always got by it in FFP without any trouble what-so-ever

I helped build a dansguardian and Squid block on and ivisible proxy at school, nothing at all can get by it, and you can't even google the word proxy in our school Blum

Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
They're using filters at the

They're using filters at the workstation level? Idiots.


Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
Whaddya mean "workstation

Whaddya mean "workstation level"?

As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or FreeBSD on your Winblows comp or buy a Mac.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
"Workstation level" means

"Workstation level" means that things are filtered by software running on the workstation. A good filter is at the server or ISP level, i.e. any machine that requests data from the server is affected. This way, it is much, much harder to bypass because it would require access to the server itself.


Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
I think I came to an end with my search

Since I subscribed to monthly circumventor sites...

As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-03 10:26

yes i kno how to bypass cybersitter cause i installed it on my computer for whyen im not really depeneds on ur cybersitter controls if they have the indepth or not cause u can make it all the way blocking everythin imaginable..... but here goes ... ever try this ..... : alt - control - del.? the close the cybersitter in taskmanager....? it they have that blocked maybe they dont have this: go into regedit in start - run and delete the registry entrys for cybersitter! if thats blocked the u will just have to bypass it. the do this:
goto this site: www. .org/bypass/cybersitter.shtml it will show u 3 i think it was ways to bypass it. and they work cause i made sure i found all the loop holes just have to do it right! if that dont work u can also just change the version of the page ur tryin to go to like change it to ... so now its uks version of yahooo get the idea...ANOTHER ONE FOR U is if u can get to it find out how to install a dual boot operating system ,,, so ver say u have windows xp installed now ...get windows 2000 and the u will have ur own accounts. different browser can sometimes work also depened what they blocked......thats another one....go onto a p2p filesharing site or bittorrent if u can get to one such as or download the version of cybersitter agian on ur computer but this version ofourse will be ed and then u will beable to ither uninstall and reinstall later or restore or if u want just install agian but change everything around and the pw. OR GET A KEYLOGGER IF U CAN GET ONE and have it sit in the computer and then BOOM u got the password and they will never kno...ANOTHER ONE .... u can use a password revealer and then well u kno what will happen......AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST MORE FOR LATER THIS WILL GET U STARTED ..... once i find more ill post them....,GOTO THIS SITE its a good proxy bypass site some dont work i kno but some do .... cybersitter hasnt got them all and never will cause they r always makin more so just try them alll and find it ...i tested it works fine!!! just depeneds on how determand u r go get to ur site i guess.....
AND SEE just did it there u think cybersitter would block the most easiest one ..... ???? well good luck catch u later alll CHHERS HAVE FUN Smile

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37
waaaaay easier way...

sign up for the circomventor list and web proxies are emailed to you regularly. then just go to the web pxy and enter in the url on the page. then just enjoy. also, if you are in IE, it tends to say that it has an invlad security certificate, thoes ones are the ones to shoot for. for some reason the ones that have bad certificates seem to last longer(At least on surf controll) ever since i emailed this tip, peacefire has been improving this and the latest proxy i have been using (See here) has been working for 6 months and counting as appose to the regular proxies that you will be lucky to get 2 uses out of.


digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
I wonder if it'll do google images...

and others, but no need, my class found a loophole by going to (Yes, CANADA!!!). My friend typed in 'boobs' for some reason.

Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-13 13:44
LOL but of course, that's what I use normally! Blum

roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:01

Our school does something similar, but on the server of the network.
And in the IT classrooms, since we've been know to hack past that portion of the network :), our teacher installed a software blocking tool and has fun taking over our computer's using it...although our class has figured out how to bypass it.

OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.

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