As i wake up this morning, take my needed medication, and head out the door to wait for the bus. 2nd hour i noticed, I DONT HAVE MY FLASH DRIVE!!!!!
I'm about ready to panic!!!!!
so hear i am, 6th hour in computer class, with no flash drive
doesn't that suck?
[Subject line clarified by Mod Tim]
David, you should really move this to the Off Topic Forum
wallet key ring. It's my everything. If I don't have them _right_with_me at any given point in time, it must be because I'm dead.
For you, quickly, download the program to your desktop! Unless you need your files.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
I wish i could but this school is a pain in the ......
i cannot download any exe or zip. (David goes >:P to school rules)
Na na na, come on!
hide a backup drive with all your Apps at school
but maybe thats not an option.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
ill install a portable version of firefox onto my school file and ill encrypt it with tucan and ill hide it
but.. there are 13.5 days of school left
maybe next year
Na na na, come on!
I (normally) always wear my flash drive around my neck, no matter where I am headed. I collect portable apps on it and it has helped me a great deal on unexpected occasions.
Life is a journey, where are you going?
But on the upside I get more August...
BTW, I wish I could get Ubuntu on my PC, but my dad forbids downloading. Yeah Right, like a computer could be useful w/o downloading!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Order it for free from ShipIt. Useful for that kind of scenario if you can wait, plus you get a nice printed original.
that's where my dad got it. I'll ask him.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I know I posted this before, but here it goes:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I went through. Oh, well, here it goes:
But on the upside, my flash drive abandoned me and now I'm using this one going at about 50 KB/s.
Oh, by the way, we don't get to plug in drives in Keyboarding.
And I am gonna be so bored in 7/8th grade! I mean they don't even use PHP there yet!!! They just use an HTML template, but I knew HTML since 2nd grade! Oh, well, I'll just not choose it for elective...
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
i didnt forget to take my flash drive to school, i took it to school and accedentally left it in the comp and now someone is having fun with my super awsome customized install of PAM and a whole lot of other crap. lucky for me i have so many copies of all of the different files scattered accross my comps and the net that i was able to recover everything. i still wish i had backed up my drive before that happened.
Don't worry, they probably stole your passwords, private data, ripped off you apps you were working on, and then deleted the entirety of the drive to use for their own malicious purposes.
BTW... My story's (well, my friend's story) is worse than that. He kept all his applications on his school net drive and one day he logged in to find all his files, programs, and class projects deleted. Then the next year, he had a game on his drive that he was working on for a programming class and had his account locked because of it until the teacher explained it to the school librarian/technological imbecile/unworthy self-given title of professional account and data blocking official.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
one time I was at the school library (they have computers in it) and I decided to show the class a neat little script.
so I type in shutdown -s -t 5400 (hour and a half classes) and then logout, leaving the computer saying that it will shutdown in an hour and a half. Everyones laughing and the "IT admin" of the school comes over to me and asks, "Will that be gone when we turn the computer off?" and I'm like "You tell me, your the administrator." The teacher started to crack up and the admin walked away lol. Best day ever.
That's half the reason that command prompt is "blocked", although not very well seeing how a bat file gets it back, at our school. The other half deals with the "netsend *" command (i wouldn't use it if i were you)...what a good day... ended with over half our 20-some person class getting suspended for 5 days and 5 people suspended for 2 weeks and accounts blocked for 2 months (not mine, though!). Our real IT guy (that knows what he is doing) came in the door saying "Back away from the keyboards!" right after we got a warning from someone in the library that messaged us back. Only 3 people got to leave without getting in trouble, me being one... Ahhh... Good day...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
One day I went to edit a logout script on my account at school and found it had been edited to display "Your account is being monitred - Netwok Admin" I was very paranoid that day. But that doesn't come close to the times 3 or 4 times the IT guys wiped my thumb drive clean remotely, thank god for backups
What did you do to get him to wipe your drive clean?? That's horrible. What if you had school work on that drive :^(
Release Team Member
They wipe your drive, the next guy to turn on the computer wipes there's.
That's why I usually managed to brute-force some accounts first
Yeah I was more of a black hat at that time, but that changed since then, I swear !