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Portable Apps Menu size

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Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
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Portable Apps Menu size

is there anyway to change the size of the menu?

I'm running portable apps on my eeePC and when i start the portable apps, the menu pops-up and occupies alomst half the screen estate. Am hoping to find a way to reduce the size of the menu so that it can fit nicely in a 800x480 puny screen. Thanks!

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-28 14:20
No Problem!

There is a way: Sent your eeePC to me and I will make it for you :-).
Ok, there's also a 2nd way: installing the PAM-R31-Modification. You will find it here:
Then you can use themes, some are very tiny. The themes and a how-to are here:
The mod is very stable and there's no cause weather you didn't use it til a new PAM with this features is coming out.

Life is crunchy, anywhere

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-09 20:50
I also own and use an EeePC,

I also own and use an EeePC, and just got my tiny 2 gigabyte pinkydrive today. Downloaded and installed the latest version of the PortableApps Backup/Menu, and then downloaded and installed PAM-R31. What really puzzled me was the following error message when launching the menu program (from the root directory):

"The PortableAppsMenu.exe is not a valid release and can not be launched."

Has something changed with the version 1.1 release that doesn't like PAM any longer? Or, was I accidentally downloading an older version of PAM?

Any assistance would be lovely.

"ZenCrafters. Total enlightenment... in about an hour!"

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

You'll need to download the 1.0 release of the Menu found here. Install it to a temp location, and grab the StartPortableApps.exe from the root directory there and replace the current StartPortableApps.exe on your drive with it.

The newest StartPortableApps.exe (one you have), is designed only to launch the official Menu.

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-09 20:50
That would explain it. Thank

That would explain it. Thank you Patrick!

"ZenCrafters. Total enlightenment... in about an hour!"

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-28 14:20
Mod31 PaTChed

This patched version of MOD31
will work with PAM 1.1 StartPortableApps.exe

Life is crunchy, anywhere

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-09 20:50
Thank you MrElchbau, the new

Thank you MrElchbau, the new update to MOD31 is working perfectly and I now have themes. *cheer*

I do have a configuration question though for theme creation, now that I'm taking a look at making my own. How does one dictate the size of the actual menu list itself (width-wise)?? I can see how you can set the height, but the width appears to be hard coded in... or am I just not seeing the option?

"ZenCrafters. Total enlightenment... in about an hour!"

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-28 14:20
Fine? Fine!

Just quick for the moment...
There are three points:
1.theme.ini: secton
2.theme.ini: section
must be 333 px width
must be 333 px width

Of course it must not be 333. I just took 333 to appreciates Issos Wink


Life is crunchy, anywhere

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-09 20:50
And so the questions

And so the questions continue... and if this is the wrong place to ask them, please do let me know and I'll gladly move this to the appropriate forum.

How does one adjust the actual menu size that you scroll within? At this time the menu list is dropping lower then the background image. Second, how does one cut short the width of the menu selection line? Again, it's poking out past the background image I am using.


P.S.: And my thanks to whomever wrote the original Compact theme, it was a wonderfully easy and simple place to start. Smile

"ZenCrafters. Total enlightenment... in about an hour!"

MrElchbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-28 14:20
Next Chapter

First, thx, I'm the author of the orginal Compact Theme Smile
And now:
Please don't hurt me, these are the facts, I'm just the delivery boy.
You can't change the width of the apps list! 240px are fixed! But if the theme is smaller than 240 px, it will be cut at the right border. The selecting box will be displayed til the right end of the theme! Also the font. So its necessary you chose a border color equals to the font.
Here's an example
The hight of the apps list is given by
That's how many apps are shown. You should change it to 7.
If you've got some further questions, you could also email me (my email is on my personal info page).
Happy theming,

Life is crunchy, anywhere

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-09 20:50
No worries about shooting the

No worries about shooting the messenger... I work that job myself and won't want anyone else having to duck as much as I do. Smile

Adjusted the height of the AppList and everything is good there. I kind of thought that the width was hard-coded in, so that didn't surprise me all that much, though it causes me to adjust/scrap a couple of my mini-theme ideas. *sigh*

Once again, thank you for all the information.

"ZenCrafters. Total enlightenment... in about an hour!"

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