Hello first post. I have been using my Sony Micro Vault Tiny for a while now. But when ever I try putting an autorun file on it, it get overwritten with this message
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
It will be read and overwritten.
Has anyone else expierenced this, is there any way around it?
If you use Netscape it is configured wrong or has a broken config file.
If you don't use Netscape you're infected with something.
Definatly dont use netscape, so does this mean my usb drive is infected, or the computer Im on?
Either one is possible. Download ClamwinPortable from this site and let it run a scan, or if you have plenty of time to spare, go to http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ and let their online scan run. Be sure to tell it to scan the full computer, or just your flash drive, depending on which you wanna do or how much time you have
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Don't quote me on this,
But I thought the Sony Micro Vault had some kind of "special" features, don't remember if it was compression or something like that.
It could be that the drive itself requires an expected autorun file and will not allow it to be replaced.
Confidence in this answer is medium.
See if you can search for information on the Sony Micro Vault on the web.
Edit: BTW, I believe that the identification:
!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1
is irrelevant, it is merely identifying a file type,
I don't think this has Any thing to do with Netscape.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
BTW, I believe that the identification:
!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1
is irrelevant, it is merely identifying a file type,
I don't think this has Any thing to do with Netscape.
That's actually kinda true, surprisingly FF 2.x's bookmark files starts with it also.
Ok I just tried it at home, and everything worked fine. Guess I will have to try running an antivirus at work. Thanks for the help guys!