OUTDATED! Please look at: https://portableapps.com/node/16779
Application: PortableApps.com ™ Updater
Category: Utilities
Description: Holds Your PortableApps up to date.
Download PortableApps.com ™ Updater 1.0 Beta 1 [1.2MB download / 1.4MB installed]
(MD5: 799b7ee6bc264042e8595cab6d8e69c3)
PortableApps Updater is an update tool with features like:
- automatic update of all hosted Apps
- multi-language support (offers the right localized package/informations depending of the selected language)
- built in md5sum check for the offered packages
- Support of all packages in paf format (Installer and 7-Zip packages)
- Configuration with ini (over config page), support for profiles
- built in support for randomized mirror servers
- built in support for http and ftp sources
- built in support for the Sorceforge and OOoDev mirror network
- proxy support (Windows Proxy by default, own proxy server, no proxy)
- proxy authentification
- add. parameters for wget
- personal blacklist (block update offers for unwanted Apps)
- recommend packages / make packages mandantory
- support for local or private web based (other servers than PortableApps.com) Application management
- self update support for the updater
It uses GNU Wget Version 1.11 as a binary version found on: http://wget.addictivecode.org/
(This version was compressed with upx --best --compress-icons=0 --crp-ms=999999 in order to save space.)
Learn more about GNU Wget
... in the Wget manual
... in the Wget Wiki
More about GNU wget...
Release Notes:
Version 1.0 Beta 1 (2008-0-04):
(db now hosted on portableapps.com thanks to John)
This version will fix the following issues:
- New icon, thanks a lot to NeoRame!!!
- Kill downloads without canceling the installer by closing the download window
- Support for different profiles (over ini see default settings.ini for details)
- support for up to 100 apps now
- no mirror randomize for sf hosted apps, sf randomizing now
Version 1.0 Alpha9 (2008-05-04):
(not Beta1, until the last issues fixed...)
This version will fix the following issues:
- Version check fix
- new icon (thanks again to Zé Pedro)
- Configuration page over /SHOWOP parameter only
Version 1.0 Alpha8 (2008-04-28):
(not Beta1, cause there was no new statement of John...)
This version will fix the following issues:
GUI (with multi-lang support) to change all settings (including target path and
proxy settings) - no run checkbox in the installer (really Smiling )
- better version check (only packages with higher version number than local)
- Proxy authentification support
- only packages for installed Apps as default
- license page and directory page removed
- new icon (thanks again to Zé Pedro)
- support for paths with blanks
- smarter database structure closer to appinfo.ini
- show version description instead version number)
Version 1.0 ALPHA7 (2008-04-10):
This version will fix the following issues:
- calculating size of selected packages
- prev and next button components page fixed (prev shows Welcome page, next checks if a App is selected)
- better size/style for components page
- Proxy authentification support
- use dynamic download banner instead fixed splash
Version 1.0 ALPHA6 (2008-04-07):
(ALPHA5 inclomplete upload)
This version will fix the following issues:
- Standard installer
- Change self update function
- enable restart for interupted download (wget )
Version 1.0 ALPHA4 (2008-04-04):
This version will fix the following issues:
- app.ini fix
- show local version information
Version 1.0 ALPHA3 (2008-04-03):
This version will fix the following issues:
- License- Welcomepage (show only once)
- updater.ini format closer to app.ini
- better function for component page preparation
- new icons (thanks to ptmb)
- self update support for the updater
- Defaults changed (packagedir set to $TEMP, pdel=true)
- Fix Path to license.txt
Version 1.0 ALPHA2 (2008-03-12):
Fix width of component page (thanks to John
- Defaults changed (packagedir set to $TEMP, pdel=true)
- Fix Path to license.txt
Version 1.0 ALPHA1 (2008-03-12):
- initial relase (it is stable but ALPHA for several reasons)
Version 1.0 1.0 ALPHA1 (2008-03-12): Initial release
Many thanks to Simeon for first tests, feedback and all the answers releated to questions and requests for this tool in the forums :-). Thanks to John (and all the contributors) for the installer and to the translators for the needed strings.
You'll find the older entries here:
Thanks for updating this awesome tool to Beta 1!
The self-update from alpha9 to beta1 doesn't work.
same here, autoupdate is checked but set opaque and doesn´t work. Advanced GUI opens but clicking on next doesn´t show a GUI.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
On WINE it seems not to work. First it gave me an database error. Then wget got frozen, gonna re-download to see if it works then, but for now it seems to simply freeze wget (had to kill it on taskmanager).
EDIT: Re-downloaded updater. Now it warns that a new version is available, every time. And wget still dies.
I had the same problem as r.andom, the self update wouldn't work, so I downloaded and installed manually and I am now having the same problem as ptmb, or something similar. It updates the updater every time I start it even though it is the same version.
Where do you put the parameters /showop /Data=home.ini to make PortableAppsUpdater.exe use them all the time.
Read X:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\App\DefaultData\settings.ini for an explanation of possible settings.
I read that and I would like to know where it goes in the settings.ini file
Both parameters are command line parameters. Average users will probably not need to use them in most cases.
If you need to show the configuration page, start the Updater with
PortableAppsUpdater.exe /SHOWOP
If you are using different settings files (e.g. X:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\Data\home.ini and X:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\Data\work.ini), start the Updater with
PortableAppsUpdater.exe /Profile=Data\home.ini
PortableAppsUpdater.exe /Profile=Data\work.ini
Hope this helps you. If not, please explain your problem more detailed.
In updater.ini, the MD5 hash for CoolPlayerp_Portable_2.19.1.paf.exe is wrong. It's the one from the outdated version (2.17.1).
[include $MANTRA "Thou shall double check MD5 hashes before publishing!"]
You closed the thread about alpha9 and set a link to this beta1 thread. The text of your link shows the right node number (14735), but clicking on it leads to the old alpha6 thread (12584). Can you please fix the link?
Thanks for the alpha to beta update!
... cause the sf mirrors was very slow with update.
In the database I've sent to John was the wrong VersionNumber for the Beta1 ( instead the in the appinfo.ini) and the old md5 hash for coolplayer++.
I've sent a ping to John for fixing this.
Until the database is'nt fixed You could set the entry in the appinfo.ini :
(after the self update)
Memo to me: 'don't make releases at night!'
Thanks to r.andom for supporting PortableApps.com Updater ;-).
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xp SP3 domain user
->updater.ini not found
complete fresh install
->no update necessary
XP SP3 admin
no problems
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
... to the internet or has wrong proxy settings?
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and settings set to auto, alpha had no problem. Autoupdate to beta 1 failed. Will try once again tomorrow. At admin no problems...
Another issue: if you use the advanced gui and click next nothing happens..
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
... the gui is only for configuration. The button should be finish instead of next. I'll try to change it with next version.
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proxy = auto -> error warning
proxy = none -> works without problems
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
... with auto the ie settings will be used. If the proxy configuration for the user is restricted for ie or wrong, updater will fail. With 'none' the updater connect direct to the internet without any proxy setting.
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Thanks Marko for you work on this one!
I like the new Icon and I have only one question:
"Who has the 100 Apps to update ?"
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
i like the new icon too.
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I've forgotten to set You in the release notes. Fixed now!
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There are by far more than 100 apps in the development chain, not counting the more than fourty apps already released.
Maybe on the long run loops and arrays are the better solution ...
There's not enough space on the finish screen to display the whole German text. See this screenshot.
*** PackageVersion=four digit numeric version number
You can't compare apples and pears
(read: letters and numbers)
In updater.ini the package version of VLC is wrong.
It should be: PackageVersion=
But it reads: PackageVersion=0.8.6.i
Please fix it ...
Are you sure Italians, Japanese and Chinese will be happy to share the same OpenOffice.org language version?
For all three the language code in updater.ini is set to the same value (1040).
The following files should be deleted:
and /App/AppInfo/appicon_old.ico too.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I'd suggest that you don't use real app names as example for blacklisting. I bet a user will copy the sample settings.ini unaltered and wonder why this app isn't updated
You may use something like "ExampleApp Portable=true" instead.
btw: Are comment lines in settings.ini possible? What should be the first sign of a comment line?
This is a limitations snapshot of the actual Beta1. These limitations may or may not change as development evolves.
Well, these are the limitations as far as I'm aware of them. Extensions or even better abatements are welcome!
Nonetheless the Updater is a wonderful tool and I like it very much!
I may have missed some option here but...
I would like to know if there is a way to not use the local machine for the downloads. For example, a way to specify a directory on the flash drive from which the updater is running.
Also, I like to keep copies of what I install in case I need to reinstall an app or share that application with another PC that has no access to the 'net. I saw a delete or not option, when I set it to not delete, it still did...?
Thanks for all the work on this one. I've been watching and waiting for this one.
Sys Specs:
Windows 2000 SP4
Domain user with administrative rights
/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum
start with /SHOWOP an set the package directoy to a a directory of your flash drive, set the option to save the downloaded packages.
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the release notes weren't clear as to where to set the output area... I'll have to test at home as the network dept. at work is in the process of implementing an Internet policy and may be blocking my access to sourceforge... every attempt via this app today times out... worked yesterday.
I'll let you know how it goes tonight.
Thanks for the assist.
/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum
Despite setting the /showop to not delete it...
I took a screen cap of my settings before running this and still it deletes the file after installation is complete...
What am I doing wrong? I want to save the downloaded file for reinstallation in offline situations...
Here are the contents of my INI file
/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum
to start th config gui, not a entry in settings.ini!!!
(or set pdel=1 in the settings.ini)
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I used the command line parameter to start the gui so I could set the parameters I wanted according to your directions... I used:
PortableAppsUpdater.exe /showop
Then I set the path to download to (which worked).
Then I made sure the checkbox for "Delete Packages after Install" was not checked.
See http://muskratsplace.atspace.com/PABug.html for my screen shot of what I have tried.
Then I ran the application with the command line parameters.
Updated the poker application and watched the directory after the install to see what would happen to the install application. It was deleted by the updater application despite my using the GUI interface to set it not to.
I even have tried updating the settings.ini as you mentioned above and the application still gets deleted after installation.
/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum
set pdel=false and it will be work.
It is a bug, cause the Gui set 0 or 1 and the sub asks for 'false'
Will be fixed next version.
THX for You feedback!
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Has this stopped working? Its no longer finding any updates which i can see are there.
but as stated elsewhere(don´t remember the post)not long ago, remember: this is a devtest not an officially released app and - as it seems to me - the management of the data base isn´t final. So, everything has to be added manually by now and that´s not top priority...;)
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
If it's not too early to ask for a feature, I'd like to ask for a way to tell it to extract the programs automatically to the default folders within [drive]/PortableApps/ if it's not too much trouble. I know that this could possibly interfere with somebody's customized configs (like xampp), but I (for one) would like it as an option.
Would something like this be easy/possible?
a post here about specifying the destinaton path. But the installers are designed to be independent so directly unpacking everything wont work. And it would mean a lot of work as some installers remove or update files and the updater would have to do that for them.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
You'll found on http://oooportable.org/portableapps/updater.ini
Untill John finds the time to update the database on
please use it (Start PortableAppsUpdater.exe with /SHOWOP an set the entry for the database.
I'll publish a small bugfix release (not real a beta2 its more a Beta1.1) tomorrow.
Perhaps John will find the time to update the file on portableapps.com or give the needed rights to me.
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1* make all download first as this part as no user interaction and can take some time and/or have an option "download only"
2* silent/unattended option: automatically updated all selected apps
3* support for test/pre-release apps
else thanks a lot for this greatest app
One bug i have:
can't installed PA Updater from win2ksp4 but can use it.
As Simeon said here, in reply, I have the "100 apps to update.
Since I've been offline for a while, I'll give this a try to update my thumbdrive.
Is it possible to select which sourceforge mirror to use?
In the UK, the "kent" mirror is by far the fastest available.
Beware of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Doesn't work for me.
I have configured it properly, i think. Suggestion: When you start it with /SHOWOP, have the next button begin the update process.
It attempts to download the package, quits, and says that the md5 sums don't match.
If I download the file, then cancel, it will delete the file, even though I told it not to in my configuration ini.
I am not behind a proxy. I have attempted to use the updater several times now, however, it has not worked correctly once.
If you wish, I will start a new topic.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
... if You enable 'save packages' a wrong path is used and the downloaded package will not be detected.
An Fix is ready and will be available with Bugfix release Beta 1.1.
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Lets just call it beta 2. And have you considered using the built-in NSIS download plugin (NSISdl) like I'm using for the Flash installer?
It would decrease the size A LOT, ditch the command line window (which we can't have in an actual release anyway) and automatically work with PCs that have properly configured proxies automatically.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
but in the past there was no working ftp support behind proxies with NSISdl:-(.
For Beta 2 I'll try to switch from ini to xml database so we can use it together with an xlt as status page too.
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That's ok. We won't be using FTP for downloads anyway. Too problematic with corporate firewalls anyway.
Do we really need to switch to XML? I don't think it buys us anything since we won't be using it for display. I'm working on a possible Delphi-based updated which would get over some of the NSIS shortcomings (descriptions compiled in, limited display window size, etc) and am currently playing with INI still.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
... cause nsisdl don't support authentification (was requested several times)
The next version will also come with a custom components page (no hard coded sections).
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... they are still buggy
No stable downloads, download rates up tp 25k (!) on vista with DSL 6000
no authentification and so on :-(.
I'll set my focus now to the custom components page and a better integration of wget.
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I get 1-2MB per second from other non-SF servers. It just seems to be the SF ones that are having issues.
Of course, SF is showing me that only ONE north american mirror is up at the moment (internap) and I only get under 50K/s when downloading under Firefox. This is bad. I wonder if SF lost their other mirrors when they buried the mirror logos as part of their site redesign.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
So this is a SF problem and I'll wait untill the mirrors are up again.
I have added support for default SF mirror (like on SF.net profile). Now
the user is able to set a default SF mirror to select the best known mirror to prevent randomizing trouble.
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The advantage of XML over ini is that it's supposed to be an universal machine readable data file that also browsers (with correct stylesheet) can read. I don't know if you can generate ini files automatically from a database of if the ini file needs to be manually updated.
I was hoping that in the future the updater would be synced together with an RSS feed or release list you use on the site.
Furthermore I hope the updater would use the NSIS instead of Delphi because of the simple reason of the free availability of NSIS. Doesn't NSIS offer a way to get bigger windows that are able to display more information? (I wonder because I've seen many different styles of setups that differ greatly among eachother all made with NSIS.)
And descriptions are compiled into the NSIS? Well I would guess that some runtime scripting would allow for dynamic descriptions.
Anyway, good to hear that the updater is still going on strong although we haven't seen an update to it for a while now.
The advantages of XML in most instances are highly overstated. We won't be providing this file for viewing in browsers. Nor will it be used by other applications. It's for use within the app itself. And NSIS doesn't handle XML well.
A Delphi updater would have far more flexibility than NSIS in terms of look and feel and integrate nicely into the platform.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I think it is fairly easy to include the descriptions into a database (ini or xml) and make the updater use them from there, like it downs all the app info from there.
Also, it could be easy with PHP5 to make a WebApp that makes a xml file with all of the info the updater needs, allowing developers to add themselves their apps to the list. (I really need to keep on with my PHP5 learning
Sweet, I'll let some apps go out of date then, so there's enough to test.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Hi there,
I initially tried the current beta (1.0 beta 1) in a location where (unknown to me) wget is blocked from accessing port 80. This resulted in the somewhat obscure error message:
Database Error
[path]\updater.ini not found! 1033
In addition, the progress messages appeared to suggest that the database retrieval had succeeded.
I suspect that it would be more helpful to tell the end user that the updated version information cannot be retrieved.
you'll need to poke around in App\DefualtData until you find the updater.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I tried to update my USB-PortableApps, but the Updater tells me all is ok.
All updates of November are not done.
Is there an info-file not updated?
It has been quiet for some time, and the updater has not been working in the last month, but rather states that "All applications are up-to-date" when they clearly are not.
The idea of an updater is great, so I would really like to see it as an official release soon.
... and will come with some nice features:
*smarter database format
*sortable colums for the offered Apps
*AppIcons for the installed Apps in the Comp. page
But could be this will be the last update for the updater, cause as John told here:
there will be a built in updater in the coming new Suite...
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... cause the work on OpenOffice.org Portable 3 is nearly finished
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First off this is an awesome and much needed idea.
I would suggest two points:
- A generic method to insert custom update addresses to the database. Such as apps that are still pre-release.
- When an error occurs, don't trigger a popup, just a text box with a log of successes and failures.
Personally, I appreciate your work thus far. Keep up the good work.