Sorry about asking so many questions but I just love this site.
I'm not looking to be a moderator but I am curious how all you guys became moderators.
I know John T. Haller created the site so of course he would be a moderator.
So how did all the other people like Marko Moeller, Patrick Patience, Ryan McCue, Steve Lamerton, and Tim Clark become one of the moderators?
Most of us (if not all) became moderators with some basic qualities. Fairly long-time member, around a lot, generally nice to members, contribute often, good looking, etc, etc.
patrick? good looking!? (runs back to mental assilam)
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Good looking? Is that why Pidgin crashed the day you put your picture as you IM logo?
Release Team Member
We all can't be born with good looks...
*cries when he realizes he is included in the "no good looks" side of things*
Anyway, it's not just time related. It mostly has to do with how helpful you are, if your polite, and so on. If it was time related, Patrick would be stuck with me and the other non-mods.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
I was always here. It's only been summer when I've been working a lot.
I am going to say nothing in fear of being banned for my statements.
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
I just want an official app:P
The only thing I remember is that John got you an official app after you did this: [A mod may delete this portion at will and make it seem that I'm a smart aleck or something]
Oh BTW, what exactly is sarcasm? Wikipedia didn't provide much :'(.
[link deleted by mod Tim]
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Is when you say something but mean something else (Almost always the exact opposite), and is usually pretty obvious.
Release Team Member
If all you had to do is be good looking then I'd be a moderator already.
No offense to all you ugly people.
everybody calls me fat and I still got a great looking photo ID card :D.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
How in the world did I get on the first page out of 1767 pages?
Am I the first on the list?
Release Team Member
No, you're second.
I wonder if this list changes by person. I just now rechecked it and I'm still first with a Mr. John T. Haller following at second. Here's the first page that I see.
Release Team Member
I think it's frequency of posts...
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
It changes. The list is different for everyone look at the copy past I did. I'm first on that one. I'm not even on the page you posted.
Release Team Member
Never understood why people want to be a moderator
More Work, No Glory,
There are really only 2 advantages to being a moderator:
1. You can edit your own post after someone has replied
2. You have a slightly better chance that John will reply to your e-mail
The rest is just work
Think about it,
Deleting Spam
Deleting Links to illegal software (after determining that it is)
Deleting Duplicate posts
Fixing Links
Closing Tags
The most important things are the things you can do NOW.
Be helpful,
Be polite,
Be welcoming,
Don't attack,
Reply with a gentle heart heart,
be "Moderate"
Oh, there is one more thing you can do as a moderator,

You can move someone else's Topic from one forum to another,
Which it appears is what happened with this Topic
It wasn't done be me though, I would have told you
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Do you get paid?
Just a grand every few weeks, I still need to keep my day job.
Poor Patrick
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
It sounds realistic considering JOhn's hosting plan...
And great reponsibility comes with great power.
I just figured that the Admin Mods have the ability to lock the whole site (Mwahahah! I'm going to ask Ryan to delete the site!!! }:P)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Never understood why people want to be a moderator
More Work, No Glory,
Lets not forget the chicks...
How many?
Like I can even count them all anymore...
0 too big of a number for ya? jk jk
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
No, You just can't count 0 of something
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
lol...well he did imply that he couldn't count how many....
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
don't forget the description of caters to a mostly male audience. The average user reads LifeHacker and buys software from
I don't know many forum users around here that are female other than Granny Geek (and online dating is just plain barbaric EEWWW!)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I read lifehacker....don't buy from snapfiles though....why would i buy any software that has an open source alternative that is just as good or maybe even better? not all OSS is a great as it's proprietary counterpart, but saving $ is worth a few missing features.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
*Cries when he can't figure out what anyone is actually talking about*
"I'm not on the list, so... is that good or bad?
"Are you threatening a government official!?"
"WE! print the money"
"WE! tell you how to spend it"
"We BREED! the super soilders"
"Um...Forget that last part about the super soilders"
i have no idea what that list is for....nothing at all related to being a moderator though...
Tim said this in one of his posts
The most important things are the things you can do NOW.
Be helpful,
Be polite,
Be welcoming,
Don't attack,
Reply with a gentle heart,
be "Moderate"
That's probably the best advice. Other things that help would be having a general understanding of how apps work, being active in the forums, and a willingness to contribute to the community.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Can I eat them when they grow up?
chicks = english slang for girls
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
chickens = english slang for womens
chicks= english slang for HOT women that are apparently undertaking surgery to make themselves look attractive :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
oddly's usually fox not chicken lol....
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
The 60's? I'm in high school and I have never heard anyone (in real life) call a woman a fox.
Release Team Member
87 lol.....i have heard it....not often though
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
That's a good one
(gluxon, check my bio at )
I never thought that I would meet another eleven year old here.
Bye the way.
Are there any females here? It seems like the site is filled with males.
Maybe, but you have to feed them with your credit cards
I would say something semi-helpful, but it seems that Tim's already got it exactly right.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
How in the world did this forum start from talking about moderators to chicks and foxes?
Look up and read Patrick's comment then the ones falling behind it.
Release Team Member
oh yea...blame the good looking ones
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
that's why it's called off topic. It's what we do best.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.