People have been asking for open source applications that have already been created, in development, or pre-release. Please search before asking for an application. Beucause you are just gonna end up with post like these. Sorry.
please do not request updates, the devs know about updates usually before you do
they are also very busy people, handling multiplier projects at once, and their real lives too, they will update xchat and other programs when they get around to it
Please read the Un-official Request Apps Guidelines before posting.
r.random why did you ask me to read the Un-official Request Apps Guidelines before posting for xchat?
besides, I just downloaded the portablexchat and it works great.
People have been asking for open source applications that have already been created, in development, or pre-release. Please search before asking for an application. Beucause you are just gonna end up with post like these. Sorry.
Na na na, come on!
please do not request updates, the devs know about updates usually before you do
they are also very busy people, handling multiplier projects at once, and their real lives too, they will update xchat and other programs when they get around to it
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
Except there's no update for X-Chat available.
So... you know.
There is a Xchat in the beta section.
Here's the address for it [XCHat Portable]
There's no place like
Thanks so very much
It works great.
I didn't know there already was an xchat available.
How can I see every single app that is available for download? Even apps which are not yet final?
Well, here's some [not] final releases:
For all the official ones, go here:
There's no place like with lots more. shouldnt be used as reference.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate